Friday 26 January 2018

Friday Update On Modern Homemaker

Kanhaiya writes everyone’s name on the stone while the Tantrik saying that the name of the culprit will prevail on the stone. Everyone is feeling scared and worried in their respective room. Someone is shown coming down and slowly approaching the stone and writing over one of the names.

 The next morning, everyone assembles in the main hall again looking at the stone. Bindiya says so what you said Sona? That one of the family member stole it and even the Tantrik said that the name of the culprit will prevail but i see nothing like that. Fake tantrik baba! Sona says that Bindiya is right as no one’s name was written on the stone and the person who came as the tantrik was one of the constables and everyone is shocked. Sona says that he dressed like a tantrik to assist in catching the culprit. Bindiya says but no one had stolen in this house right? Sona says that if you see the stone properly, you could clearly see who is the culprit. Everyone looks at the stone and Sona announces that the theif is none other than Julie and everyone is shocked! Sona takes the stone and shows everyone to look at the stone where Julie’s name is written twice.

To save herself, Julie came in the night and wrote her name twice. She was scared that if her name goes missing, she would be caught. Suhnaina goes to Julie and asks if she stole? Suhnaina asks Julie to speak and Bindiya interferes saying that Julie is young and how could she steal? Bindiya raises her voice to Sona asking how could she put the blame on Julie? Sona asks Bindiya not to get angry with her but this is the truth. Suhnaina questions Julie again if she stole and Julie admits and everyone is shocked. Govardan looks at Bindiya while Suhnaina asks why did Julie did this? Julie says that she wanted a new mobile phone since all her friends has the latest phones. Govardan goes to slap Julie and Kanhaiya stops Govardan holding his hands. Kanhaiya asks what is Govardan trying to do as he know Julie made a mistake and instead of slapping, teach her not to repeat this. Suhnaina asks why is Kanhaiya stopping Govardan as Julie deserves punishment for stealing in the house. Govardan goes to slap Julie and Sona says that Julie is now a big girl and its not nice to slap her. Suhnaina says that we know Julie is the culprit and why are both you and Kanhaiya saving her? Sona says that they are not saving her but Julie needs to realise her mistake. Sona asks Julie on does she knows how big mistake she had made? She had broken everyone’s trust. Sona asks why did you steal in your own house?

 Look at your parents and they are looking down because of you. How if Chicku learns the same from you? Sona explains to Julie not to steal again and advice her. Sona asks Julie if she will steal if her parents don’t give money? Julie cries and Sona asks Julie to always save the family name and she can buy what she likes with her money once she starts working. Julie holds her ears saying sorry that she didn’t thought of all this and she will not repeat the same in future and Sona hugs Julie. Julie goes to Suhnaina and folds her hands asking to forgive her and says that she will not repeat the same. Suhnaina says that its fine and asks Julie, Dimple and Chicku to leave upstairs. Suhnaina says that once all of them know that one of the family member had stolen, everyone was worried. Why? Everyone remains silent and Suhnaina says that she asked a question and what is everyone hiding from her? Bindiya says that she have been trying to save money to give Suhnaina but she could not do that because she had to buy expensive products for her parlour and she is scared if Suhnaina finds out about it. Suhnaina asks Govardan what was he hiding from her and Govardan says that he was talking about bribing someone to get a promotion and he was scared that if anyone finds out, they would suspect him of stealing the money. Suhnaina asks how about Udham? udham says that since he lost his job, he has no money and Neelam gave some jewelleries to mortgage and Udham says that he kept it a secret or else everyone would suspect them.

Manohar says that he wanted to pay money to buy a new bike and Suhnaina says but he already has a bike and Manohar says thats why he wanted to quietly buy a new one. Suhnaina asks how about Renu and Renu says that she wanted to open a coaching class and she was saving the money for that. Darshana says that Durgesh got some money from the commission and she was scared that they would be the suspect. Suhnaina says so all this has been going on behind my back. If my money didn’t get stolen, i would not have known all this. Suhnaina says to Durgesh that he can inform her of any commission he gets and he will start giving the money for the house. Suhnaina says that Manohar already has a bike and he has to give the money to her. Written Update by Visha_Dhami for India Forums. Suhnaina says that she will give Udham some money to get back Neelam’s jewelleries and he can return the money once he gets a job. Suhnaina also warns everyone not to mortgage the jewelleries of their wive. Suhnaina says that Renu and Bindiya can keep their money and Suhnaina says that she also wants Govardan’s money. Suhnaina says that she wants to thank Sona as everyone’s truth is out because of this. Sona accidentally says about the thief and everyone is looking at Sona and Sona changes what she says and Suhnaina is wondering.

