Friday 8 June 2018

Friday Update On King Of Hearts 2 Episode 619 - 621

Mahi vow she will find out whose conspiracy is this and will not leave that person. Aleena warns her and says if Mahi or her people come near her then she won’t spear them all. She then proudly says her name is Aleena, and not to dare forget that. Satya looks on. Mitul says she is a dangerous Mahi or whoever and asks what if Mahi lookalike slap their Mahi again. Mahi tells them that she is shocked to see her lookalike when she lost her face.
She says someone is doing this for the property and is playing game with them. Payal asks her not to worry. Mahi says someone is using her and wants her replica to come in her place. She says it is a big conspiracy, her accident, this girl’s entry here and then all this. She swear that she can’t let anything happen to her loved ones. She says once they transfer the property on Satya’s name, everything will be fine. She says only her husband Satya can protect them now and will take care of the property. Satya call Mahi's name. Mahi hugs him before he says anything further.

Mahi comes to her mom's room. She sees her mom's phone ringing and picks the call. The lawyer tells that they have to work on it sooner else it will be late. Mahi asks what? The lawyer is shocked to hear her. Payal comes there and she immediately takes the phone from Mahi. She asks who is this? The lawyer says he is Mehta, Payal acts and tells that she couldn’t hear. She goes to the garden area and calls him. The lawyer informs Payal that Mahi called him home. Payal tells him that they will work on their plan today itself and that she have a new strategy to use now. Someone’s reflection is shown at the lawyer’s home.

Satya and Payal prepare to check out from the hotel and Payal asks Satya to leave with Mahi in the other car. Payal, Koel and Mitul are in the car going back home. On the way, Payal changes her mind, Payal changes her mind and asks Mithul and Koel to get out of the car. They oblige. Payal then asks them to take a taxi and come home. Payal later asks the driver to take her back to the hotel. Koel and Mitul ask how can they get taxi in the jungle. Koel and Mitul comes back home and tell that Payal had dropped them in the jungle and asked to take a taxi. Satya thinks what is going on in her mind. The door bell rings. Mahi opens the door and finds the lawyer. She asks where her mom is?. Payal who can see that this “Aleena” may just take the chance for her to turn the tables on Mahi and get the property under her control goes on to meet Aleena, who is upset that she will have to return back to her country. Payal says her hi. Aleena asks why she came back again. She angrily says she have suffered because of them and now she have to go back to London and marry a stupid guy as her dad says. Payal says she don’t have to go back and marry a stupid guy. She asks if Aleena will work with her? Aleena asks if she is joking?. Payal offers Aleena a proposal and asks Aleena to pose as her daughter Mahi and asks if she will play? Aleena says the question is why did she need rented daughter when she have her own daughter. Payal says she is just namesake daughter and she have more interest in property than her.

Mahi calls her mom, but she disconnects the call. Satya asks Mahi to sign on the papers, and says her mom knows about her decision. Mahi says she will call her again. Satya asks her to sign. Payal informs her of Mahi and the strikingly similar face that she has to her. She shows Mahi’s photo to Aleena and says she was exactly like her before the accident. She will take advantage of this and get the property transferred. Aleena point out that Mahi is her daughter and will sign on the papers. Payal laughs and says she is tired of acting since all these years, and says she has bear her all along. She says the stupid Mahi wants to transfer all Sen Gupta property on Satya’s name and she wants the property on her name. Aleena says she is not honest to her daughter then how can she trust her. Payal offers her 1 crore Rupees, and says 15 lakh is advance. On seeing this, Aleena agrees to Payal proposal.

