Friday 7 September 2018

Friday Update On Iron Lady

Indu breaks the coconut and inaugurates the shop. indu is pleased seeing all this. all the sharmas including indu are dancing. rishi is lost in his own thoughts. He smells something fishy with inuds recent behavior. The sweet stall inauguration celebration and dance continues. Indu feels dizzy and she moves aside and looks on at her family celebrating.

She is happy that her family can support themselves now even without her help. She thinks ' I have been waiting to see this for long. Now they won't have to be at other's mercy for their expenses. Now there are 28 more days to change the face of SF and to expend love and happiness on them.Jump a is watching all this from a distance. She is angry and jealous. She tells herself' Inder sharma is enjoying with his family sending her off to Kolkatta. Indira is trying to unite her family. She will also see to it that how Indu can do it. Watches on angrily at a contended Indu.Inshi Room ' Rishi is fast asleep. Indu switches on the handy cam and starts recording her convo. In another 5 more minutes one more day of her 30 days will be over. She will have only 28 more days. But Iam happy. Inder sharma has opened a shop, Mandy has started taking studies seriously and Munna has started working for a drama house. He has even invited me to come to watch him perform the Ramleela. I am wondering why I didn't think about this idea before. If I had done this before itself, by now everyone would have been settled. She switches off the handy cam and keeps in draw.She goes to look at sleeping Rishi. Lovingly puts blanket on him and comes and sits by his head. She thinks; What will you do Rishi when I am gone? I know you will miss me the most. Only if I could ask from my life for a few more days to spend with you. You need me a lot. Lovingly she cares his hair and kisses him on his forehead. She combs her hair and comes to her side of the bed. She finds that her hair is falling heavily.

She looks at her fallen hair, gets upset and is about to tell rishi when she see that he is sleeping. Indu thinks -  who am I fooling. In these distressed moments I need you more, not the other way.She holds his hands and thinks ' I would like to cry my heart out in your shoulders. But I can't even share my pain with you. She puts her head on his shoulder's and hold him and sleeps off. Day 3A milk man in CC cycles and stops at camera.  Says only 28 more days are remaining, and how can everything be finished in 28 days?Indu adds one more lottery ticket to her collection. Tells herself 'she is getting these tickets as if a gambler keeps on gambling for his life. As If they know that the one who goes never comes back, but still keeps on gambling, for the sake of his hearts contentment. Mandy comes in and tells indu that she is leaving for exams.  Indu tells her that she knows that this time she will pass with very good marks. Mandy promises that this time she won't shame her. Indu says she believes as she knows that she has worked hard. Mandy feels guilty. Indu wishes mandy all the best.Inder is buying tamarind from a street vendor. He asks for 10 kg tamarind and the vendor wonder why he needs so much. Inder syas that he has opned a sweet cum snacks stall, and his wife kutumb prepares the best tamarind chutney. Vendor is happy says that when Inder's business rises, his own business will rise too. Inder happily turns around and finds Jump a looking at him. He is very shocked and runs away from the place. Jumpa chases him. Inder is not able to run fast as he has a heart condition. He still manages to run from jumpa's clutches. He runs and finds kutumb waiting for him with a glass of water worried for his condition. He hides behind kutumb from jumpa.