Sona is in the bedroom setting the bedsheet and Sona realize that Kanhaiya is looking sad. Sona goes to Kanhaiya and asks what is he thinking about and Kanhaiya says that he feels that something weird is happening since there have been no theft in the past two days. Kanhaiya says that perhaps the thief got scared and he wants to catch the thief. Sona says that Kanhaiya is perhaps right and the thief must have got scared and its a good thing that the stealing in the colony have stopped. Sona asks when will Kanhaiya be re-joining his work and Kanhaiya gets angry saying if Sona wants Kanhaiya to lose? The theif must get punished and he will not be in peace till that happens. Only then he will re-join his work and Sona tries explaining and Kanhaiya says but what? Why are you arguing about this? Do you want me to catch the thief? Sona says yes and Sona turns and Kanhaiya asks why did Sona lied to him and Sona is shocked. Sona says lie? Kanhaiya says you had promised to me that you will come to meet me every now and then but you seem to have forget it. Sona is relieved and Kanhaiya says this is not a small thing but is there anything else that you are hiding from me? Sona says nothing and leaves that Suhnaina will get angry with her. Sona enters Suhnaina’s room and sees Suhnaina with a gita and Suhnaina calls her to come in. Suhnaina asks if has Sona read Gita before? Sona says that Dadi had read it to her and also explained the meaning. Suhnaina says that Sona also needs to read the Gita and starts reading out a few lines from the Gita and asks if Sona knows the meaning? Sona says that she don’t know Sanskrit and Suhnaina explains the meaning and keeps back the Gita. Sona goes to sleep and Suhnaina asks how can Sona be sure that the thief don’t steal money? A theif can steal anything and Sona says that she feels that this theif don’t steal anything else and Suhnaina says that what you think is great. Suhnaina thinks to herself if Sona thinks she is a fool. She is Sona’s saas and she can know that Sona is hiding something from her and it could be related to the theif.

The next day, Sona is cooking and her phone rings where Radha says that she needs a help from Sona and asks if Sona can come to her shop. Sona says that she can’t come and they should not meet since Suhnaina is already suspecting her. Radha says that she would not force her but it would be good if Sona could come and hangs the call. Sona keeps thinking of Radha calling her and Suhnaina suspecting her and is wondering what to do. Sona recalls Kanhaiya asking Sona to put close her eyes when she has trouble and Sona decides to meet Radha. Sona leaves the house and Neelam asks if is Sona going anywhere? Written update by Visha_Dhami. Sona says that she is going to the police station to see the sketch of the thief and leaves. At Radha’s shop, Radha asks to look at how many customers are there and she is not able to have enough stock and the money that Sona had given is finish and she can also not steal since she promised Sona. Sona says so what are you trying to say? You don’t plan to steal again right? Radha says that i had promised upon my kids that i would not repeat the same but i need to do something. Kanhaiya is at the police station where the constable gives Kanhaiya the sketch which was drawn based on Radha’s description. Kanhaiya looks at the sketch and decides to meet Radha at tha dhabba.

At Radha’s dhabe, a guy who had lend money to Radha asks Radha when will she pay him and everyone starts looking. Sona asks if is this a way to speak to a lady and the guy asks who is Sona to speak in between of them. Sona says that she is Radha’s friend and she won’t keep quiet to see someone speaking rudely to a lady. The guy raises his voice saying how dare she teach him and Radha says sorry to the guyand that she will return his money soon. The landlord says make sure you return my money soon or else i will need to take action. Sona asks Radha to take care as she will surely have a way out of this, and starts leaving while wondering that she needs to do something so that Radha will have a permenant income. Neelam brings food for Suhnaina and Suhnaina asks why is Neelam doing this and what is Sona doing? Neelam informs that Kanhaiya called Sona to come to the police station to see the sketch of the thief and Suhnaina asks what work do Sona has there? Suhnaina calls to Kanhaiya and asks if is Sona with Kanhaiya at the police station? Kanhaiya asks why she should be with me in the police station and asks if is there anything important and Suhnaina says nothing and cuts the call while Sona walks pass Kanhaiya and they don’t see each another.

In Radha’s shop, Radha decides to get rid of all the things she had stolen and Radha turns and is shocked to see Kanhaiya. Kanhaiya shows Radha the sketch and asks if the thief looks like this sketch? Radha says yes, he looked like this and Kanhaiya says that thanks to this, he will surely catch thief. Radha carries the things and Kanhaiya asks what is in this sack? Radha says this are the house old things and she wants to throw it and Kanhaiya says that he can help her and Radha says its alright while Kanhaiya looks at her. Sona enters the house and Suhnaina asks where did Sona went and Sona says that she went to the police station to see the sketch and Suhnaina says that when she called Kanhaiya, Kanhaiya informed that she didn’t go to the police station? Sona says he was right as by the time she reached the station, Kanhaiya had already left. Written Update by Visha_Dhami. Suhnaina praises Neelam on how she had bought all the things and to learn as she will need to do this. Suhnaina says on how they used to save money by doing everything on their ownself and Sona says this means they work from the house right? Udham walks in looking depressed and Suhnaina asks what happened and Udham says that everytime they keep calling him for inquiry and they decision keeps getting delayed. Udham is sad asking on what will he do as he is not earning and Neelam is in tears. Suhnaina says so what if you can’t give me money? Don’t be sad and i looked after you when you were small and i will take care of you now too. Udham says that he is no longer a small kid and he is supposed to look after the family and looks at Neelam. Julie is walking with her friends and she seems sad and her friends asks if she didn’t get permission to change her phone and Julie says that she is happy with her current phone. Avinash calls Julie and teases her for looking sad and Julie says that she don’t know who is he and if he keeps calling and disturbing her, she will complain to the police and leaves while Avinash says that she can get angry and leave but he will not let her go.

