Monday 12 February 2018

Monday Update On Lies Of The Heart Episode 353 - 355

Urmi is super tensed about shaurya’s sudden  ill health . Ishaan calms her down, while she speaks dishevelledly. He asks her not to cry as they would go home rightaway. She is tensed as she is in a dilemma.
Samrat and damini are amused at urmi’s plight and how they brilliantly spoiled their honeymoon, by the pretext of shaurya’s ill health, pretending to be concerned and terribly distraught. Samrat and damini are super happy with the success of their new plan. he applauds damini for her wonderful plan. damini says that its due to Baba, that shaurya suddenly got sick. she says that baba has said that ishaan and urmi shall never unite, and so shall be. they eye each other evilly. samrat says that he is happy to have found a partner in her, and hopes that they are successful in their mission.

The next morning, while at the breakfast table, tani forcibly feeds samrat extra, as its his first day at office. samrat thinks that he might be going, but wonders whats his work profile, and decides to find out. he asks Alok about it, and the cabin and the infrastructure. Anirudh asks him to know directly. samrat says that he is sure he would get a personal cabin, but just wants to be sure. Anirudh assures him that he shall, and talks about business. Samrat says that he shall take tani’s car to office, and she asks why. he says that he doesnt have one now. she says that she has to go out, and cant give it. She asks him to go with anirudh and alok only. he resignedly complies. They are all surprised to find urmi and ishaan coming in distraughtedly, asking how is shaurya. damini says that shaurya is sleeping in the room. urmi rushes to his room. Anirudh asks how he got to know. Ishaan says that damini told urmi. Anirudh says that he is better and everything is fine, and is upset that damini called them. He asks her why did she call, even after he told her not to. She says that she just had a normal conversation. He begins to reprimand her, but ishaan steps in saying it isnt a big deal. sandhya understands that damini was behind it. Anirudh is tensed. samrat however is very happy.

While shaurya is asleep, urmi cries and says that she is right here and asks him to get well soon now, as she would be extremely tensed otherwise. ishaan comes and attends to him too. he finds that shaurya is better and he shall be better. urmi says that the meds arent working. He asks her to control herself and not be tensed. damini and sandhya come, and finds them both tensed. Ishaan asks urmi not to be tensed. Sandhya asks her if she didnt trust them with her child, as they too are mothers. urmi vehemently gives an explanation. ishaan asks her not to and asks sandhya not to talk like this. he asks damini what the doctor said. They said that his samples have been sent for tests, and the reports shall be there by the evening. they are very tensed.

Anirudh’s office
samrat ogles at th huge office and lavish business spread and atarts having evil dreams of owning it all. Anirudh discusses samrat’s duty delegation with alok. he shows samrat the personal cabin, and samrat expresses that he is thrilled. he asks what project he wants him on. anirudh asks him to learn work first, and then they shall decide what field to delgate him. samrat glaots about himself, while anirudh taunts him with an anecdote, saying that he shall know it for himself. samrat is angered inside, but he plays his polished self. Anirudh says that alok handles his accounts, and remembers that he has an urgent meeting. He asks samrat to familiarise himself with the projects in the meanwhile. They both leave for the meeting. Samrat fumes, while sitting on his chair, eyeing his office.

Ishaan’s residence
damini gets samrat’s call, and she takes it casually, without letting anyone know that its samrat. He asks her to find out if they consummated their marriage. She is tensed. she agrees and cancels. ishaan notices that she is tensed, and asks her whats the matter. she expresses how sad she is that they couldnt enjoy their honeymoon at all, and then indirectly gets it out of them, that they didnt get any alone time in the hotel room, to be able to consummate their marriage. she is overjoyed inside, but maintains a tensed face. ishaan gets the doctor’s call, saying that the checkup reports have come. he asks if everything is okay. he asks ishaan to come to the doctor. He agrees. urmi asks whats the matter. he says. they both are tensed.

