Monday 29 January 2018

Monday Update On Lies Of The Heart Episode 311 - 313

At Urmi’s Residence, celebrations and festivities are on in full swing, while all dance. sandhya and damini silently fume. Just then, Ishaan comes in and is teased for being so impatient to marry Urmi. Ishaan comes and romances Urmi, citing romantic lines, while Urmi is shy and embarassed.

He says that he got a gift for her. She asks how can she wear the earings that he has got for her, in front of everyone, and more so that she has mehendi on her arms. He says that its all the more good, as he can help her wear them. urmi blushes, while all smile, at ishaan’s flirt. Damini and sandhya are frustrated. ishaan helps her wear them. Saroj thinks that urmi has been through a lot, and now urmi deserves some happiness. Damini thinks that today urmi shall have her last day of happiness, as after this, her dreams shall shatter like this marriage. Meanwhile, Ishaan gets samrat’s call and gets tensed. he excuses himself from them. After he leaves, sunder eyes urmi from a distance. Sandhya catches sunder in action, and points it to Damini, who asks him to leave. She tells sandhya too to get to work.

Outside, Samrat taunts him, showing that he knows everything about the earrings that he just gifted her, and leeringly comments at him and his wife. He asks samrat where is he, and come in front. samrat says that he shall come at the right time, to ruin everything. Ishaan asks him to stop all this, as he wouldnt get anything, and since he never deserved urmi, and never gotten her importance. Samrat says that he gave urmi everything, but he got jail and ruin in return. Ishaan says that he got what he deserved. samrat says that he shall end his and urmi’s happiness. Ishaan is tensed, but asks him to forget. samrat says that he is determined, that he wont let live in peace, and not dream unnecessarily. ishaan asks if he thinks he shall be threatened. samrat asks him to understand and be careful of what he said. He taunts ishaan and then cancels the call. Ishaan is tensed. He tells this to gaurav, and he gets tensed, and decides to call for police for safety. Ishaan doesnt like it, but Gaurav says that the police shall be in plain clothes.

They decide to keep this to themselves only.
While urmi is about to get the mehendi done for the other arm, she is stopped by damini, who asks her to freshen up and eat something, before she sits for the other hand, as then she would be rendered useless, for many hours. Asha likes the idea. Urmi leaves to go to the washroom, to freshen up. damini and sandhya eye her going to the bathroom. She enters the bathroom and then locks it. Sunder comes out of the shower, his shirt unbuttoned. urmi lets out a scream. She says that she had no idea he was here. She begins to go. He grabs hold of her, and she tries to run away, stopping him with her hands, pretending that it was by accident. Her mehendi is smeared on his shirt. He asks her not to mind and runs out. As urmi goes out, she finds everyone standing there, waiting tensedly, while some even registering shock. urmi is baffled. they start commenting on urmi’s character. Sunder shows the mehendi smears, and damini is pleased. gaurav and ishaan come too. Sandhya accuses urmi of being an infidel, that tomorrow is the marriage and today she is fooling around with sunder. urmi is shocked and hurt. saroj and her family are outraged. urmi tries to clarify, while sunder asks for forgiveness, as he isnt at fault, as since he came, she is after him, and that she grabbed hold of him, the minute she got chance and he too ouldnt resist. urmi asks him what nonsense is he blabbering. ishaan too comes to urmi’s rescue. He asks sunder if he has lost his mind. Sunder’s mother stands for him branding her as characterless, as such a woman cant be satisfied by one woman, and bad mouths her.

Ishaan is shocked, while urmi’s family is angered. Urmi fights back tears. Anirudh asks the woman to shut up, as urmi is going to be their bahu, ishaan too stands for urmi, as he wont listen to anything against urmi. She retaliates asking why is her son being dragged. Sunder says that he too wont sit quiet. urmi asks him what did he see her doing. urmi tries to explain everything, but sunder shows them the mehendi and lipstick stains. urmi says that she didnt do anything like this. Sunder asks how could he fall for such a low woman, who is completely characterless. He says that being his brother, he cant want bad for him. Sunder asks ishaan to canecel this marriage, right this very minute, as otherwise he would repent all his life. ishaan is distraught and apalled, as he eyes urmi. urmi is in tears. Her family is distraught.

