Monday 17 September 2018

Monday Update On Iron Lady

Rishi smiles at the monitor and cries fondling her and begging her to see the mark of their love and it's heartbeat. He cries holding her hand and gets flashbacks of his first meeting with Indira and other happy moments with her and tells her that she have sacrificing a lot and at least she have left something for them.
Adding that with this sacrifice, she also made their beautiful dream to come true. He begs her not to go away from him and begs her to open her eyes and see that their child is calling her and to at least listen to it's heartbeats. He fondles her, he takes her palm and places it on her tummy and plead with her to open her eyes for the sake of their child.

On the other hand, Sharma Niwas has turned into a prayer hall, where people of different religion Hindus, Muslims, and Sikhs chant the prayers to God and read their holy book constantly in order to save Indira. Mr Chedda ( Indira's boss) too prays for her welfare. At the hospital, Shwetha comes to Rishi and puts her hand on his back to make him stand asking him to come on and suggest they should go and assurring her that the doctors will take care of her. Rishi holds her hands and weeps. He begs Shwetha that she is his friend and request her to save his wife and child. He weeps continuously watching Indira. Swetha urges him to stand and tells him to come on and go now. Rishi lets go off Indira’s hand and it falls limply on the edge of the bed. He appear miserable looking at Indira as he is being taken away. Dr. Kashyap rushes in to examine Indira once again. Rishi watches them anxiously.

Dr. Kashyap tells Rishi that he is sorry and they have done their best but in vain as the stroke has resulted in coma. She adds on that before itself, the tumor had eaten up major part of the brain and her long stressful life too increased the stroke. Rishi is dumbfounded hearing this that his wife falls into a coma and the lady doctor exclaims that the baby’s heartbeat is also weakening. Dr Kashyap examines the monitor and says the baby’s life is threatened. Rishi sobs silently. He turns to Shwetha and Dr Shwetha scold him asking how can he be so irresponsible that he was aware that Mrs. Indira Sharma was pregnant. Rishi is astonished. Swetha is remorse and silent. The doctor further tells Rishi that in spite of this, how did he allow her to dance in the wedding and if anything happens to the child, then who will be responsible?. And how could he be so irresponsible?. Shwetha lowers her head. Rishi pulls her hands coarsely gritting in anger and asks Shwetha if she know about it?. Shwetha is silent while Rishi demand her to tell him if she knew about it?. He still grasp her hands and says if she had known that then why did she not stop indira?.

Munna Interrupts them and pulls Rishi from Shwetha and tells him to just leave her. Rishi who is still gritting in anger and asks how can she ( Shwetha) cheat him like this. Shwetha try to explain to him that it is because his wife is in coma and the baby is near death. When he hear that Indira slips into coma, Rishi holds Shweta responsible for Indira's condition and adds on that if anything happens to the baby, he will not but Munna interrupts him by pulling him and goes out of the ward, suggesting they should go. Shwetha feels remorse and silent.

A desperate Rishi tells Dr. Kashyap with tearful eyes to please find a way to help his child. Dr. Kashyap says there is only one option. Rishi and Munna look keenly as the doctor informs him that they need a woman who is capable of carrying the child in her uterus and nurture it to it's full term. Munna mumbles in confusion. Rishi is baffled. But as Rishi’s hopes of becoming a father are about to come to an end, Shwetha comes to there and however, Shweta makes a decision towards the situation that may affect the future she had hoped to share with Rishi. She agrees to become a surrogate mother of Rishi and Indira's unborn child. Rishi gets shocked on hearing it and regards her keenly.

Three months later, in the Hospital Rishi ask Dr. Kashyap if he can take his wife home. Dr Kashyap says yes that they have done their level best since these 3 months but she is not responding and now he can take her back to the house where there will be hope that she may come out of coma due to familiarity of the place. Adding that their medical staff will be making frequent visit and checkups on her there. Rishi thank the doctor. Indira is been shifted to Sharma Niwas by an ambulance. Rishi carries her to the entrance with Shwetha behind him and telling Indira who is still in coma that she is back to her home. Kutumb carry the aarthi plate and tells Indira that the house looks empty without her all these days and begs her to get well soon. She does an aarthi and places a tilak on her forehead. Munna tells a passersby to see who has come back that their Hitler Didi ( iron lady) Indira Sharma has come home after some months and now she is quietly sleeping, but they should wait and watch that she will soon come around and take charge over everyone and the fear and tension will be back again. Adding that from now onwards, he will quit drinking and no pizza for Mrs. He will stop-beating Ishaan even if he does not studies properly and he will also quit being the rowdy on the lane. Indira is been taken into a room, laid down on a abed and is been supplied by glucose and other needs by Rishi. He sits beside her and tease a sleeping Indira that she is having fun here making him to serve her all the time. He tells her to get well soon and see how he can serve her later on. Shwetha watches them from the door and smiles.

