Read the interesting update on Hello Pratibha, episode 96-97 for Wednesday, November 15, showing on Zee World
gets Mahen's call, he tells Sanjeev to take care of Peehu as Pratibha is
really worried about her. Mahen says she talked
to Shalu that Peehu is asleep, since they have come here she should focus on her music.
The director comes to them,
he had come for a briefing and tells Pratibha huge companies will sign first five contestants
with them. He asks Pratibha to sign a contract with them and hands it to
Pratibha. Pratibha sits on the bed and is about to sign on the contract when
her phone rings. She says she was waiting for a long time and asks what
happened. Shall is crying and tells Pratibha that Prehistoric is not in her
room and nowhere in the house. Pratibha is shocked and worried.
Pratibha is shocked hearing Shalu that Peehu isn't in her
room, she asks Shalu if she has gone crazy and asks her to check well where
Peehu has gone. The director leaves excusing them. Pratibha asks to talk to
Sunidhi, Sunidhi tells Pratibha that Peehu is nowhere around and that she has
even asked in the neigbours as well. She gave her medicine herself, and cries
where Peehu has gone. Pratibha can’t speak a word. Kaashi is also worried, she
tells Sunidhi to call all her friends. Pratibha drops her phone, Mahen takes it
and asks Sunidhi to ask in the nearby neighbourhood and in the market as well.
Mahen says Peehu will only have gone to her friend.
Pratibha says it was her
mistake, what kind of mother she is that she left her ill, Peehu wanted to come
here and tells Mahen that she told him she wanted to stay with Peehu. She knows
from the last three days that Peehu was really worried for something. She tells
Mahen she won’t participate. The director comes in, Pratibha apologize to him
that she won’t be able to participate in the competition. The director asks
what will he tell everyone. The director says she can’t leave without coming on
stage as all the PRP is only because of her. Mahen says it is important, they
have to go. Pratibha is crying, with no other choice but to leave the competition.
She asks them to leave right now. The director says they can’t get such a
chance again. Pratibha says that right now, being a singer is more important
for her. She leaves.
At home, Sunidhi, who implements her plan says today her revenge will be complete that she didn’t let Pratibha participate in the audition. She thinks about all Pratibha’s victories. She says today she has snatched her daughter as well as her dream. Sanjeev comes home, Sunidhi begins to cry again saying what she will answer to Pratibha. She cries hard, Sanjeev hugs her that everything will get fine while Sunidhi is smiling. Pratibha and Mahen try everyone’s number on their way. Mahen says none of Pratibha’s friend is left. Pratibha says Sneha is left. Sneha says no, she didn’t come. Sneha says she is out of station. Pratibha tells her to inform them as soon as she knows about her. Pratibha curses herself.
At home, Sunidhi, who implements her plan says today her revenge will be complete that she didn’t let Pratibha participate in the audition. She thinks about all Pratibha’s victories. She says today she has snatched her daughter as well as her dream. Sanjeev comes home, Sunidhi begins to cry again saying what she will answer to Pratibha. She cries hard, Sanjeev hugs her that everything will get fine while Sunidhi is smiling. Pratibha and Mahen try everyone’s number on their way. Mahen says none of Pratibha’s friend is left. Pratibha says Sneha is left. Sneha says no, she didn’t come. Sneha says she is out of station. Pratibha tells her to inform them as soon as she knows about her. Pratibha curses herself.
Mahen hugs her
while he himself had been crying.
Peehu wakes up and fines herself sitting under the tree. She notices some men there and run away from there. She cries that now she can never talk to anyone, not even her mom. She sees a PCO. While on the way, the driver tells Pratibha they will reach in five minutes. Peehu then calls Pratibha, Pratibha attends the call but Peehu doesn’t speak. Praying realize that it is Peehu while Peehu is crying. Pratibha asks her and begs her to say something. Both cry. Peehu apologize to her that she have to go and asks to please forgive her. Pratibha asks her to tell them where she is, but Peehu hangs up crying. Peehu is left speechless.