Mahi opens the papers and is about to read it but the lawyer asks her to think again. Satya asks the lawyer to give the pen and asks Mahi to sign on the papers. Just when Mahi is about to sign, Payal comes there and asks her to stop. Mahi stops. Payal walks inside with the police and asks the inspector to arrest Mahi. Mahi asks what is this mom? Payal asks her to shut up and says she is a fraud and not her daughter. She says she came here to betray them and it was good that she came to know everything at the right time and says she wants her ( Payal) property on her name. Mahi says who she is? Without a care for Mahi’s feelings, Payal brings Aleena home to start causing trouble and says this is the real Mahi. Aleena walks inside in Mahi’s old avatar. Mahi, Satya, Naina and others are shocked. Mahi asks her mom how can she trust this girl. She is not Mahi. She is her daughter Mahi and she just resembles her old face. She asks her mom to look in her eyes. She asks her grandma to make her mom understand that she is Mahi. Naina nods yes. She then asks Satya to trust her that she is his Mahi. Satya asks her to calm down and says he is with her. Payal asks Aleena to tell everything to the police.

Aleena claim she is the real Mahi and met with an accident because of her husband. She had memory loss, but her mum found her thankfully and she won’t transfer her property on her husband’s name and asks the inspector to arrest Mahi. Mahi gets angry on Aleena and calls her liar. The inspector says he will talk to the lawyer. He talks to the lawyer and comes to conclusion asking both girls to prove who is Mahi in 15 days. Koel looks at both Mahi’s picture and asks who is the real Mahi. Mitul tells that may be Mahi’s soul got in someone else’s body. Koel says everyone is mad. Payal asks Aleena to prove Mahi fake and prove herself as original Mahi. She asks her not to worry that she have all the way to prove that she is real Mahi, and that Mahi and Satya will be out of the house now.

Payal tells Mahi's doppelganger that people would now think that she is Mahi and it is time to throw Mahi out of this house. Satya, on the other hand, tries his best to console Mahi and tells her that he believes that she is Mahi and not somebody else. At the same time, Payal and Mahi's doppelganger confront Mahi. Mahi tells her mom that she is her Mahi, and asks her to believe her. She says Aleena’s face just resembles her. Payal pushes her and tells Mahi that she knows that she is real and this girl is fake and that is why she taught her a lesson. Mahi is shocked and asks why did she do this? Payal asks her to stop it and says she know she is real Mahi, her sister Ria and Neil’s daughter. She says Mahi is the leech whom she have bear since 21 years and she is the leech who have sucked her blood. She let her (Mahi) do this so that she can name her property on her ( Payal) name once she grown up. Mahi cries and call out to her mom. Payal says enough and asks her not to call her mom. She is tired of hearing this word and she don’t want to hear this and is tired. Satya asks her not to go in jungle else the snake will die after biting her. He scold Payal that she have ruined her life just for property and she have played well. Payal asks Satya if he have started again, and asks him to thank her for not kicking her out of the house.

She says she have poisoned Neil’s mind against her so that they don’t get together. She didn’t kick her out when Neil died, just for the property. She asks what did she think that she will make her splashed water on her planning, and tell her to see that she have changed the truth face, and can’t escape from her clutches. She will smashed her and will throw everyone out one by one, and then all this property will be hers. She laughs and says she can’t believe this. Mahi cries and says no. She gets a call and says she will come in sometime. Mahi cries and says her mom can’t do this. Naina consoles Mahi and says she tried to make her understand, but she didn’t understand and came to know about her mom truth now. She says Satya is with her now, and tell her not to cry.

Satya comes to Aleena’s room and says it is enough of the drama. Aleena hugs him and it is revealed that she is the real Mahi. Mahi asks Satya how can her mom be so evil. Satya says he know how much pained she is in. He don’t have any other way to bring her mom’s reality to her. Mahi asks why did her mom do this? She made her father hate her and she lost everything in this greed jungle. She reminds him when he asked her to join him in his plan that day. A flashback is shown, where Satya tells Mahi that Payal is doing all this. The guards beat him and make him leave. Satya comes to her room late at night and asks her to give him 1 week so that he can expose her. He meets Aleena (present Mahi), and asks her to help him. Aleena sits in Mahi’s car with fake burnt mask which is why he cover her face why taking her from the burnt car. She asks Mahi not to worry and call Payal. Mahi calls her mom and tells her about her car break failed. Then the car falls down. Mahi hides, while Satya acts to save her and takes Aleena with him to the hospital covering her face to avoid people from from seeing her face. Flashback ends. Mahi tells Satya that her mom never loved her and just loved her money. Satya asks her not to cry and says this is the bad time and will go soon. He says bad time is over now and her mum will be punished now for her sins. They will punish her.