Shwetha is almost 6 month pregnant and she feel the swell of her tummy in happiness and talk to herself that she did not know that by sharing other people's happiness will also make her thrilled. She is sure her amendments will eliminate the fault she have done. Rishi in formal clothes is going to work. He meets Shwetha at the courtyard who offers him some water. He takes it with much hesitance and suddenly he hears Indira's voice calling out to him in excitement. He throws the glass on the floor and rushes towards her room in excitement to see Munna playing a video of Indira. He sits near her bed, he keeps talking and narrating to her of the happenings in the video and laughs. Rishi regards them gloomily. Munna is frustrated as there is no response from his sister Indira, he tells her to get up and scold him and that he have drunk 2-3 times. He asks if she is listening to him?. He looks at Rishi who is impassive and tells Rishi to see her, that he don't know day by day and he feel nervous about what is going to happen next?. Rishi consoles him that she does not seem to respond to them at all and how can she be cured?. Munna weeps holding Rishi's hand while Rishi tells him not to worry that she will be all right. Rishi is examining the wavering image of the baby on the monitor in the hospital and he is excited that their baby is so cute.

He turns around with pleasure to take Indira's hand while she is lying on the bed and kisses it that she have given him a very beautiful and loving gift. Suddenly, he looks up to see Shwetha's hand in his hands. He goes remorseful and apologize to her. Shwetha smiles secretly and think in her heart that she wish she was that girl whom he love so much but her fate is different. She is not worried for the love, which he did not give her, will definitely be returned back to her from his and Indira's baby one day. Swetha read a book, sitting on the bed beside Indira while Kutumb and Amma are doing some knitting work and due to yoga, a woman will lose 5 pounds in 5 minutes. She asks if they know how that happens when she delivers the baby after pregnancy. Amma and Kutumb laugh at her joke. Kutumb says the joke is wonderful and regards the peaceful sleeping Indira and begs her to laugh. Suddenly, Shwetha clutches her tummy and give a cry of pain. Kutumb and Amma panic. Shwetha smiles that the baby kicked. Amma and Kutumb go thrilled. Swetha allows Kutumb to place her hand to feel the kick of the baby inside her. Kutumb is overjoyed for her daughter and tells Indira to see her baby. She takes Indira's hand and places it on Shwetha tummy. Rishi walks inside curiously to see the excitement and inquire what happened?. Kutumb is overjoyed see Rishi and tells him that his baby is kicking. Rishi smiles hearing this and says he too want to see. He comes near Shwetha and goes aloof. Amma excitedly urges him to come on and go ahead. She then asks why is he feeling bashful?. Kutumb also urges him to go ahead. Rishi regards Indira and hesitantly places his hand over Shwetha's tummy. He goes excited when he senses the kicking movement inside and places his ears on her tummy to feel the kick again. Rishi think to his wife, that their child is going very daring and tells her to see the way he kicks, he has to acquire her ( Indira) qualities and he is waiting for the day when he will hold the baby and show it to her. Kutumb once again places Indira's hand over Shwetha's tummy.

At Sharma Niwas, a prayer is been performed. The priest is chanting the Maha Mrithunjaya Mantra and the Sharma family members along with Rishi and Amma are praying. Rishi is praying and thinking that this is too much, telling his wife that it is time for her to get up. He begs God to please show some kind of miracle to wake her up from this incessant sleep. Just then, Shwetha staggers into the courtyard in pain and calls out for aunty. All rush to her. Amma tells them that she think it is near her delivery time. Kutumb panics holding Shwetha who is under pain and suggests they should take her to the hospital. Shwetha struggling and clutching, she plead with them to call the doctor to the house that she can't go there. Amma and Kutumb take her inside, while Rishi and Munna go to get a lady doctor. Later, the doctor arrives and attends to Shwetha in her room. Outside, the priest continues to perform the prayer and chant the sacred mantras. Inder and Munna sit around the havan. Rishi rushes to Indira's room in delight and fondles her. He excitedly holding her hand and lovely calls her his wife that their baby is going to come into this world and begs her to open her eyes.
In Shwetha's ward, she is crying out in pain while the women console her and give instructions during the delivery process. All of them anxiously wait for the birth of the baby and finally the baby arrives and is seen crying. Smile erupts on everyone faces as Shweta gives birth to a baby girl. Rishi fondling Indira in joy and tells her that their baby has come into this world and they are now the proud parents. Kutumb comes out of the room excitedly to the men and announce that it is a girl and she looks just like Indira and that in fact, she is her shadow.