Indu, Rishi and Ishaan come to the Ramleela stage. Radhe is on stage announcing the proceedings. Sunaina welcomes them and tells indu that her brother is working very hard and if he continues to work so hard, he has been promised the position of senapati (HOD defence) of the monkey regiment. Indu asks for her brother andMunna comes to meet his sister, son and BIL. He is happy to see the mall and tells them that today his wish has been fulfilled. He will play on stage and his family will clap for him and encourage. Sunaina says she is very proud of her husband. Indu is smiling hearing all this. Ishaan says they will clap and also whistle for his dad. Indu's eyes are filled with happy tears and Ishaan is worried why his bua is crying. Munna too gets concerned and tries to wipe off her tears with the end of his monkey tail. Indu says something has gone into her eyes and nothing to worry. He arranges seats for his family in the front row. Sunaina is happy that if Munna works hard like this Indu will leave the house in their name. Kutunder comes and they hear half and asks what house are u talking. Munna says the drama house. Jumpa is also shown sitting behind.The stage opens for the show and here comes Radhey Shyam Pandey who welcomes everyone to watch the show 'Lanka Kaand'. Everyone claps and whistles. Indu is happy, everyone in SF is shown happy. Raavan is pushed on stage and every actor enters stage from under the curtains.One side forms Raavan sena and the other is Sriram sena. SF misses Munna on stage. Raavan starts his dialogue against Ram sena while he forgets his dialogue. Munna comes in monkey avtar at this point and starts delivering Raavan's dialogue. Every one on stage and off stage is confused why munna is giving raavan's dialogue. Munna continues with his raavan dialogue delivery when raavan asks him why he is saying his dialogues. Munna tells him that he is saving his job by doing it. Raavan says he is not saving him, but insulting him. Then starts a fight between raavan and monkey munna. Onlookers on stage get confused and try to separate them and audience laughs.

SF is worried why munna is spoiling it. Inder gets upand tells that Munna has spoiled this. At this point a man comes and stumps at him. Then he goes to Jumpa and gives her the keys.Jumpa walks away with the keys and we see that mandy is coming along with her girl friendsandy and is happy that the exams went very well. She thanks sandy for her help.On ramleela stage, the show is on. Raavan askshis men to go and fight with the ram sena with swords and tear them off. At this time munna enters and tells him thatarrow and bow and swords are old ammunition. Now it's the age of AK47. SF is confused. Onlookers are amused. Raavan asks who are you. Munna says I am Duryodhan. Audience are confused, and one man asks Duryodhan in Ramayan? Among the audience the man whose hair cut was done by MuSu is also there. Everyone is lol. Munna tells raavan that he has come with the latest technology ammunition for his senaand mock fires at the Raavan sena. Then laughs off and says the gun is fake. Every one in stage starts fighting and munna's shades comes off. The hair cut prey of MuSu recognizes him. He batters munna on stage. Indu comes to push them off, but she feels dizzy and falls on Rishis lap.Mandy is walking towards her home when she is called from behind by Mushtaq bhai. She asks why he ishere. He says that he has brought her the exam papers for the next day. She tells him that we did not have any such deal. Still she takes it from him, gives money and tells him that she doesn't want any help from him again. Some one is recording this on a handy cam.Jumpa gets in to Inder's shop and mixes something in all the eateries kept there.

4th Day:A person on the street is shown saying: Hitler lost one more hope yesterday. She has only 27 days left now. Will her dreams be fulfilled?Indu buys another lottery ticket. she asks him whether this time she has any chance of winning? the lottery seller advice her to buy a 60 days lottery ticket instead of the 30 days one she has bought...then there would be higher chances of her winning. 30 days is too  short a time span to offer any sort of guarantee. indu says there is guarantee of one thing...what is that one day...everyone will soon come to know! mandy is leaving for her exams & meets indu. mandy is confident that she wont fail this year...she says she might even top her class! indu is glad to hear this. when indu is buying the lottery  ticket radhey comes there& says seeing her purchasing the ticket he too wishesto buy one. he considers indu as his sister & says who can be more luckier than his sister to pick out a lottery ticket for him? indu picks out a 4 lac ticket for him.people at random are coming to SN touse their toilet facilities...saying that they r suffering from loose motions because of inder & hence they r here! munna sees this as a nice new way of earning money...Rs.2 / person. Indu sees this & asks the people whether they dont have a toilet in their homes? Jhumpa answers each house has a toilet but after eating sweets from inders shop every member of every family in CC has fallen ill...hence due to less no. of toilets they are all here at SN. At the shop people are threatening Inder. They are blaming kutumb & inder for almost the entire CC falling sick after eating things from their shop. a man angrily pushes kutumb aside & she is about to land flat on her face but indu saves her at the nick of time. jhumpa gets some food inspectors with her to the Sharma shop. The inspector says that since morning they have received many complaints about Sharmas shop...many people have complained of falling ill after eating sweets from Sharmas shop...a case of food poisoning has been made & hence the shop will be sealed as per orders from their superiors. the samples from the shop will be taken for lab testing. indu requests the inspector to not seal the shop...however the inspector says that u shud b thankful that no one has seriously fallen ill...or inder n kutumb cud have landed in jail.