At Hospital
Urmi and ishaan are impatient and wait anxiously and nervously, waiting to know whats wrong with shaurya, while the doctor studies the reports. The doctor says that there’s problem, and that they have a cure these days for all kinds of problems. urmi says that shaurya just suffered from minor fever and asks what more could it be. he asks them to be patient. ishaan asks the doctor to tell clearly whats the matter, as they are tensed, and would like to know the truth. the doctor says that he has bone marrow cancer. urmi and ishaan are shell shocked. 

hearing about the cancer, urmi goes berserk and distraught as to how this can be. she loses all sense of calm and composure, while ishaan tries hard to get her to relax. he finally hollers at her, while the doctor asks her to have patience, while she doesnt want to face this. the doctor says that this problem can creep in anytime, and there’s a problem to this type of cancer. Ishaan calmly asks whats the next step. the doctor gives him a letter asking it to give it to the oncologist, who shall guide him further. They walk otu in a daze, as urmi remembers her time with shaurya, in his childhood. Ishaan is dejected and heartbroken, but keeps calm for keeping urmi composed. urmi is disappointed and apalled, as she doesnt realise whats happening. She remembers the doctor’s statements and gets a panic attack yet again, praying for shaurya to be okay. ishaan desperately tries to calm her down, while she collapses in his arms.

Anirudh’s office
samrat is surfing through the office, when anirudh comes and asks whats he doing here. samrat says that he got bored inside, and so though of strolling otuside. Anirudh asks if he is eager to work around, and says that he has a work for him, looking at his dedication and will to work. He shows samrat a file for an upcoming project, saying that its now, and samrat is super happy, not realising his hidden motive. Samrat glaots that he would make this project reach new heights. Anirudh tells him that he would have to handle the marketing and sale of this building and samrat is shocked, to find that its beneath him, when he gets to know that he has to convince the buyers to find it. samrat asks what shll be his cut. Anirudh says that for every sale of a flat, he would get 1%, and samrat is shocked at the meagre amount. Anirudh says that he can easily get salaried employees to work for this, but being his son in law, he is getting a cut. Anirudh leaves, while samrat fumes.

Ishaan’s residence
with shaurya is her lap, urmi asks ishaan , why is shaurya going through this, when he didnt mean harm to anyone. She berserkedly tries to speak about how small and innocent he is, and how can he have such a deadly disease, and wonders why is God testing her. Ishaan is distraught, but composes himself, and asks her not to cry, as he would take him to the oncologist today itself. urmi assuredly asks him if shaurya would be okay, and nothing would happen to him, and begs him to save shaurya. Ishaan cries, but doesnt let urmi see it, as she collapses yet again in his arms.

Downstairs, anirudh and alok rush in asking why were they called so urgently. damini says that she doesnt know, but ishaan is upstairs tensed with urmi. samrat asks tani whats the matter, and she says that she is okay. they then notice, urmi and ishaan coming down in a distraught state. samrat is boggled, while anirudh is apalled. he rushes to ask urmi and ishaan whats the matter and why were they called urgently. Alok asks if urmi’s health is okay. ishaan informs them, about shaurya’s cancer, and all are shocked, including samrat and damini too. Samrat rushes asking if shaurya has cancer and wonders how can this be, to his own son, and this cant be. he too gets berserk, while he tensedly asks him to control himself. damini too comes and asks how is this possible and asks them to elaborate. ishaan tells about the bone marrow cancer, shocking them all. samrat strts hollering at urmi as if its her fault, asking how could she let this happen to his son by giving him this deadly disease. Ishaan and anirudh ask him to calm down and behave. damini asks him to shut up, as urmi is his motherr after all, and she cant mean to him. Anirudh says that they shall try whatever means they can, and whatever treatments are there, to cure shaurya. Samrat says that he doesnt trust doctors and asks ishaan what did the doctor say. Samrat jerks urmi asking her how much time is left with shaurya, in terms of months, so that he can give him all the happiness in the world, and keeps pointing out as to how long shaurya has to live before he faces his imminent death with cancer. finally, frustrated urmi shoves him away with a scream, saying that she doesnt know, as she wont let anything happen to him, and all are shocked. She says that his mother is alive, and hence god cant do anything to him. All are shocked to see such ferocity, whereafter she collapses again, and ishaan and anirudh compose, while she rants, that shaurya would be alright, and god cant take him away.