At night, Sanjeev is restless. Kaashi cursed Peehu and Pratibha saying they are behind ruining their family’s respect. Pratibha and Mahen come home. Sunidhi cries hugging her. Mahen asks Anmol to go to her room. Pratibha doesn't hug Sunidhi but asks if she left Peehu on her own and that she had promised her that she will take care of Peehu. She asks why Peehu left home, when she was at home. Sunidhi says she doesn’t know where she go and claims that she is with her mother, and throw a question at Pratibha that when she couldn’t know what is in her heart then how could she know. She adds that it is Pratibha’s mistake behind it all, she only think about singing and that she did think there can be a problem in Peehu’s life? Mahen asks if she knows about a problem in her life.
Peehu wakes up and fines herself sitting under the tree. She notices some men there and run away from there. She cries that now she can never talk to anyone, not even her mom. She sees a PCO. While on the way, the driver tells Pratibha they will reach in five minutes. Peehu then calls Pratibha, Pratibha attends the call but Peehu doesn’t speak. Praying realize that it is Peehu while Peehu is crying. Pratibha asks her and begs her to say something. Both cry. Peehu apologize to her that she have to go and asks to please forgive her. Pratibha asks her to tell them where she is, but Peehu hangs up crying. Peehu is left speechless.
At night, Sanjeev is restless. Kaashi cursed Peehu and Pratibha saying they are behind ruining their family’s respect. Pratibha and Mahen come home. Sunidhi cries hugging her. Mahen asks Anmol to go to her room. Pratibha doesn't hug Sunidhi but asks if she left Peehu on her own and that she had promised her that she will take care of Peehu. She asks why Peehu left home, when she was at home. Sunidhi says she doesn’t know where she go and claims that she is with her mother, and throw a question at Pratibha that when she couldn’t know what is in her heart then how could she know. She adds that it is Pratibha’s mistake behind it all, she only think about singing and that she did think there can be a problem in Peehu’s life? Mahen asks if she knows about a problem in her life.
Sunidhi says she gave her medicine, Peehu came to talk to
her but her mother called so she went away, afterwards when she went to her
room Peehu wasn’t there. She cries where has Peehu gone. Sunidhi says right
now, the most important thing is to find Peehu. She asks Pratibha to recall, if
there was a problem in Peehu’s life. Pratibha says she is right, she is her
mother and she should know what is going on in her children’s life. She doesn’t
know why her daughter takes such decision, but she knows she
will bring her daughter back home fine, no matter
what. She goes inside. Sunidhi thinks it is really late, now. She
might practice. Pratibha comes to Peehu’s room, she sees that Peehu didn’t even
take medicine. She looks into Peehu’s things to know why she left home. She
finds Peehu’s mobile, and wonders why she left her phone at home. She cries
hard and gets on the bed. She cries that God can’t do this to her, and to Him
to make her meet her daughter. A note was lying there under the table, Pratibha
goes to pick it up. She and Anmol read it as ‘neither she will run nor hide,
police will get her in Kolkatta and her reputation would be ruin on TV’.
In the night, Partibha reads
the letter and
cries then Mahen takes it from Partibha and gets confused as to who would
blackmail Pihu for money. Partibha starts to cry and says that all this
happened to pihu and she did not even noticed. Partibha starts to get worried
and fears that the blackmailer might have done something wrong to Pihu. Mahen
tells Partibha that Pihu is a smart girl and they will find her. Mahen adds
that he talked to Pihu‘s friend’s and they were worried and he feels that they
may know the reason behind the disappearance of Pihu but they are not saying
it. Partibha says that they shoy involve the police and Mahen also agrees.
Sunidhi is thinking that what if Pratibha finds any clue then all of her plan
will fail but she is confident that she left no clue and no one will suspect
her. Sanjeev scolds Sunidhi that everyone is tense and she is smiling, Sunidhi
asks what will she do to create a scene like Partibha or cry. Sanjeev then asks
Sunidhi if she is hiding something and then she gets scared. Sunidhi tells
Sanjeev that he should trust her the same way in which he scolds her because
she is his wife. Suddenly the doorbell rings and Mahen and Partibha come to
see, Mahen says that this must be the police. Sanjeev asks why they have
informed the police and Mahen replied that it is a matter for the police now as
they found the blackmailers letter from Pihu's room. Mahen then opens the door and asks
the police to come in. Partibha says that she messeged her for the last time
around six. The police asks if they talked to her then Sanjeev says that they
did not talked to her as they thought that Pihu was in her room sleeping but
she had already left the house by then. Partibha then says that she knows where
Pihu is.
