Tuesday 3 October 2017

Tuesday Update On Love Oh Love Episode 107-108: Raj Meets With An Accident

Read the interesting update on Love Oh Love, episode 107-108 for or Tuesday, October 3, showing on Zee World

Avni's whole perspective of love changes completely and tells Raj that it is all rubbish that love is wonderful. In real life love is what happens to Akshat and Arpita. She tells him what her father says about them. Raj tells her that love is a beautiful emotion but she says love only gives tears and sadness. He says love can solve all the problems.

 She says she has no place for love in her life. He says he has in his life and that he loves her. She shouts that she doesn’t; there is no place for love in her home and heart. Raj gets shocked when Avni rejects his love and says that she does not love him. She cries while going inside. Raj is heart-broken. Avni apologizes to Raj's picture but the truth is that there is no place for love in her house and no one can undo this truth. While Raj is going back walking on the road and thinking about what Avni said to him, he meets with an accident as a truck comes and hits him. People gather around him and take him to hospital. Avni gets a call and stands up in shock when she gets the news about the accident. Her cell phone drops from her hand. She rushes to the hospital. The receptionist asks if she is sure he is in the same hospital, she tells her to go to room 346. Avni comes to the room; a lady was there and tells her they have taken him to operation. The lady says he is her husband. Madhuri comes inside, and tells her the lady’s husband is also Raj and is sharing rooms with them. Avni sees Raj in injured condition and gets shocked seeing his body dripping with blood. Madhuri tells her Raj has not been attended to yet. Avni gets furious when she does not see any doctor attending to him. The nurse tells them that the duty doctor is in a meeting with a foreign delegation.

Akshat sees a newspaper with his interview and recalls how his father and Bauji were proud of him. He takes a picture of Suket and Bhavna from wall and apologizes to his dad for letting him down. Arpita comes to the room and listens to it. She says that parents can’t be angry with the children for long and they will soon forgive them. He says he won’t be able to forgive himself, he made dad ashamed. She says he didn’t do anything wrong. He says he has let him away from himself, his name and his family. Arpita says he couldn’t separate himself from him. Arpita thinks I am your problem because I remind you of it all. She takes her pillow and goes from the room. Avni goes to the conference meeting hall; the peon does not let her inside. She shouts hysterically and goes inside. The doctor says that there is a meeting going on but she forces a doctor to attend to Raj's injuries as she argues and shouting that they must first look after the patient. The delegate doctor observes her and says he will see him himself. The goes to see Raj.

Bhavna comes to Bauji and asks him to eat something. She says she is leaving the milk here and she sees that Avni didn’t give him injection today. She says she must have forgotten. Bauji says they had lot of troubles in life, but Avni is young and they never tells her in tales what responsibility bindings are. Bhavna says she is not that young not to know what fulfilling responsibility is. Bhavna goes calling Avni’s name but doesn’t find her in her room. She looks for her in the whole house. Avni's mother gets panicky when she does not find Avni at home. She goes to Suket and tells him Avni is nowhere in the house. Abhay comes there asking what happened. He suggests to ask Akshat and Arpita and Bauji but Suket says there is no need to tell them. Bhavna is worried. Abhay tells them she is not with Devika as he has called. Suket says not worry they will find Avni.

At the hospital, Madhuri and Avni stand outside the OT worried. Madhuri cries while Avni tries to console her saying Raj will be alright. Madhuri thanks her for getting the doctor. Sheru comes there and says due to bad weather doctors might not be able to reach there from Mumbai. The nurse comes out and says there are two operations going so they must be patient. Avni sees the other lady and comes to her as she is crying. She tells her to trust God and they will both be alright. Bhavna and Suket ask the guards who tell them Avni went outside worried some time ago. Suket shouts at him why he didn’t tell him then. Madhuri asks God in temple that her brother always helped everyone and to please help her. Avni tells Madhuri to take her to cafĂ© as she has not eaten anything. Avni asks the lady if they married recently. She says her husband is the best man in the world. Avni says her Raj is the best person. She asks ‘her Raj’. Avni explains he is her friend.

The lady asks this much care for just a friend. Avni says he always made her happy, she get sad when he is sad but today she is so helpless. Avni's parents and Abhay begin to search for her everywhere and ask people if they had seen Avni. The nurse tells them that there are some complications with Raj’s case, he had an internal bleeding and go in coma. Avni is shocked as she gets the news from one of the nurses that Raj's operation is going through some complications and Raj might even go into coma. But Avni is not sure as to which Raj the nurse talking about, as there are two patients with the name Raj in the same operation theatre. Avni and the lady ask together which Raj but the nurse goes away.