 Julie and Sona is talking about the Fair and Lovely contest where Julie says that she is sure she would win and both Sona and Julie promote the Fair and Lovely product. Sona says that the Fair & Lovely is the best treatment. Neelam is sad and crying while Sona consoles her. Neelam says that she can’t see Udham being sad like this without any money and asks if can Sona help her so that Neelam can work and help Udham. Sona says didi.. how can i and Sona gets an idea. Sona says but for that, Neelam needs to follow Sona and Neelam asks where are they going to be going. Sona brings Neelam to Radha’s shop and Radha greets Sona and Neelam. Sona introduces Radha and Neelam to each another. Sona says that Neelam needs a work and Radha needs money to run her shop. Neelam asks how can Radha help her and Sona says that both of you will help each another. Sona says about her idea of cooking meals and sending it to houses and offices and by doing this, both their problems will be solved. Sona says that they can start it on a small scale as both of them are good in cooking. By seeing this, more housewives will join this and they will get a big team. Radha says that she is ready for it and Neelam says that she is also ready for it but how about Suhnaina? Sona says that they shall get Suhnaina’s approval. Udham is sad at home and Suhnaina is consoling him that he will surely get back his job soon. Sona, Radha and Neelam walks in together and Suhnaina looks. Sona says that she needs Suhnaina’s permission as she thought of the business plan and starts explaining to Suhnaina. Suhnaina says what is the need to do this and if Neelam starts doing all this, who will look after the house? Sona says that she will do all this and Bindiya asks how will Neelam be able to manage this? Sona says not to underestimate Neelam and if Neelam starts the work, they can also get all the things from there and help in their budjet. Udham smiles and Suhnaina agrees and Sona is happy.

Suhnaina says Neelam can do this but Sona needs to take full responsibilities in the houseworks. Writen Update by Visha_Dhami for India Forums.Radha’s phone rings where she answers and someone says that her kids is with her and if she wants her kids, she will need to bring money and save them. Radha starts crying who is that and the person says that he is the same one who have been stealing in the colony and if she wants her kids safely, she need to bring the money. Radha says thief and Radha looks at Sona while everyone is shocked. Radha cries that she don’t have 5 laks to save her childrens and the person cuts the call and Radha cries to Sona what will she do. Suhnaina says what sort of person is the thief to kidnap kids. Sona says but the person have asked for money and how will you save your kids? Radha says that she don’t have the money but she still need to try saving her kids and is about to leave and Udham stops Radha saying he will also follow her. Sona says that she will also follow and Radha says but the person said that i should come alone and if he knows both of you followed me, i wonder what will he do and leaves crying. Sona is thinking who is this kidnapper and why is he saying that he is the one who stole all the things while the thief is Radha.

Radha reaches a dark place and calls out for her son and daughter and someone is shown coming with his face covered. Radha can’t see his face and pleads to release her kids as she don’t have any money to give. The guy shouts asking Radha to keep quiet and give the 5 laks as he knows that she has that money. Radha cries saying she don’t have any money and who said that she has so much of money. Radha also says she wonders who said she has so much of money and why did the guy said he stole all the things. The guy says how can you say that i am not the thief and Radha says that you are lying. The guy says that i am the thief and i know that you have the money. Radha cries that she has no money and she stole all the things as she had no choice. The guy opens his face and its revealed that its Kanhaiya. Radha is shocked to see Kanhaiya and Kanhaiya says that the kids are safe and he made this plan to make the truth come out. Kanhaiya calls out his constables who are all hiding and asks to follow to the police station. Radha asks to leave her as she has small kids and Kanhaiya asks her not to speak.

At the police station, Kanhaiya’s superior praises him and asks him to accept back his job. Suhnaina and Sona enters the police station and Suhnaina says that she can’t believe that Radha is the thief and Radha cries and looks at Sona. Suhnaina says she can’t understand what is happening as she thought Radha’s kids got kidnapped and now she is a thief and Kanhaiya says that he made up all the plan. Suhnaina asks but how did Kanhaiya suspected Radha and Kanhaiya says that the theft had stopped for sometime. Kanhaiya says when he went to Radha’s shop to show the sketch, he saw Radha with a sack in her hands. She looked worried and panicked looking at him. When Kanhaiya said he wanted to help in carrying, Radha denies and Kanhaiya followed Radha and he saw Radha throwing all the items far away. Kanhaiya opened the sack and found all the stolen items and he was sure that the thief was none other than Radha. The superior says this means your wife had also caught Radha that night and Suhnaina looks at Sona.

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