Urmi’s Residence
Ishaan slaps sunder tight, openly advocating fpr urmi and her purity. urmi is overwhelmed while her family is relieved. Sunder is shocked. damini and sandhya are outraged. Sunder’s parents are angry at ishaan, while he asks them to sternly leave if they feel so, and they are most welcome here but not their son. They turn to anirudh. Anirudh says that it isnt wrong, and ishaan is right. Damini and sandhya are frustrated. anirudh says that he is angry at sunder, and he shall not stay here after this. he tells them that if they want to participate, they would be happy, but if they want to leave, they wont be stopped. Sunder’s family is enraged, and says that they shall leave rightaway. tehy comply. All get tensed. Ishaan turns to urmi, who is still crying. Anirudh asks her not to worry as he is here. Ishaan consoles her, while her family is happy. Damini feels defeated.

On the road
Later, ishaan goes to drop urmi home. As they get down, he asks urmi to forget everything, as he would always trust her, and asks her to be happy and smile for him. She complies. He gets happy, and says that she looks bful, when she smiles. He reminds her of their marriage tomorrow. She begins to leave shyly, while he wishes her goodnight. she complies, and he waives her a kiss and leaves. urmi goes inside.

While driving on the road, Ishaan comes across Samrat standing on the road, with a gift in his hand. Ishaan comes out and confronts samrat, asking how could he come again, and asks him to stop such games, and instead of ruining his life, he should think about composing his ruined life. Samrat comes and confronts ishaan with a wicked smile. he says that he has no interest in him, but he cant leave urmi. ishaan asks him to buzz off. Samrat says that he shall be composed, only when urmi is ruined. Ishaan reminds what happened to samrat in Bhopal, and asks him to have sympathy on himself. samrat evilly smiles, and asks him to remember that he has nothing to lose, and that its their turn to lose now. he gives ishaan a gift for his dream wedding. He says that anything might happen tomorrow, and hence he should accept the gift. ishaan callously throws it away, asking him to leave. samrat pretends to be hurt, and asks how could he throw, even if he knew that ishaan would do this. Samrat asks whats tmorrow, and ishaan says that its his marriage. He defiantly tells ishaan, that he may not accept this, but he shall have to accept the wedding gift that he got for him tomorrow, as he has no other choice. he asks him to be prepared for his married life turning into ruins tomorrow, as he would neither be able to digest not spit it out, and shall have to bear it throughout his life. Ishaan stands tensed. samrat smirks at him and leaves, while ishaan stands tensed.

As the next day comes to an end, the night dawns in, ishaan ‘s procession arrives, while the banquet gets ready, for the wedding. devi starts receiving guests. Asha continues her rant, while granny is frustrated with her as usual. all are busy in preparations. Saroj is tensed too. Gaurav is worried on police protection. Asha hears the groom’s procession coming in and all rush excitedly towards it.

Meanwhile, someone is found to be stealthily approaching urmi’s door, but is distracted when asha’s son walks in. He chats with urmi and then leaves. saroj comes and dressing her up, says that she is starting afresh and asks her to forget her bitter past with herself in the new home, as she is very lucky, to get a husband like ishaan, and she should welcome him with open arms. urmi is tensed. The unidentified person lurks around, hearing all this. Saroj gets emotional, and wishes her all the happiness. Urmi assures her that everything would be fine, though super nervous inside. saroj asks her to get ready, as she has to leave to attend to the Baraat. Saroj comes out, to find a stranger, busy with wires, and thinks that its the electrician, and leaves neverthless. But the suspicious guy again makes his turn towards urmi’s room, after saroj leaves.

Outside, sandhya and damini resignedly participate, as urmi’s family comes to greet ishaan and his baraat, excitedly and happily. they comply with the initial rituals, of greeting the groom and his family, while saroj eyes ishaan with much glee. All go, while sandhya taunts damini says that she is utterly defeated and should stop thinking about breaking their marriage, as nothing can stop this wedding now. gaurav assures ishaan of the complete police protection and asks him to be happy. He asks about urmi, and gaurav assures her that urmi is fine. They get him to sit on the royal chairs, meant for the groom and bride. sandhya continues her taunts, while all take it amusingly. Ishaan is tensed though. he calls tani, asking her where is she, visibly angry, while she assures him jokingly that she would definitely reach. before ishaan can respond, he is mesmerised to see urmi coming down. Saroj and asha get urmi down to ishaan, who overwhelmingly eyes her breathtaking beauty, as she stands before him dressed as his bride. damini points out to urmi as a bad omen, wrapped beautifully, while damini watches angrily, as she leaves no stone unturned to taunt him. they both eye each other, as they get ready for the jaimala. Someone is shown to observe them from a distance mysteriously.

