Wednesday 7 February 2018

Wednesday Update On Lies Of The Heart Episode 336 - 338

At Samrat’s residence, Tani vehenemently denies going back to Mumbai. She questions Samrat that why does he wants to go to Mumbai as she is happy staying with him here. She tells Samrat that they have to find the person who attacked her and tried to run her over and why and that Niranjan might help them to find him.
Samrat who is now trapped in his own traps makes new plans for his evasion. He is tensed but smilingly complies nevertheless. She then shocks him by asking him to pree her feet, as she has gotten bed sore, in the hospital. He fumes from inside, but frustratedly complies, swearing to have his revenge. He finds that she has fallen asleep. Samrat then recalls his meeting with Niranjan who tells him that he has caught the truck driver and he has told all the truth to him about his attack on Tani. He calls up the driver to confirm, who thinks that he must have killed Samrat’s wife, that's why he is calling up, and hence doesn't pick up, and thereafter switches off the phone, leading Samrat to believe that what Niranjan said was actually true, and that the
driver is ignoring him now. He thinks that he would have to definitely kill Niranjan now as he has no other option, to solve this problem altogether.

At Ishaan’s residence, Damini finds the maid preparing Ishaan’s tiffin box, and sends her out for an excuse of another work. She then mixes something in it, determined to have Urmi out of Ishaan's life. Sandhya finds her working in the kitchen, and comes and deduces that she definitely is upto something against Urmi. Damini confirms it and says that this will definitely end everything between Urmi and Ishaan.

At the Chawl, Samrat thinks that Niranjan is growingly becoming a pain in the ass, and hence now it's time for him to get rid of him. Later, Samrat meets a man who gives him a revolver as this man turn out to be the gun dealer. Samrat buys a desi pistol from him. He swears that now Niranjan will face his doom, and it's time for him to go, and that what wouldn't happen to him that easily, according to Niranjan, would happen so easily, as he wouldn't blink twice before killing him.

At Ishaan’s Office, Ishaan is surprised to find his mother Damini in the office. She says that she came here to give him lunch. Ishaan asks why. Damini says that Urmi sent her here to ensure that he eats it, after he sent the full tiffin back the earlier day. Ishaan is tensed. He refuses. She says that he should for her sake. He says that he doesn't want to. She says that Urmi would raise a hue and cry and pick a fight with everyone back home. Damini says that they are reduced to the status of a servant. She manages to convince him to eat. He takes the first bite, and then frustratedly goes for water, while she eyes him evilly. She pretends to ask if everything is alright and if he is okay. He asks his mom if Urmi sent this food. She says yes. He says that he doesn't what revenge she is seeking, as she has put a load of chillies. She pretends to be shocked, saying that she can't trust Urmi now, as she can go to any limits. He is tensed, while Damini stands satisfied.

At an isolated building, Niranjan’s car honking startles a tensed Samrat and he ducks into hiding, waiting for him to arrive. He thinks that Niraanjan has come earlier, but shall go empty handed. Meanwhile, Niranjan thinks that he shouldn't die today, as he has come with the full possible measures to prevent himself. As Niranjan comes, Samrat eyes him from hiding, thinking today he shall lose his life, as he gave challenge to the wrong person. Just then, Niranjan gets Urmi’s call, and tells her that Samrat located a very isolated and dangerous building, and as they suspected Samrat will plan to kill him. Urmi asks if he has come with all prepartions and he replied that he has come with a bullet proof jacket, and hopes that he hits in those areas only. Samrat hears all this and is shocked. Niranjan continues talking, oblivious that Samrat is hearing them. He says that Samrat has no idea of their plan, and that today he would definitely want to kill him, as that's the kind of place he has brought him to. Urmi says that she has seen enough, and doesn't want Tani to suffer. Samrat listens to all this, while Niranjan gives out the entire plan, that once he hits him ( Niranjan ), they should drag him to the court with this, and then also expose him in front of Tani. He thinks here Samrat will be captive, and Tani will be free in Mumbai. Urmi asks Niranjan to be safe, and expose Samrat to Tani. Niranjan asks her to disconnect the call, as Samrat might come anytime. Samrat understands that this is Urmi’s plan all along, and she co-conspired Niranjan also in this. Samrat thinks that he would have taken care of Niranjan today itself. Samrat is determined that he will change the game such, that they would be tormented solid.