 indu tries to reason with the inspector saying that this is their only source of income, etc...but the inspector does not relent. he adds that if they wish to reopen the shop, they will need to give an application at the food dept & have to pay a penalty of 3 lacs. the shop is sealed! jhumpa is secretly delighted.Inder is blaming kutumb for the entire food poisoning incident. he says it was because of her carelessness that this has happened. kutumb is sobbing away! inder says now bcoz of u i have lost the house...this is the reason y i had left u in the first place & calls her a fool. says he did a big mistake by coming back to her. kutum blashes back saying its not too late ...u can go back to jhumpa. jhumpa appears out of thin air behind inder...says u lost urshop bcoz of this woman, u will neverprogress as long asu r wid this woman. she asks inder to come back. kutumb begins with her begging asking inder not to leave...says whatever she said b4 was out of anger...she didn't mean a word of it....says i love u a lot& wont b able to live w/o u. they begin with their usual tug - of - war, inders 2 wives pulling him from both sides. in this tugging the key ring which jhumpa has (attached to herwaist) falls down. indu picks up the fallen keys. ...the keys r of the sharmas sweet shop. indu asks her y does she have these keys with her? jhumpa tries tolie saying that the keys are of a trunk in her house but indu is not convinced & gives jhumpa a tight slap!indu figures out that jhumpa is behind all the food poisoning fiasco...slaps her a second time for playing with the health of so many people for her own selfish needs...n is about to slap her a third time when inder stops her n asks her not to hit jhumpa. indu says if he still wants to side with jhumpa he can leave SN & dont bother coming back.  however inder isnt about to forgive jhumpa...he picks up a wooden stick & starts beating her with it...says it was his biggest mistake to fall for a woman like her who doesnt have a shred of decency or conscience. inder throws her out of SN. ...jhumpa says she wont go from SN...inder says she will as he doesnt even wish to see her face henceforth. inder with teary eyes assures indu that he will re open the shop a park a laughter club is in progress. a group of people are laughing. however one person in the group isnt laughing but is standing there with a serious expression on his face n soon walks away from the group. rishi is observing all this from afar. rishi walks up to him & asks him why wasn't he laughing with the others? the man says those men are laughing on their wives. at their age (they are all old) thats the only thing which men find so funny. rishi says my wife too keeps on nagging me...he asks the man if he can join the club?

the man says sure why not. rishi asks him again his reason for not laughing with the rest of them...the man replies these nagging wives pester their husbands when they r there but when these nagging wives leave/ die...u understand their true worth. ur life is incomplete without them...that is when u understand the amount of love that was present behind all her nagging. my wife is whose nagging can i make fun of? he gives an advice to rishi: fight with ur wife, get angry...but in all this understand her lovefor u & return back her love a 1000 fold. rishi gets emotional but in order to cheer up the man asks him to look at the sky above them...he says look up there...ur wife is laughing at u...hearing this the man starts laughing. rishi asks him to keep on this is what makes life beautiful.indu is purchasing vegetables in CC when rishi lands up there & hugs her. indu asks him the reason for this sudden spurt of love. rishi says promise me that wewill grow old together & when thetime comes for us to part...i will be the first one to go (die).indu covers up his mouth & gets all emotional & nervous. rishi keepson pestering her for making the promise but at the same time ishaan calls indu back into SN asking her to see something they are showing on TV. On TV there is a news about a sting operation conducted by the channel on college students. a photo of mandira is flashed& the news reader says: this is a DU student who is purchasing exam papers in order to pass in her exams. the DU vice chancellor has said strict action will be taken against this student & all the universities across India may blacklist Mandira which indirecly means that her career is ruined forever. indu, rishi & ishaan are shocked to see this.

