Saturday 17 February 2018

Saturday Update On Lies Of The Heart Episode 363 - 365

At the party, a drunk colleague of Ishaan insults him and Urmi before the entire public by announcing that Ishaan does not feel any discomfort in letting his wife sleep with strangers.

 Ishaan and Urmi are mortified as his drunk and inebriated friend, starts narrating everyone that he is so noble that he doesn't believe there’s anything wrong in sharing his wife with another man. He leers that Urmi is beautiful who can make any husband possessive, but not Ishaan. He keeps passing lewd comments, and asks for a chance himself, as he too is in the line for his wife’s customers. Ishaan loses his cool and starts beating the man up, while Urmi is shocked. Ishaan gets berserk, and rambles away the managers, and continues beating him, seeing which Urmi is distraught, and unable to witness all this, Urmi leaves the place and sits alone on a bench by the roadside, but Ishaan doesn't notice.

Outside, the words of the drunk person haunt Urmi. She finds her own inner self, and there she questions herself why is she crying and whether Ishaan, who is innocent, should suffer along with her? Urmi wipes her tears, and her inner self taunts that she couldn't bear the truth, and when she is so affected, then how would Ishaan bear this, as this is just the beginning, and from now on, he would be treated with such comments all his life. She wonders what to do then. Her inner self asks her to realise if she even deserves to be Ishaan’s wife. She says that it isn't necessary that he stops living his life fending out for hers. She says that Ishaan loves her and is doing this for her. She is asked what's she done and if she has ever repayed any one the favours that he did on her. she starts wondering what's she ever given him, as he would be living a complete life with someone else, as he would have gotten a left woman but not a complete wife, as she is again siring another man’s child, and he would just remain the caretaker of the children from her previous husband. She asks her if she doesn't realise that if Ishaan can love someone else’s children, then what are his dreams of his own children. Urmi wonders what she should do now. She is asked to think of his happiness, who has always thought of hers and if he actually deserves this. She is tensed engulfed in these thoughts.

On the other hand at Ishaan's residence, Ishaan is worried about Urmi, who is missing from the party they attended, and starts calling her up but does not get any reply from Urmi. He is highly tensed as to where Urmi is and why isn't she replying to his messages and again calls. Urmi walks in like a dead person. He turns around and finds her, and asks what the matter is, and why did she do this, and not respond to his calls. She looks at him in a daze. He asks her not to think of that person and be affected of his bitter words. He says that it's all about Shaurya. She says that he always stood by her, without even having had a thank you. She adds that even when she wasn't married to Samrat, he used to care for her happiness and her comfort, and did all possible sacrifices for him. She says that he stood by her, even after she left Samrat. He is boggled while she overwhelmingly expresses what he has done for her. He asks why is she bringing all this up. She says that when she thought, she realised what all he has done for her, and that she never even said thank you. He asks if she has gone nuts. She blames herself to be cruel and shrewd, and that she feels to thank him from the heart, and to tell him, that had he not been there, she wouldn't have existed. He asks her not to say so, as nothing can happen to her, till he is alive. She begs to say it once, and utters Thank you, profusely. He is boggled. She hugs him, while he confusedly caresses her.

The next morning, at the breakfast table, Samrat is extra chirpy. Tani asks Samrat if all’s been packed for Nasik, and he complies. Urmi and Ishaan get tensed. Sandhya who knows what the trios are planning to do asks what time he will leave. He says that he will leave at 3, and the puja is in the night. Urmi and Ishaan sit tensedly. Alok asks what's this weird puja, which is at night. Damini asks him not to probe. Samrat says that it's for the house’s welfare. Tani tells him that all problems will be solved. Alok agrees. Sandhya finds Ishaan’s food untouched, and asks him to eat, while he says that he doesn't feel like. Damini, who knows what her son is going through insists him to eat but he denies saying that he will be late and asks Urmi not to wait for him, and asks her to take care. He leaves. Samrat eyes Urmi.

At Urmi’s residence, Granny Gayatri is sure that Urmi’s wrong decision would led to her marriage being over with Ishaan, as after this, he won't live with her at all. Gaurav says that he is sure that won't happen, as he knows Ishaan more than anyone else, and he will stand by Urmi. His Granny asks him to put himself in Ishaan’s position, and if he had to share Asha with another man, he wouldn't be able to, even if it was for his own son, Chiku, then why should they expect this from Ishaan, for someone else’s son. Gaurav is rendered speechless and shocked at this. Saroj asks them to let be, as it's too late, and they should let the gods decide. Granny taunts that they should be ready to keep Urmi again in her own house. They are shocked to hear the bitter truth from her.