Samrat overhears Niranjan conversation with Urmi about trapping him. Samrat who gets to know about Niranjan's plan, he decides not to kill him and thinks it will be fun to play game with them. After a short while, he comes out, he walks up to him and apologizes to Niranjan for not being able to arrange the money and pleads to him for more time assuring him that in two days' time so he could return his money back. Niranjan is surprised seeing Samrat's polite attitude and gets confused as is unable to accept it to be legit. He asks him if he got scared by the name of jail. Samrat acts that he did.. who wouldn’t, he then pleads a lot to Niranjan but Niranjan refuses to give him more time. Samrat also falls to his feet and begs for more time. In end, Niranjan has no choice and then gives the required two days time to him. Samrat leaves laughing and thinking he will go away in that time. Samrat then decides to shoot himself and decides to put the crime on Niranjan.

Sanaya meets Ishaan. They sit for coffee. Sanaya tell him and Urmi got busy after marriage. Ishaan expresses his disappointment and says it’s one sided love in that relationship. He blames it to his destiny.

Shashi talks to Tani about her dream going to Mumbai will never come true and gets her ticket to Mumbai as well. She thinks whether Samrat goes or not, she definitely will.

Samrat uses the same pistol that the merchant had sold to him and tries to shoot himself, but is having tough time. Some men come to stop him thinking he’s committing suicide. Samrat tells them to mind their business and asks to leave. The men think he’s crazy and leave. Samrat stops them and asks one of them to fire a bullet which just touches him and passes. They agree. Samrat closes his eyes and asks him to shoot him near the shoulder. At the last moment, he takes the gun back from them. The men leave saying he’s crazy. As decided Samrat shoots himself on his arm.

Damini tells Anirudh that Ishaan is too tensed these days. Anirudh says it must be because of cases and all. Damini says he had cases before too, but was never tensed like this. She blames it on Urmi. Anirudh asks her what’s her issue  if they two want to give time to each other. Damini thinks he will never understand and it’s pointless to tell him anything.

Tani is excited to play Holi. She tells everyone they will go and play. Just then Samrat comes in, injured and blood flowing from his shoulder. Everyone is shocked. They ask Samrat to say something. Samrat tries to speak up and then suddenly closes his eyes. All get shocked and worried.

Niranjan calls urmi up and asks why wasn't her phone unreachable. He informs her about Samrat's changed behaviour and that his highly unpredictable u-turn behaviour today, demanding for two more days. Urmi asks what good would that do, as they don't want money, but evidence to implicate him, and tarnish his image in front of Tani. She tells Niranjan that they have to be careful in trapping Samrat and if he somehow manage to return the money, then there is no use of their well-developed plan. She says that since this plan failed, what shall they do now. Niranjan talks about his plan B, as to how when Samrat comes with the money two days later, he shall get a police force in hiding and indiscreetly, which Samrat doesn't know of. Then they will record everything, that Samrat says, as knowing Samrat he definitely shall say a lot, once he gives the money. He says that he will get Samrat to indirectly talk about everything
he has done, his plots and motives and his accident of Tani’s. Urmi relates to it. They both hope that this works out. Niranjan assures her that it will.

While working with the clients, Ishaan gets Urmi’s call, and remembers the lunch box fiasco. He cuts the call. Urmi tries to call Ishaan again and hopes that Ishaan picks up as she is extremely sorry but finds him not picking her call as he disconnects. She calls again and he gets tensed. Angrily puts it on silent mode. She wonders how he is this angry that he won't even talk to her. She says that she won't accept defeat for his anger, and that today in the evening, she will do something that shall bring back the smile on his face, and also erase the misunderstands that have crept up between them.