While the doctor studies the reports, urmi and ishaan wait anxiously. the doctor asks them to listen patiently what he is about to say, as its good that they caught it early, and they have time for treatment. He says that there’s just one treatment in the world for this, and thats possible in their hospital. they ask whats it. He asks them if they have another child, shaurya’s brother or sister. they deny. the doctor advises them that the treatment for shaurya’s bone marrow cancer, is by the bone marrow of his sibling. he asks them to plan the baby soon, as soon as possible. ishaan asks why, and the doctor says that for bone marrow transplant, they need a sibling, and once the child is born within nine months, they can transplant the bone marrow from the umbilical cord. And if thats not a success, then they shall try again after 18 months, until which time, shaurya shall be on medication. he explains the entire procedure, and emphasises that they should plan a baby asap. They are tensed. ishaan clarifies that he isnt shaurya’s biological father and if her and his child shall have the same effect. The doctor denies and says that the mother and the father have to be the same. urmi is shocked and distraught, while ishaan is shell shocked. He says that other than that, there’s no cure. The screen freezes on urmi’s shocked face, as she finds all hopes lost wondering where to go from here, and ishaan stands dejected.

At Ishaan’s residence
Damini is highly tensed, for such a small child fighting with such a deadly disease, and sandhya is doubtful as to why is she pretending when noone’s around, and points it to damini, who is horrified, that sandhya can stoop to such a level to think so. sandhya says that she didnt mean so. But damini lashes at her, asking how could she misunderstand her, as she only wanted her sone’s life back and her son’s good, but not someone else’s son’s life or his happiness. she leaves fuming in anger, while sandhya is irritated.

On the road
Ishaan and urmi are back on their home, in the car, while both of them are distraught and apalled, both unable to control tears, as they hold each others’ hands to comfort each other. she turns away and breaks into uncontrollable tears.

As urmi and ishaan’s family sit together, all are tensed that shaurya is suffering from such a deadly disease. samrat says that he hopes he had money, and he would have given him first class treatment. Anirudh says that he is there for that, and they shall give whatever money is needed. Sandhya comes in saying that food is laid out. samrat instantly gets upto rush. Anirudh says that till the time urmi and ishaan dont come back, he wont be able to eat food or any other family member. Samrat gets frustrated but says that its absolutely right, taking a u -turn. Just then, urmi and ishaan come back home, and all rush to ask whats the matter and what did the doctor say. ishaan stsnds tensed. Anirudh asks whats the next step. ishaan says that the doctor has prescribed some initial tests after which, they shall begin with the treatment and medication, and shaurya shall be fine soon. samrat comes and asks whats the treatment, while ishaan says that it would be general treatment course in cancer. he asks what shall it be, chemotherapy or anything else. He insists. ishaan looks tensedly at urmi whether to tell what the doctor said. urmi is in despair, as they remember the doctor’s condition. ishaan asks urmi to go to shaurya and he complies. 

Urmi breaks down in front of gaurav, who tries hard to comfrot her. All are tensed. ishaan tells samrat that he shall tell everything, but samrat says that he shall go tomorrow with them to the doctor to find out every detail about shaurya and his ailment. Ishaan presses his shoulder and requests him, saying that he understands his pain, but asks him to believe that they are trying their best. Damini sees that for the first time, ishaan is talking so nicely with samrat, and maybe others dont notice it, but she does, that there’s something wrong and unusual.
meanwhile, urmi stands outside the room, and is apalled to see shaurya making drawings. she composes her face, and then with a smile on her lips, she comes to him. he asks her where had she gone. She gives an excuse of some work, and then asks him to rest. he says that he is feeling better and asks why does she sound tensed. She fakes composure. he says that he feels bad that they cancelled their trip, as they shouldnt have done that. she says that its okay as they shall go someother time. He says that he shall be okay soon, as he just has minor fever. Urmi looks at him terribly upset and caresses his face, saying that she is very tensed nevertheless, trying hard to control her tears. He says that all problems vanish when she is around, as she has the solution to everything, then why does she sound so tensed, as no disease stands anywhere before her love for him. urmi carsses him. He asks her to promise, and she does so blindly. Ishaan comes just then. Shaurya makes her promise that they shall go back on their trip the day he gets better. she agrees crying. Ishaan comes into lighten the mood. He asks shaurya why is urmi crying. Shaurya asks him to explain to her, that very soon he shall be fit and fine, and asks her not to cry. ishaan too plays along, and tries to cheer them all. He says that he is very hungry, and shaurya says that he is too, and says that he wants to eat pudding. They both order urmi to make it, and she happily leaves.