At Ishaan’s residence and the beach, Urmi wanders around the house restlessly, reliving her memories with Ishaan in every corner, while he takes a restless stroll on the beach, reliving his memories with Urmi at the Maldives Beach. Soon the dusk falls and night creeps in. Urmi thinks that if god wants her to be a mother over a wife, then she doesn't deserve to be Ishaan’s wife. She takes off the mangalsutra, while eyeing Ishaan’s picture, and remembering how he had placed it around his neck, and apologises to him, as with this pious relation, she can't be with another man, and that their relation was till here only, and that she doesn't want to cross the limits of their relation at any which cost and places it on the dressing table. She says that today only a mother will walk out, not his wife, as she is leaving behind his wife, with full respect and esteem. She aplogises yet again after taking a decision of what to do.

At the Temple, Urmi comes to the temple stairs, and starts ringing the bells insistently, with a stoical face, as she faces the goddess, asking if she is feeling nice and happy to torture her devotee like this, and asks what kind of a mother is she, and how can she allow this to happen to her, and how can she punish her so gravely when she never thought or did ill to anyone. She feels betrayed even though she had utter belief in her. She asks why is she punishing Ishaan too, for love, justice and dedication. She asks if she had to to do this, then why did she make her fall in love with him. She asks why did she betray them both so badly, but still her faith didn't shake. She says that she felt that at least she would do justice to Ishaan, but today it's shattered. She adds that it signifies that her own existence is threatened, and if she does, then she should miraculously get a way out. She storms out of the temple.

While on the road, Urmi's family members are taking Shaurya to the hospital. Gaurav tensedly drives as Saroj and Devi take Shaurya in the lap, and his condition is getting worse. Gaurav calls Ishaan up in order to inform him about Shaurya's condition while he doesn't pick up, oblivious of Shaurya’s condition deteriorating. When he doesnt pick up, Ishaan is given a message that Shaurya isn't well, and asks them to call urgently. He gets tensed reading it, and immediately calls him. Gaurav inform Ishaan about Shaurya's condition, while Ishaan hurries to Shaurya's aid and asks Gaurav (Urmi's borther) to take Shaurya to the same hospital where he was being treated earlier. He tells him the doctor and the hospital’s name. Ishaan says that he would reach rightaway. They rush towards the hospital.

At the Hotel suite, Samrat is preparing his room and bed in a romantic and sensual mood, with incense sticks and candles, and rose petals waiting for Urmi, evilly smirking of the night that he will spend with Urmi. He impatiently waits for her, leering hinting at her sexuality. Just then, he gets Tani’s call and is frustrated. He picks up and talks sweetly of the preparations going on for the puja. He asks if anything is urgent. She says that she was missing him, and he says that he will come tomorrow. He asks her not to disturb, and she happily complies. He then disconnects the call, and again vents out his frustration at her. He wonders where Urmi is.

Meanwhile, Urmi finally arrives at the hotel, remembering Samrat’s leering comments. She sits blankly and then pays off the cab fare, and gets out, in a daze. She remembers all the discussions and argument, that she along with her family ever had, regarding this decision. As she walks inside the hotel, she gets Samrat’s message, telling her about the room number. She is distraught. She collapses on the visiting sofa, as she remembers her romantic moments with Ishaan. She is helpless and appalled. She presses the button for the lift, and then when it comes, she doesn't realise, and another person asks her to get it. She is awaken from her daze, and steps inside the lift.

At the Hospital, When Urmi's family reach the hospital, the receptionist informs them that the doctor that they are consulting is out of the country and would be back after tomorrow. They try to ask who is replacing him in cases of emergency and the nurse says there is no other doctor to replace him at this moment. They ask the nurse to do something, and the nurse refers them to the physician. They think its extremely stupid. Gaurav wonders what will they do now. Ishaan and the family then takes Shaurya to another hospital, wherein another doctor inspects him. Saroj is worried if he will do a good checkup. The doctor comes out and assures them that he is healthy and they panicked unnecessarily. Ishaan talks about the bad condition last time. The doctor says that they will wait for the lab results to be more clear. They thank him. He leaves. Gaurav tries her sister number and Urmi again doesn't pick up. They decide to try the home number, and Ishaan asks to let it be, tensedly. Gaurav asks what the matter is. Ishaan says that she isn't at home, surprising them as they understand what's going on. Gaurav comforts Ishaan, while Saroj and Devi are mortified, and Ishaan is barely able to hide his pain.