Avni's family desperately search for her. Meanwhile at the hospital, a body comes out of the OT, they both run towards it. It was the other Raj. Avni asks the nurse who tells her that the patient is critical and may go to coma. She is taken aback and remembers the smiling and cheery Raj and how she had refused his love.
Avni's parents come home, Suket tells Bhavna to be strong that Avni will be alright. Arpita calls Akshat downstairs. Suket tells Savri that Avni has gone somewhere without telling anyone. Akshat suggests to his father to ask his inspector friend but even in these circumstance Suketh tries to maintain a distance with Akshat and Arpita and stops them. Arpita argues not to disconnect them; she tells Akshat this is the time to find Avni and hopes she is alright.

In the hospital, Madhuri comes to Avni and blames her for his critical condition. She asks what she replied about his mad love. She tells Avni that he loved and cared for her a lot. The doctor comes out and tells them not to make noise; telling Madhuri that the chances for survival are low, he might go into coma if he doesn’t conscious in the next twenty four hours. Avni cries saying this is impossible, she won’t let it happen. She runs toward his room and enters the operation theatre; a nurse is there and says she can’t come here. Avni doesn’t listen to her, she runs outside. Avni holds Raj by his shoulders and shouts that he can’t go like this, she begs Raj to open his eyes and talk to her, she asks who will solve her problems and again asks him to open his eyes. She begins hitting Raj's body telling him to come on open his eyes else she won’t talk to him. She reminds him that he said it himself that one should fight for life. For someone else his life is very important and pleads with him to come back for her. Tear rolls down Raj’s eyes, ECG gets to normal. The doctors enter the operation theatre and are surprised to see Raj reacting positively to the treatment and attend to him. The doctor smiles and says that the chances were less and they were hopeless but now Raj can be alright and that this girl has some chemistry with Raj that he wants to live again.

The policeman tells Suket that they will find Avni. He says Akshat is his good friend so he came here himself. He asks Akshat for her photo, Suket tells Bhavna to give him some pictures of him. Akshat denies about some problem at their home. On the other hand, Raj gains consciousness and only brings Avni's name on his lips, nurse tells them that he is conscious and tells Avni to go inside first. Madhuri apologizes to Avni for saying all what she did. Avni goes inside the room to meets Raj and gets emotional; she sits beside Raj’s bed and calls his name. He looks at her and calls Avni's name. She assures him that he will be alright soon and that she is with him. She places her hand on his arm and asks if he is in pain. She asks him why is he smiling, he says when she is near his smile comes automatically. She says the doctor said he will be alright soon. He says he was only thinking about her that when will she come and missed her. She says she will come to him later, but he holds her hand asking her not to leave. She sits down again, he asks when did she come and if she told anyone at home.

She says she couldn't think about telling someone and came here as soon as Madhuri told her about the accident. She complains to him to take care of himself. He tells her that she love him-yes! And he loves her too. She begins to go but he has her hand held. Raj tries to make her realize her love for him saying he is alive today because of her love, and asks her to look at him. Her eyes were closed. He tells her to open her eyes and realize she loves him how much he loves her. But Avni is too apprehensive about falling in love as she recalls her father's word. Raj says it was her love that always brought her for him always. He tells her to recognize and feel love but she get rid of his hand and runs away. Madhuri and Sheru call her in the corridor as she runs.

Avni sits on the road side thinking about Raj and cries. Later, the police see Avni crying and recognize her. The policemen take her along in order to bring her to her home. The next morning when they reach home, the inspector tells Avni her home has arrived. Avni thinks she should not have gone without telling anyone and wonders what will she now reply to her parents and asks God for help. Savri announces that Avni is here and they all gather around her sceptically. Bhavna asks her if she is alright and where had she gone. Savri says they should let her sit. Suket asks the inspector where they find Avni. He tells them she was outside the hospital. Akshat thanks the inspector. Suket asks Avni why she had gone to hospital. Avni didn’t speak, Suket asks strictly. Bhavna says she is tensed, but Suket reminds her that they were also tensed and she must tell them why she went there and scolds her that they even had to call the police.
Bhavna asks her daughter to tell them and no one will say anything to her. Avni tells her that Raj had an accident; he is in hospital and is in a bad condition. Suket gets angry with Avni when he hears the whole story and reminds her that she did for Raj before and he forbid her but she did it again. Looking at Akshat and Arpita he says she doesn’t need to be like anyone. Avni says it will not happen again. Suket says he will not let it happen again, she will not go out without use, no mobile talks, no internet surfing and most importantly orders her to never meet Raj again and also forbids her never to talk to Raj again.

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