Samrat meanwhile in the room is very tensed that he couldnt lay his hands on the food. he eyes fruits kept on the table for tani, and wonders whether to take one or not, but then his hunger overpowers and he takes an orange. before he can take the first bite, he hears tani calling him, and gets frustrated and stuffs the orange underneath the bed. tani comes inside with the a plate of food. He is happy to see the food, but pretends that he is tensed for shaurya. she asks him to eat or his health would go bad. But he keeps saying that he is very tensed to eat. tani eyes the peel around samrat’s mouth and is tensed, as she asks if he ate. He asks why does she say so. tani shows him orange peel, and asks whats it. He gets flustered and then gives an excuse that he ate an orange, as he was going unconscious. She asks him to eat too now. he pretends not to be able to swallow, out of shaurya’s ill health. she asks if he wants to spend time with shaurya tonight. He says that he wants to but urmi wont allow. tani says that she can talk to urmi and get that to happen. He says that it would be an unnecessary bother and moreover he forgets every pain when he is with her. She starts feeding him. He thinks that he killed two birds with one stone.

Meanwhile, Urmi is distraught as she remembers the doctor’s treatment, when ishaan comes in and is apalled to see her like this and places a reassuring shoulder on her hands to comfort her, but it just breaks her all the more. he sits beside her, and asks her to talk to him, as turning away wont help. she asks what can she say as she doesnt have the guts to do what is demanded to save her son’s life. she says that the lord gave her son a disease, from which to save him, she would have to die. he says that she would have to face the situation. ishaan says that urmi has to be strong, but she cant escape, as the god is testing him and her and their love. Damini comes in with milk, and overhears standing the the door, as urmi talks about her dilemma wondering what to do, as she desperately wants to save her son’s life, as a caring mother, but she just cant cant do what the doctor told her her to, at any cost. ishaan stands boggled and confused, while damini is perplexed as to what she is talking about. urmi says that there must be some other way to save shaurya’s life somehow, while ishaan is distraught as he tries hard to comfrot her. he says that according to the doctor there’s no other way out. damini wonders whats causing them to be so worried, that has urmi so hesitant, amnd there’s something noone knows.both unable to control tears, as they hold each others’ hands to comfort each other. she turns away and breaks into uncontrollable tears.

As urmi and ishaan’s family sit together, all are tensed that shaurya is suffering from such a deadly disease. samrat says that he hopes he had money, and he would have given him first class treatment. Anirudh says that he is there for that, and they shall give whatever money is needed. Sandhya comes in saying that food is laid out. samrat instantly gets upto rush. Anirudh says that till the time urmi and ishaan dont come back, he wont be able to eat food or any other family member. Samrat gets frustrated but says that its absolutely right, taking a u -turn. Just then, urmi and ishaan come back home, and all rush to ask whats the matter and what did the doctor say. ishaan stsnds tensed. Anirudh asks whats the next step. ishaan says that the doctor has prescribed some initial tests after which, they shall begin with the treatment and medication, and shaurya shall be fine soon. samrat comes and asks whats the treatment, while ishaan says that it would be general treatment course in cancer. he asks what shall it be, chemotherapy or anything else. He insists. ishaan looks tensedly at urmi whether to tell what the doctor said. urmi is in despair, as they remember the doctor’s condition. ishaan asks urmi to go to shaurya and he complies. 