The doctor comes and clear the news of Shaurya having a cancer and asks Ishaan and Urmi’s family, as to who told him that Shaurya has cancer. The doctor tells Ishaan that Shaurya is alright and does not has any kind of cancer and is fully healthy. They are boggled and shocked. He tells and asks them not to worry for their son, as he is perfectly fine. Ishaan is bewildered. He asks how is this possible, and what about the treatment. The doctor says that it's wrong treatment, and that he has been subjected to wrong information. They are all shocked and boggled too.

At the Hospital, on the road, and Galaxy Hotel, All are relieved as the doctor informs them that Shaurya is absolutely alright and has no cancer and overwhelmed, as they think that Shaurya will be saved and nothing will happen to him. Saroj happily comments that now Urmi will not have to make the sacrifice of her self respect. They suddenly become aware that Urmi is already trapped. They wonder about Urmi, and think that she would have to be stopped. Gaurav asks Ishaan to go and save her from going to Samrat. He tries her number, and frustratedly wishes that she picks up, but she doesn't. He makes a mad dash for his car in order to rushes to the hotel where Urmi has gone to meet Samrat and drives like a maniac until he arrives at a dead end, with a huge traffic jam. He starts walking on foot, to save the love of his life, from samrat. He then takes the auto, and hankers him to drive way faster. He keeps continuously trying urmi’s phone, extremely upset and distraught and wonders how able to stop Urmi from going to Samrat as Urmi is not even picking his call up. The auto fellow stops, and says that ahead he will have to book a taxi, but he tries to desperately hitch hike, and finally convinces a bike rider to drop him at Galaxy Hotel and they agree.

He finally reaches the hotel and rushes desperately towards the room where Samrat and Urmi are there. Ishaan finally spots Urmi sitting alone in the lobby, in a daze, and he thinks that everything is completed and done. He is full of guilt that he was a bit too late in coming. He calls out to her, and she is startled to see him. She then hugs him and cries distraughtedly before him. Ishaan thinks that he lost. Urmi tells Ishaan that she is unable to save her child and she cannot be a good mother for her child as she couldn't go inside, even though she loves Shaurya desperately. Ishaan feels relieved. Urmi says how she had left the status of his wife, and tries to sacrifice herself for a mother. Ishaan says that she is the best mother, and tells Urmi that Shaurya does not has cancer. She keeps ranting that Shaurya will die of cancer. He desperately tries to make her believe, while he tries to get it inside her head, while she is disbelieving. Ishaan clarifies everything that Shaurya is free of cancer. Urmi is bewildered and is on the seventh heaven when he assures her that Shaurya is cancer free and completely alright. They fight back their tears of happiness, while he keeps assuring her, that Shaurya is okay. She smiles through.

At Ishaan’s residence, Sandhya and Damini meanwhile celebrate their win over Samrat as well as Urmi. Damini gloats about how their evil ideas combined together got Urmi finally being shown the way out of the door. Damini says that people like Urmi is so good and self respecting, that they would themselves leave, out of guilt. As far as Tani is concerned, she would herself throw Samrat out of the house. Sandhya praises her and they celebrate together with a toast.

At Hotel suite, Meanwhile, in the room, Samrat is evilly arranging the room, leeringly eyeing the arrangements and wondering what's taking Urmi so long. Just then, the doorbell rings, and he evilly glaots that Urmi finally came to him. He opens the door and is boggled to find both of them. He says that as a loyal husband, Ishaan came to drop Urmi, to be used by her ex-husband. He asks him to go, while she will come home after the work is done. Ishaan says that he has come here to take her and not leave her to him, and wanted to give him a good news, that Shaurya doesn't have cancer and is perfectly alright. Samrat is confused, and says that Shaurya does have it. Ishaan is boggled. Hearing this news, Samrat says that he had been shown the reports too. Ishaan clarifies everything to him too. Samrat is confused whether to smile or be angry, but make a brave face and says that it's good news. Ishaan is happy too.

Samrat is super excited to supress his frustration. Urmi wishes to go to Shaurya and she leaves with Ishaan. Samrat is furious and starts breaking things around, saying that this can't be, as he can't be betrayed so badly. He shatters things around. He wonders how can his plan fail at the last minute and that it's completely ruined now. He wonders why did Ishaan have to go to the second hospital. Samrat says that they might have known that Shaurya doesn't have cancer, but they shouldn't find out, that he had done so, and this was all his planning all along, to spoil Ishaan and Urmi’s relation, to tamper with Shaurya’s reports to prove to everyone that he has cancer. He is too determined that no one find out he was behind this. He thinks that he is screwed if Tani find out, and decides to find a way to save himself.

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