Pihu is walking and sees some refreshments and hurriedly
searches her bag to find money as she is
hungry but does not find the money. Just then, Pihu listens to the two
men talking about a girl. Then one of them sees Pihu and talking that they feel
that she belongs to a rich family. On the other hand, Sanjeev says that if
Pratibha’s suspect comes true then everything will get solved. Kaashi says that
Partibha is not a fortune teller and she is confident that Pihu will not be
there. Sunidhi says that if Pratibha’s suspect is true then it will be confirmed then Pihu
wants to run away and Pratibha sister will be dishearted to learn that her own
children want to go way from her. Sunidhi tells Sanjeev to calm down as Pihu
will not come back as he is tense. Sunidhi then goes to another room and calls
the blackmailer to tell him to pack his bags and get out of the city as soon as
possible. Meanwhile, Partibha is asking everyone on the city for Pihu even in
the market and also from the transport men. Pratibha tells Mahen to go to the
left and she will go to the right believing that they will quickly find her
way. Pihu is wakes up when two drunk men throw their bottle at her and ask Pihu
to come out or else they will throw another bottle.
Pratibha then asks another
lady if she has seen Pihu and both of them and the police continue their
search. Pihu is surrounded by the two men and is scared and suddenly Pratibha
comes and ask the shopkeeper but he tells her that he cannot remember where he
saw her and Pratibha moves forward but turns back and sees Pihu shoe and
collects it. Pihu runs away and hides in a bus and she comes out when feels
that that the men have left then the chase begins again . Then atlast they both
cacth her and when they are trying to take her, Pratibha comes seeing the other
way. Pihu tries to get free but they take her away. Then when she is about to
leave she turns back and finds Pihu. Pratibha demand to the men to release her
daughter but they refuse and take her away. Pihu bites one of them and runs
back to her mother. Pratibha looks around and takes up a pole and tells the two
men that tried to kidnap her daughter to back off and hits one of them which
forces them to flee. Partibha hugs Pihu and suddenly, Praying notice that one
of the kidnappers tries to harm Pihu with a pole and in order to
save her her daughter, she push Pihu away and unfortunately got hits by the man
with a pole. Pihu scream out to her mother and the men again try to hit
Pratibha, Mahen then comes and saves them but Pratibha is badly hurt and is
While trying to save Pihu Partibha gets injured, Mahen and the police men reach the scene to save them. The kidnappers were arrested and Pratibha is rushed to the hospital accompanied by both Mahen and Pihu. Pihu remembers how her mother saved her life. Mahen and Pihu are stopped and Pratibha is in theater for surgery. Pihu while waiting picks up her locket and remembers how she badly behaved with her mother. After intensive waiting, Mahen and everyone else see Pratibha who is okay.
While trying to save Pihu Partibha gets injured, Mahen and the police men reach the scene to save them. The kidnappers were arrested and Pratibha is rushed to the hospital accompanied by both Mahen and Pihu. Pihu remembers how her mother saved her life. Mahen and Pihu are stopped and Pratibha is in theater for surgery. Pihu while waiting picks up her locket and remembers how she badly behaved with her mother. After intensive waiting, Mahen and everyone else see Pratibha who is okay.
The doctor tells Mahen that he has
given Pratibha an injection of painkiller and she will soon be okay. Pratibha
says that now when Pihu is back with her she will be fine but the doctor tells
her to not take any sort of pressure and to rest as her body requires it. Pihu
kisses her locket and Pratibha is happy to see that Pihu also loves her. Mahen
tells Sanjeev to take Pihu back home as she also needs rest but Pihu refuses
saying that as long as her mother is in the hospital she will also be there but
Mahen tells her to go back and come back after taking rest but Pihu refuses to
go back saying that her mom is in the hospital because of her and she will not
go back. Sanjeev also advices Mahen to let Pihu stay if that is what she wants.
Pratibha smiles at Pihu.
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