A professional: (standing near Sharma Nivas looking at his watch around midnight) Now 4 days have passed and Hitler didi didn't realise her dreams also. If anyone was in her place, they would have gone down, But she is strong and is willing to cope up with difficulties. Now let's see what happens.He moves away andMandira comes in and tiptoes into Sharma Nivas and into her room. Oncein her room, she closes the door andblurts out that she has been saved and others have dozed off. She starts to sing the anarkali disco chali. At one point, she forgets the line and tries to recollect the lyrics. Indira enters her room blurting out the forgotten lyrics.Indira: So you had forgotten these words.Mandira: (surprised) didi, youhaven't gone to sleep. (Indira remains quiet lowering her head). Actually, today was the last exam and hence I had been toa movie with friends. That is why I came late. Sorry.Indira: (fondling Mandira's hair) how was your exams.Mandira: (brightening up) it was good. I had worked so hard thatI will not only pass but will get good marks also.Indira: (sternly) ok, Now everyone has come to know about your hard work. (she drags her to the living room and turns on the TV.

Mandira is baffled. The news about question papers leak and Mandira pictures are shown. Mandirafreezes on spot watching the pictures.Indira: (going agitated she slaps Mandira ) so this was your hard work? (Indira pulls Mandira's hand andtwist it behind her back.) You people have played a joke on me. No one in this house has realized their responsibility. You think my dream is all about a joke. Why? (harshly slapping Mandira). One person is sitting idle at home and another one has locked up his shop and third you go in crooked way of in getting thing done. (Indira continues to slap her ruthlessly while Mandira protests). Now what should I do with you people. (She twists Mandirahands again. Rishi and Sharma family members arrive and interfere in the fight.)Rishi: (comes in front of Indira to console her) hey what are you doing?Indira: (still agitated, trying to move away from Rishi) you don't come in between us. I will not spare her . (She tries to reach out for Mandira but Rishi receives a slap from Indira unexpectedly. Indira stops and stares at him going remorse.)Rishi: (trying to calm her) Now stop it.

This is enough or else I too will get some of them. (Indira blurts out sorry, he takes a breath) now see, whatever has happened has happened. Mandira has committed a mistake but now your beatings will not solve any problems. Now we need to think of something to bring Mandira out of this mess or else her future will be ruined.Indira: (frustrated) there is nothing to think about her now. Now it is time for her marriage and please find a groom for her. (Others appear stunned)Mandira: (determinedly) no way. My wedding will not happen. You always make a decision on our lives and pressuriseus a lot. It is due to your autocratic behaviour I need to take this path. In addition to this, the greed of the house too made me think in those terms. She had promised to hand over the house in my name if I pass the exams.The Sharma family members look at her in astonishment.Munna: the house in your name.Indar: no way.Mandira: (looking ateveryone's reaction) oh ok, sheallured you people with this one also.Indira goes wild and charges at Mandira.Rishi pulls her back pacifying her.Mandira: (frustrated) Rishi, do not stop her. We are used to her beatings. Anyway, she is our blood relation. Now, you can get me married after choosing a person for me. I willbe very happy.Rishi: Stop talking nonsense. Do you know what you said just now?Mandira: Yes, I already made my decision and the rest is upto you. (She walks away crying. Kutumb and Sunaina go after her.)Rishi: (to Indira) now please relax and do not take too much stress. Now you need to care about chiku. The stress will fall on this baby. Please take care.Indira walks away quietly.Munna: Now I have been cheated and pray to god to take away the pain in me. (Indira by staircase turn around to glance at Rishi)Indar: I too cannot believe that I too have been cheated.Indira walks out of to the courtyard andup the stair in distress while the music "Abhi mujh mein kahi" plays in the background.