Urmi breaks down in front of gaurav, who tries hard to comfrot her. All are tensed. ishaan tells samrat that he shall tell everything, but samrat says that he shall go tomorrow with them to the doctor to find out every detail about shaurya and his ailment. Ishaan presses his shoulder and requests him, saying that he understands his pain, but asks him to believe that they are trying their best. Damini sees that for the first time, ishaan is talking so nicely with samrat, and maybe others dont notice it, but she does, that there’s something wrong and unusual.
meanwhile, urmi stands outside the room, and is apalled to see shaurya making drawings. she composes her face, and then with a smile on her lips, she comes to him. he asks her where had she gone. She gives an excuse of some work, and then asks him to rest. he says that he is feeling better and asks why does she sound tensed. She fakes composure. he says that he feels bad that they cancelled their trip, as they shouldnt have done that. she says that its okay as they shall go someother time. He says that he shall be okay soon, as he just has minor fever. Urmi looks at him terribly upset and caresses his face, saying that she is very tensed nevertheless, trying hard to control her tears. He says that all problems vanish when she is around, as she has the solution to everything, then why does she sound so tensed, as no disease stands anywhere before her love for him. urmi carsses him. He asks her to promise, and she does so blindly. Ishaan comes just then. Shaurya makes her promise that they shall go back on their trip the day he gets better. she agrees crying. Ishaan comes into lighten the mood. He asks shaurya why is urmi crying. Shaurya asks him to explain to her, that very soon he shall be fit and fine, and asks her not to cry. ishaan too plays along, and tries to cheer them all. He says that he is very hungry, and shaurya says that he is too, and says that he wants to eat pudding. They both order urmi to make it, and she happily leaves.

Samrat meanwhile in the room is very tensed that he couldnt lay his hands on the food. he eyes fruits kept on the table for tani, and wonders whether to take one or not, but then his hunger overpowers and he takes an orange. before he can take the first bite, he hears tani calling him, and gets frustrated and stuffs the orange underneath the bed. tani comes inside with the a plate of food. He is happy to see the food, but pretends that he is tensed for shaurya. she asks him to eat or his health would go bad. But he keeps saying that he is very tensed to eat. tani eyes the peel around samrat’s mouth and is tensed, as she asks if he ate. He asks why does she say so. tani shows him orange peel, and asks whats it. He gets flustered and then gives an excuse that he ate an orange, as he was going unconscious. She asks him to eat too now. he pretends not to be able to swallow, out of shaurya’s ill health. she asks if he wants to spend time with shaurya tonight. He says that he wants to but urmi wont allow. tani says that she can talk to urmi and get that to happen. He says that it would be an unnecessary bother and moreover he forgets every pain when he is with her. She starts feeding him. He thinks that he killed two birds with one stone.

Meanwhile, Urmi is distraught as she remembers the doctor’s treatment, when ishaan comes in and is apalled to see her like this and places a reassuring shoulder on her hands to comfort her, but it just breaks her all the more. he sits beside her, and asks her to talk to him, as turning away wont help. she asks what can she say as she doesnt have the guts to do what is demanded to save her son’s life. she says that the lord gave her son a disease, from which to save him, she would have to die. he says that she would have to face the situation. ishaan says that urmi has to be strong, but she cant escape, as the god is testing him and her and their love. Damini comes in with milk, and overhears standing the the door, as urmi talks about her dilemma wondering what to do, as she desperately wants to save her son’s life, as a caring mother, but she just cant cant do what the doctor told her her to, at any cost. ishaan stands boggled and confused, while damini is perplexed as to what she is talking about. urmi says that there must be some other way to save shaurya’s life somehow, while ishaan is distraught as he tries hard to comfrot her. he says that according to the doctor there’s no other way out. damini wonders whats causing them to be so worried, that has urmi so hesitant, amnd there’s something noone knows.

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