The lady doctor is about to place the baby in blissful Shwetha's arms. Suddenly, Rishi appears from nowhere and takes the baby away from the doctor's hand. Shwetha looks at him in disappointment. Rishi joyfully fondling the baby in his arms and asks his baby if she want to see her mother?. He tells her to come and sees her mother. Shwetha continues to stare after them with tears in her eyes. Rishi darts into Indira's room in joy and tells her to see who has come to see her?. Adding that their baby looks exactly like her. He fondles the baby and places it on the bed on Indira's arm. He sits down beside her and fondles Indira. Suddenly, he notices some slight movement on Indira's fingers on the arm where the baby is laid. Rishi touches her hand and tells her to get up and see their baby. He always had a feeling that their daughter will bring her conscious one day and his daughter is going to do something that the specialists could not do it. He fondles Indira and the baby and tells his baby that she need to wake her mother up as she has gone into a deep sleep. Rishi leaves both of them in the room, rushes outside to the courtyard and stutters in joy. He tells them that he just seen Indira's hand movement now.

Others are in disbelief by his words and the family is once again thrilled. Rishi rushes back to Indira's room to see the baby missing from the bed. He panics and goes to Shwetha's room to see the baby in her arms. Rishi fumes in anger and asks how dare she take the baby from it's mother and who gave her this permission?. He reminds her that he had already informed her that after the delivery of the baby, she have no right over it and tells her to give him back his baby. Shwetha sternly refuses that she will not give it. Rishi is stunned and wince that he know that she will do something like this and that is the reason why he made this contract. Shwetha is irritated and says the baby needs to be fed with mother's milk for the first time and it is like antibiotic to the baby. She adds that she. will not give this baby anything else and asks Rishi if he understand that point?. Rishi goes remorse and walk away fondles the baby and lovely calls her his princess and asks if she want to have milk now?. Rishi turns around going aloof. He tells Shwetha to just remember one thing that she is not the mother and it's mother is his wife, Indira. Rishi further warns Shweta not to get emotional attached towards his daughter. Shwetha sobs and smiles at the baby that perhaps, she is her first mother to shower all the love to her and before anyone tries to snatch her away from her, she should just come to her. She sobs and promise to love her wholeheartedly and kisses the baby.

Rishi goes back to Indira and sits besides her studying her hand now gone limp. He recollects some of the happier moments he had shared with her. The baby naming ceremony function of the baby is been held in Sharma Niwas. Kutumb fondles the baby and says today is her naming ceremony day, she feel that Indira has become small and has come back to them. She then turns to the priest to please read the horoscope of the baby and tells them in which letter should the name start?. Others are pleased. The priest read the horoscope and in her horoscope, it's state that the sun is near Mars and hence the girl will be intelligent and well cultured. The name should start with the letter "ga". Everyone go deep in thought. Shwetha cheerfully says Geetha and she will be powerful as Bhagvad gita. Rishi is irritated as Shwetha says she always wanted to keep her baby's name as Geetha. Rishi gets up and blurts out ironically that the name is good but to spare it for her baby. Others are snubbed and he smiles and then says actually his wife and him have already decided the name for their baby. He says Cheeku for boy and Antara for girl. He turns to the priest and asks how is the name Antara?. Shwetha is snubbed as Rishi did not regard the name she choose for the baby. The priest says their is no problem and it is not harmful to the baby. Rishi goes to take the baby in her arms and fondles it announcing to everyone that the name is Antara.

Munna too fondles the baby. Shwetha is disappointed and is speechless. Munna says she don't feel Antara is suitable for her and asks Rishi to choose something else. He fondles the baby in his arms. Ishaan excitedly suggests why can't they call her Indu?. Others go thoughtful and happy. Munna agree and says why not?. He then asks Rishi if the name Indu is alright?. Rishi agrees. He fondles the baby and announce that hdr name will be Indu, tiny hitler of Chandni Chowk and in response the baby kicks him on his arm. Munna happily tells everyone that she kicked him just now. The Sharmas get elated when Rishi names his daughter Indu and says tiny Hitler. He know that once she grow up, she will take charge over him, just like her mother. Everyone take turns to fondle the baby as Shwetha watches them in gloom face. Rishi happily takes Indu in his arms.

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