Urmi’s Residence
Granny asks saroj to begin with the jaimala and she complies. All start teasing ishaan not to give in easily. As urmi’s family raise her high, so does ishaan’s family, and he finally gets the garland around urmi. Saroj then asks urmi to do her turn now, and she is hesitant, but finally complies. all tell ishaan not to bow his head easily, but he instantly bows in front of urmi, surprising her overwhelmingly. sandhya as usual taunts this to damini, who stays silent, but is angered from within. sandhya reaches the stage and asks ishaan not to do so, as its not becoming for a man. He asks her to relax, as he was only bowing down inf ront of his wife, as its his fortune, that he got a chance to be with urmi, for his life, and that she should focus on his love and respect, that he has for his wife, for all eternity. he assures that a husband should always bow to the wife, to get her love, and if that doesnt happen, he would be lifeless. damini and sandhya are frustrated. Granny commends him for his thinking. All are happy. Asha gathers them all for a family pic. people start commenting on umi’s pre-dirvoced and motherly status. the photo session continues. damini is super tensed, and finally gets up on the stage, and asks her to go and change for the pheras, and offers to help hr. but asha volunteers and asks her to go and change. They comply, while damini smiles. Ishaan asks urmi to take care of herself, and asha complies. Someone is shown to be eyeing them from a distance.

Asha continues her nonsensical rant in the doorway. urmi stumbles and gets a sprain. She tells asha that she is weirdly restless, but asha asks hr not to worry as she is here. Suddenly, asha remembers that she kept the lehenga for urmi, in her mother’s room and goes to get the keys, while urmi walks restlesssly, and nervously towards the room. she is aware of someone’s presence behind her, but doesnt see anyone. she enters her room.
Downstairs, all are happy that everything is going normally. Asha comes to ask for the keys to saroj’s room, and saroj says that she gave it to sanaya. asha goes to her. Suddenly, just then the lights go off, and all are tensed as to what happened. They all enquire about urmi, and fingers point ot asha as she was with urmi. The police immediately gets to action. gaurav leaves to find out too. Asha stands speechless, as saroj asks her angrily, how could she leave urmi alone, in the room, in such darkness, when ishaan asks where’s urmi and if she is okay.

Suddenly, Urmi’s scream for saving her, addressing everyone, shatters everyone present there, as it reverberates in the banquet. ishaan is distraught. they are all shocked and rush towards urmi’s room. people start commenting of the bad omen.
Meanwhile, urmi’s room is alight with fire, and she is extremely scread, screaming for somneone to save her. ishaan rushes to her room, and is shocked, to find the room locked from inside. The family members come too, while ishaan asks if she is okay and to open the door. All are scared for her. The police finally comes in, and all try to get the door to open. Damini eyes the entire drama tensedly. Finally, urmi gets into a daze and falls unconscious on the floor. ishaan notices smoke coming out of the room, and are scared that the room is afire. anirudh asks ishaan to break the door open, and he complies, with fullest strength and finally succeeds. He is shocked to find urmi unconscious. All others are apalled too. Despite the police and damini trying to protect him from going inside, on anirudh’s urge for him to be careful, ishaan dives inside in the fire to rescue urmi. Gaurav finally arrives there too. ishaan tries to get urmi unconscious, but when she doesnt, he takes her in his arms, and tries to find his way out, of the fire, without hurting urmi, while all are tensed for both of them and their safety. He finally comes out with steely determination, saving urmi without a scratch. the crowd makes way, while sandhya and damini are shocked at the length to which ishaan went for urmi.

In her room, while urmi finally regains consciosuness, all are tensed, particularly ishaan. He nudges her asking if she is fine. she fights back tears and complies. saroj assures urmi that the unfortunate didnt happen, and asks ishaan not to worry, as all is okay. ishaan complies. He asks how did this happen. saroj asks him not to bother, as urmi is safe. gaurav comes inside. ishaan asks gaurav if they found the cause of the fire, and gaurav says that it was a short circuit. Ishaan asks gaurav if he is sure. He says that the electrician told this to him himself, and even the police has checked. Urmi asks why is he so tensed. He is, and asks her to take care of herself every minute. they both ask sanaya and saroj to be with urmi all the time, as its not right to leave her alone. they all comply tensedly.
Meanwhile, the stranger that saroj first spotted, finally takes off his hood, in an isolated room, revealing it to be a person, who was paid by Damini to do this. damini is angry that he couldnt fulfill the task properly, while he says that he isnt at fault, but her son is, who saved her like a hero. he says that he should get the money, as if she doesnt pay, then the world might know. She throws the money and asks him to get lost forever.