In the kitchen, Urmi then decides to make a cake for Ishaan to convince him and is excitedly baking, while the maid marvels at her culinary skills. Sandhya comes in to find that Urmi is making Ishaan’s favourite cake to surprise him. She asks why. Urmi says that he is angry at her, and she is just trying to get him to forgive her. Sandhya is surprised to see that she will make a photo embossed cake. An evil idea creeps up, while Urmi works happily. She leaves to give this breaking news to Damini. Ishaan's mother is upset to finds out that Urmi is preparing cake for Ishaan. Urmi places the cake in their room, and then lights the candles for a romantic ambience, smiling to herself, waiting for his arrival, that when he sees all this, he wont be able to resist his smile. Sandhya and Damini eye it angrily, thinking that this will please Ishaan definitely and make him forget everything of the past. Damini evil mind gets to work.

Later, Urmi is then seen anxiously waiting for Ishaan arrival with the well decorated cake hoping that Ishaan will be convinced and the misunderstanding between him and her sort out. Damini leaves from there. Urmi thinks that she made a huge mistake, to misunderstand him and his motives, and hopes that she is forgiven. Ishaan comes home to find Urmi sitting beside the cake. She eyes him smilingly, but finds him facing her angrily. She tries to get him to smile, but is tensed when he doesn't. She apologises profusely and pleads to be forgiven. Ishaan comes upto her, stoically, and then smiles at her, and she too smiles relievedly. He takes her hand, while she asks if he is pleased now. He caresses her face and her hairs, saying that she knows how to push the right buttons. He cups her face with his hands, saying that he really loves her, and if he is away from her, he is incomplete, and that he is pleased just to see all this and his Urmi. She smiles to herself, realising that she was just dreaming this all along.

While Ishaan is about to leave from office, he gets his mother’s call, who asks if he had a talk with Urmi. He denies. She reminds him about the spicy food Urmi had sent for him and instigates that Urmi asked if he had lunch, and she was angry but complies along just so that Urmi doesn't get mad. He asks her not to worry, as he will do the needful, and says it with a vengeance. Damini disconnects the call smilingly. Damini thinks that what Urmi thinks won't happen, and what will happen, would be very unpleasant to Urmi.

Later, Urmi talks about the list for holi sweets with Damini and Sandhya when Ishaan walks in. As Ishaan comes, Urmi asks if she can get him coffee. He is tensed. She asks him to sit while she gets coffee. He asks if she is worries for him so much. She asks why is he talking like this. He asks her not to worry, as today he will get something for her. She is stunned while he goes inside the kitchen. Damini asks why is he so angry. Sandhya blames it on her only. He comes back with a plateful of chillies, saying that since she cares, she would eat it all. She asks what's he saying. He coaxes her to eat it, then he will know that she care and love for him. She asks why is he talking like this. He asks if her love is so small. He says that if he can eat the chilli laden food, then she too can. Urmi tries to speak, but Damini intervenes and asks Ishaan not to be childish. He says that he just wants to know the extent of her love. Urmi wipes away her tears, and starts taking one chilly after the other, while he watches boggled and tensed. He rushes to get water, while both Damini and Sandhya ask her to stop this. He asks her to drink. Without taking water, Urmi leaves from there, Ishaan is tensed. Damini instigates that she is very ill-mannered as she doesn't listen to anyone. Ishaan rushes to his room. Sandhya says that Urmi would win over them.

In his room, Ishaan is disturbed that he shouldn't have done this. But then says that she too did the same with him. Just then the maid comes in with his coffee. He then asks the maid, who made his lunch. She says that she did it. He asks if Urmi didnt make it. She denies. Hearing this, he is so sorry and guilty of what he did and said to Urmi.

In the corridor, Damini thinks that before things start recovering between Urmi and Ishaan, she would have to talk to talk to Ishaan. Before she can enter his room, she finds him rushing out. Ishaan says that he has to talk to Urmi, and clears the misunderstanding that the maid made the food, and not Urmi. She tries to speak, but he says that he has to first go and apologise to Urmi. He rushes out while she is tensed. Meanwhile, Urmi talks to Gaurav on the phone, that all that Samrat is doing to Tani, is because of the fact that she married Ishaan, and none of this would have happened, had the marriage not happened. After this, Ishaan comes to Urmi’s room and finds her talking on the phone. Urmi talks on the phone that she made a huge mistake, as she shouldn't have married Ishaan and that she took a very wrong decision, that is haunting her now. Gaurav hears this and is tensed. Ishaan comes and hears this and is shocked and appalled.

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