Meanwhile, Rishi is listening to the woes of Munna andIndar as they discuss that Indira has taken advantage of their innocence and cheated them.Rishi: (suddenly becomes agitated and lambasts). What are you innocent? it is not Indira who has cheated you. But weare the ones who are cheating her now. She is going to be a mother soonand we are still lazy,unemployed and useless.(to Munna) You call yourself innocent. How long can she take on the responsibility of thefamily? How will she manage it after she has a baby? And you people are forcing her to take on the responsibilities which is not hers. I too belong to your category. However, Indira has done thisbecause you peoplecan only understand the language of greed and nothing else. I am done with all this now and will leave. (He walks away leaving Munna and Indar in baffled state)Indira takes her pills in her room and Rishi walks in towards the bed and stares at her silently.Indira: I know very well that I should not have been ruthless to Mandira.Now do not give meany lectures. (She walks towards the window and he follows her) However, her idea is not bad. You need to re marry. I do not have trust in myself. Perhaps you will be happy after you remarry.Rishi: What is wrong with you? Why are you behaving like this?Indira: (frustrated) because I am goingto die, Rishi (they stare at each other in stunned silence)Rishi: (burst out laughing) Oh come on, you always blurtout something in anger. Ours relationship goes on for generations. (Puts his arms around her)Indira: Rishi, why don't you come out of your romantic novels talks (Rishi smirks and shake his head). What if anything happens to me in future?Rishi: why are you thinking in this way? Have good thoughts in you. When Rk is alive, nothing will happen to you. He will take good care of you (Fondles her chin) However, in case, death eyes you. (Smile) My god, I will remove it eyes and kick it away as if it is a football. Now smile. (Indira winces) please smile and think of good things.Indira: (moves away) what good things can I think of? A brother who has fractured his hand. A sister who has ruined her career life and the parents who nearly went to jail and the shop is locked. In addition, a husband who is still unemployed. What good thoughts can I have? If anything happens to me what will you do?Rishi: (putting his arms on her) nothing will happen to you. Why are you thinking negative allthe time? Just remove you anger and frustration, as itwill have an impact on our baby.Indira: try to understand.

Munna (walks in with others) we do care about you. (He forces her to sit on bed and goes to hisknees) You know you have mistaken us. We all are donkeys both men and women (to kutumb and Sunaina surprise). See Indira, You are going to have your first child, we don't want to create tension in you and you too needn't take much tension aboutus.Indar :( agrees and goes towards her as rishi moves away) I have not been a good father but I will not do any injustice to you. However, give us some time and we will definitely do something.Each member pacifies her saying that she need not need to worry about them all and they can take care of her and themselves. Sunaina adds that she has given birth to 2 kids and Kutumb to 4 kids. Indira smiles silently as others laugh.Rishi: Shrimatiji, this is cheating. When I was trying to convince you, you were not convinced but now you are convinced.Munna: this is because Indira understands the language of donkeys and not horses like yours (everyone laughs)Indira: (smiles and thinks) now I want to live my life.Day 5Indira consults the doctor and request him if she can live abit longer if she undergoes chemotherapy session.

The doctor replies yes, but there is no guarantee. Indira goes thoughtful andtells him to think of something to increase the days of life. She tells him that she had plans for 30 days and then the 5 days went away in waste.Now she wants to live for some more days to make up these 5 days, as I need to earn a lot ofmoney in these less days. The doctor appreciates her sacrifice saying that she is willing todo anything for family despite being closer to death. Indira tells him that she has been taking up responsibilities since young age. The doctor suggests her that they will start chemotherapy session from next day. Indira asks him if it is expensive. He admits it and tells her to think about it.Rishi and Sharma family members areseated at dining table. Rishi takes all the rotis in his plate and has it himself after telling others to prepare more food or get it from outside. The others are amazed. Rishi blurts out that he is taking vrat on Indira. He goes on to explain to them that Indira keeps talking about death and hence he has decided to take on the vrat. If a wife can take the vrat to gain long life for her husband so, why can't he do it for his wife? He fascinates Sunaina and Kutumb, as he loves Indira a lot. Later, the women in turn chide their husbands that they do not care about their wives. They compel their respective husbands to take on the vrat and the husbands reluctantly agree. Rishi explain to them that he has gone through seven pheres with Indira and hence he has to do it.Indira is remarrying Rishi to another girl blurting out that now she can die happily as he will not be alone and is seen smiling with satisfaction after the wedding rituals take place. Indira wakes up to see Rishi lying beside her on bed. He takes her hand and tells her not to talk about death anymore and he is willing to do anything for them to be together. She tells him to remarry a girl of his choice.  Rishi is stunned by her words.

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