Urmi’s Residence
While the rituals are going on, Sandhya takes the oppurtunity to taunt damini, that all her plan fell flat, and she has no other option, but to fall flat on her face. Finally, the kanyadaan begins, as the priest explains the ritual and its significance. all watch as urmi is on her way to become happy once again. urmi goes through the rituals tensedly, mixed emotions surging through her. ishaan is happy and relieved. Sandhya’s husband applauds anirud’s and ishaan’s effort in helping the marriage materialise. The priest asks them all to begin with the pheras, after asha does the gadhbandhan. Ishaan extends her hand to help her stand up, while she eyes him emotionally. the pheras begin amidst much cheer, as the priest starts narrating the promises with each phera, and ishaan reiterates it, behind the priest, meaning every word. The pheras finally get over and Ishaan dons the vermillion on urmi’s forehead. Then the priest asks him to help her wear the mangalsutra. damini gets up and gives it to him. he then extends his hand, and puts it around urmi. All are happy and overwhelmed, while urmi has mixed emotions. She looks at him with overwhelming emotions. Their romantic eyegaze is broken off by the sound of Samrat clapping, congratulating them on their marriage, while he is himself dressed as a groom.

Gaurav and others are shocked. ishaan and urmi are shocked and boggled, as samrat congratulates them all. the police gets to catching him, while samrat continues to address ishaan as Saala. ishaan asks him to get lost, and stop his nonsense. samrat asks him to think before he speaks. samrat says that his relations change with time, and hence he always keeps them joined, as they have just exchanged relations, as first urmi was his, and now she is ishaan’s, but along with it, they have a new relation, and that he thought on this pious day, when ishaan and his ex-wife are getting married, samrat himself too got married, and that they shall celebrate together, the double wedding, which would kill two birds with one stone. He says that now he would make them meet his wife. All are boggled. He hollers for Mrs. Samrat Singh Rathore, asking her to come and take everyone’e blessings. he extends his hand, and tani walks in and stands beside him, dressed as a bride, and acting as Samrat’s wife. Both of them are shell shocked, while samrat eyes them evilly. the entire family is boggled and outraged.

Ishaan’s residence
Later, tani is slapped tightly by anirudh, asking how dare she do something so stooping low. samrat is shocked. Anirudh asks how dare she get married with a person, who is a low life, who spent six years in jail. She is angry, while he asks her how could he not think once for their family’s reputation and respect. He says that she drowned everyone along with herself. he says that he is ashamed to call her his daughter. he is about to slap her again, when samrat steps in, addressing him as father, and asks him not to say anything to his wife, as he would bear the brunt of his anger, but not say anything to tani, as he loves her dearly. ishaan and urmi are shocked and frustrated to the core. samrat asks him to take it positively, while anirudh asks him to stop calling him father, addressing him as Bastard, and asks him not to even dare tie a relation with him. he insults him saying that he wont even see his face, leave alone having a relation with him. ishaan too asks samrat to get lost, but tani steps in, saying that he cant talk to samrat like this, as he is her husband. She says that if anirudh doesnt understand it, he should atleast. Ishaan asks if she is in her senses. He asks if he even realises that she has made the biggest mistake of her life. He says that this isnt a person, but an animal. urmi too tries to say that she has no clue who he is. tani boggles them saying that she knows very well that samrat is urmi’s ex-husband. They are shocked to hear this, and rendered speechless. ishaan asks how could she marry him, after knowing everything, and asks if she has gone mad. she is defiant. damini asks tani, why is she playing with her life. Tani says that she and he love each other. urmi says that he just pretends to love, and tries to make her see along with ishaan, what samrat actually is and whats he trying to do here actually. He tries to tell tani about the recent phone calls, when samrat intervenes, saying that he saw him after six years, and asks ishaan not to lie. He says that tani knows everything, and that he might not have gotten along with urmi, but urmi can stay happy, then why cant he. ishaan shoves him away, asking him to stop this pretense, and asks him to get out, grabbing him by the collar. samrat remains cool, and asks him to be patiebnt, respecting their relation atleast.

Tani comes inside, and shoves ishaan away, asking him to stop insulting samrat like this. Tani says that she isnt an idiot. anirudh is super angry, while sandhya silently enjoys the drama, thinking that the old couple, have come to live again together in the new house, one has ruined damini’s son and the other Damini’s daughter. Devi comes and asks tani that she doesnt realise what samrat has done, while tani is frustrated with his rant. Saroj too stands up for urmi, and how smarta spoiled urmi’s life and would do the same thing to her too. tani asks them not to speak in this, as they dont have the right to tell her anything, as what samrat did, was exactly what urmi deserved, and they both are vastly different. Tani tells them all that samrat wont spoil her life when the truth is that urmi has spoiled his life. samrat smiles evilly.

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