Later Mahi looks at her mom's picture (Payal) and recalls what she had said to her earlier. Satya comes to her, and tells her that when he was small, he got very high fever and then his mum sat beside him and prayed to God. He says this is called mom, who can sacrifice her life for her child. He says this is not mom and have snatched everything from her. She has snatched all the rights from her. She never thought about her, but she is thinking about her mom even now. Satya lights his lighter and tells Mahi that there is a strength in fire and it burns all bad things. He asks her to burn Payal’s picture and all the memories which is connecting her to her mom (Payal). Mahi burns the picture and throws it down. Satya says she have cried a lot, today she have made a new start which will be peaceful and happy. Mahi asks Satya what to do? She have relationship with her since 21 years and she don’t believe that she has done this with her. She hugs him crying.

Satya tells her that Payal have been using her as a puppet and never shared with her like a normal mother-daughter relationship. He tells her that Payal has taken a decision, and he love her very much and swear that he won’t let Payal touch her. He hugs her. Payal calls Aleena and thinks where did she go? Aleena sees her and thinks she might be searching for the real Mahi and is not good if she sees Satya and Mahi together. Payal goes to Aleena’s room and sees Satya hugging her.

 Payal comes there, but just then Aleena replaces Mahi and hugs Satya. Satya assures her that everyone will be fine soon. Payal wonders what Satya is now upto and thinks she has to be a way ahead of Satya. She calls the lawyer up and tells him about her next day hearing. She tears the new Mahi/Aleena’s picture to show her hatred for him but Payal, however, fails to realize that Satya, Mahi and Aleena have teamed up together to stand against her. On the other hand, Aleena, who is actually the real Mahi hears her and is disappointed upon learning of her mother, Payal's reality and her greed for her wealth. She informs Satya and Aleena that she heard her mom talking to the lawyer, and that they have to prove their identity somehow. Satya says they have to do something before that and the timing has to be right. Next morning, Satya talks to God and says when he got his wife’s love, their room is separate. He asks when will he get his wife’s love. Satya sees Payal leaving the house and he stealthily follows her, thinking she might be upto some conspiracy.

Later, After few hours, Mahi thinks where is Satya while sitting at the breakfast table. Mahi and Aleena try to find out from each other of Satya's whereabouts but Mithul watches them communicate and ends up surprised and thinks what is going on between them. Mahi and Aleena give her juice. Mitul turns to go. Mahi asks Aleena to call Satya and asks him where is he? Aleena tells her that he forgot his phone at home. Mitul turns and says she have caught them both. Mahi calls her crazy woman. Mitul tells Koel that they both were talking. Koel calls Mitul mad as she sees her aunt as an on serious person.

Payal who realises that she has been tricked by Satya once again, however, she also seems to have more plans up her sleeve comes to Basti. By now, Satya continues following Payal but Payal notices Satya behind her. Payal comes to someone house and talks to a lady named Subhadra. Satya thinks with whom she is talking to. He sees the lady’s face and wonders who is she? He thinks this lady met Payal in Lonavala. He sees Payal giving her money and telling her something. Satya thinks she might be upto some big conspiracy and decide to call Mahi, but he forgot his phone at home. Mahi and Aleena come to the court and call Satya. Just then Payal comes there. The lawyer asks where Mahi’s lookalike is. Mahi and Aleena hides. Satya comes there covering his face with file and walks towards Mahi past Payal. He tells Mahi and Aleena that he needs to talk to Mahi and asks Aleena to handle Payal for sometime. Aleena comes infront of Payal.

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