Friday 17 August 2018

Friday Update On Iron Lady

For Jhumpa's sake, Lalan agrees to kill Indira. In order to repent for his deeds, Inder hands over his store papers to Indira as her wedding gift. He states that he wanted to give Indira what he had. Munna gets irritated as he eavesdrops on their conversation. Rishi goes and rests his head on Kusum's lap.
He tells Kusum that he experiences motherly affection in her company. He addresses Kusum as his mother and requests her to forgive him and Indira. Rishi tries to convince Kusum to accept them. Inder gets emotional on seeing the sight.

Rishi assures Kusum that Indira and he would not leave from Sharma Niwas. He states that he would take good care of the Sharma family. He adds that he would give every penny of his hard earned money to Kusum. Kusum forgives Rishi and accepts him. Munna tries to make Sunaina realize that the family would be in trouble after Indira's marriage. While conversing with Sunaina, suddenly an evil plan pops up in Munna's mind.
Indira gets elated when Kusum accepts her and Rishi's relationship. Kusum gives Indira the bangles which her grandmother had once given her. She assures Indira that every family member would attend her and Rishi's marriage. Jhumpa along with Lalan and his aides hide outside Sharma Niwas. She directs Lalan that he must murder Indira the subsequent day when she leaves from the house.

The following day, an excited Radhey shows Rishi the garlands he had purchased for the wedding. Rishi gets mesmerized to see Indira in bridal attire. Just before the family could leave, Sunaina goes into labor. Rishi decides to call the ambulance. Indira believes that the ambulance may take time to come and decides to admit Suinana to a nearby maternity hospital. Indira asks Rishi to bring Viren to the hospital along with him.

Meanwhile, Lalan and his aides wait for Indira to leave from Sharma Niwas.  Lalan directs his aides to stand in different directions of the house. Lalan holds Indira's photograph in his hands. He is left confused and is unable to recognize Indira among a group of women who come out from Sharma Niwas.  Rishi gets apprehensive when he fails to find Viren. While searching for Viren, Rishi notices Lalan and his aides outside the house. He recognizes Lalan as the person whom he saw with Jhumpa the other day.  Rishi gets distracted when he hears Viren's cry. He immediately rushes inside Viren's room. He is left wondering when he fails to find Viren on his wheel chair.

Rishi immediately calls up Indira, however, she is unable to answer the call. After examining Sunaina, the doctor informs the family that there was still time for Sunaina's delivery.  A confused Indira asks the doctor the reason behind Sunaina's stomach ache. The doctor points out that Sunaina must have eaten spicy food. Kusum begins to complain and points out that Sunaina ate junk food the earlier day. Rishi notices Lalan in the hospital and recognizes him as the person who was wandering outside Sharma Niwas the other day. He believes Lalan had kidnapped Viren.

Rishi forces Lalan to tell him what he was doing in the hospital. Just then, Ishaan points out to Rishi that Lalan had stolen his shoes. Rishi begins to slap Lalan. On hearing the commotion, Indira and the others rush near the hallway. Indira stops Rishi from slapping Lalan. Rishi points out to the family that Viren was missing. He believes that Lalan had kidnapped Viren.  Rishi gets busy explaining to the family about Viren's sudden absence from the house when Lalan takes the opportunity and escapes.

Rishi chases Lalan but he manages to escape. Indira and the others too follow Rishi. The family is surprised when they see Viren on a wheel chair. Rishi tells Viren that he would never be able to forgive himself, if something bad had happened with him. Viren informs the family that the wheels of his old wheel chair were jammed and Jhumpa brought new wheel chair for him. The family is surprised to see Jhumpa walking towards them. The Sharma's do not say a word to Jhumpa and leave from the spot.

Viren tells Indira that he has arranged a special vehicle for her and Rishi to reach the court. He tells Indira to go ahead with Rishi to the court. He assures Indira that he and the other family members would manage to reach the court on time. Jhumpa insults Lalan as he had not managed to accomplish his plan. Lalan had promised Jhumpa that he would murder Indira. An irritated Lalan complains that he failed to accomplish his mission because of Rishi's interference. Lalan vows to seek revenge from Rishi.  On their way to the court, Indira stops at a temple. She tells Rishi that she wanted to thank God as her dreams would be fulfilled. Indira and Rishi go to the temple and pray.

At that moment a thief enters the temple. The thief was being chased by inspector Sumer Singh Chaudhry. The priest gives Rishi a vermilion box. As Rishi keeps the vermilion box in his pocket, it accidentally slips from his hand. The box rolls and is about to fall. Sumer catches the box and hands it over to Rishi and continues to chase the thief. Sumer manages to nab the thief.

Indira gets impressed to see Sumer's act. Indira is about to leave from the spot. She gets amazed when she hears Sumer ordering the thief to hand over the amount. Indira begins to insult Sumer and asserts that corruption had increased because of policemen like him. She also stops the thief from handing over the money to Sumer.

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