Thursday 19 October 2017

Thursday Update On The Vow Episode 678 – 680: Bharat Applies For A Loan Under Amar’s Name

Read the interesting update on The Vow 2, episode 678-680 for Thursday, October 19, showing on Zee World.
Amar is outside the hospital and he is looking everywhere for Divya and he is asking a lot of people. Then he goes inside the hospital and asks people, about Divya.

Outside the hospital Divya is getting out of Shashank's car and they go inside the hospital. Shashank says, "For a few days this is your house." Divya says, "But I don't have money to stay here." Shashank says, "I am doing this operation for free. After doing this operation if I find out that you are a millioniare I will take twice as much money from you." Divya smiles. They walk down a hallway and Amar is walking the same way, but Amar doesn't see them. Then Amar goes to the receptionist and shows her the picture of Divya and says, "Have you seen her anywhere?" The receptionist says, "No I haven't seen her." Amar just continues to walk with the picture.

Bharat is sitting in the dining room and he is doing some work. A man comes in and says, "Hello sir." Bharat says, "Sit down Bhargav. Have you brought the file?" Bhargav gives Bharat the file. Bhargav says, "What is wrong, Sir you look a little worried." Bharat says, "Bhargav, the tenders have passed, but there aren't times. There just isn't enough money even if you add everything." Bhargav says, "How much is there?" Bharat says, "You are saying that like if I tell you, the problem will get better." Bhargav says, "Just tell me and then we will see." Bharat says, "6 and half scores. How will we get that much money?" Bhargav says, "It will come from a loan." Bharat says, "Bhargav Ji a bank doesn't give a new company such a big loan." Bhargav says, "Sir Singh Industries isn't a new company." Bharat says, "We're not even talking about Singh Industries.

We're talking about the company that I've just started." Bhargav says, "I know sir, but we can still use Singh Industries good will." Bharat says, "But that is cheating." Bhargav says, "It's also cheating to open a new company. And I don't think it's cheating at all. Sir, when a new company opens you have to make comprimises. You aren't cheating with Singh Industries. You are just using their name and good will. You are the one taking the loan and you will pay it back by youself when your company gets better," Bharat says, "Thank You Bhargav Ji." Bharat shakes Bhargav's hand.

Bharat is sitting on the couch in the Singh Mansion and he gets a call on his cell phone. The man on the other line says, "Mr. Bharat Singh, I am SK Chopra." Bharat says, "Yes Mr. Chopra." Mr. Chopra says, "Bharat Ji your loan has been approved." Bharat says, "That is very good news. Thank You so much." Mr. Chopra says, "But there is something else. Mr. Amar has to come with you to the bank to sign some papers. Because Amar's name is on the documents and he will have to come." Bharat says, "Ok Chopra ji." Bharat hangs up the phone.

Amar is still in the hospital and he is staring at the picture of Divya. He sits down on the bench in the hospital and he has his eyes closed, and then Shashank walks by Amar. Shashank sees the picture of Divya is Amar's hand and he takes the picture out of Amar's hand. Shashank taps Amar on the shoulder and Amar wakes up. Shashank says, "Do you know her?" Amar says, "This is my wife. Have you seen her?" Shashank says, "Come with me." Amar follows Shashank and he says, "Where is Divya?" Amar sees Divya laying on a hospital bed and Amar is happy to see her. Amar takes Shashank's hand and kisses it and then he hugs him. Amar is about to go into Divya's room. Shashank says, "Stop."

Amar is with Shashank in the hospital, Amar says, "Where is Divya?" Shashank points to the room where Divya is, and when Amar sees Divya he smiles and then he take Shashank and he kisses his hand and then he hugs him. Amar is about to go into Divya's room, but Shashank says, "Stop. You can't meet her." Amar says, "Divya is my wife." Shashank says, "The condition Divya is in, it's not right to meet her, if you do she might just leave.

She doesn't know who to trust and who not to trust. That is why if someone says that they know her from before she starts to doubt them too. Look, I can understand how you feel, but Divya doesn't want anyone to know about her operation. I think that she doesn't want you and your family to meet her." Amar says, "If Divya gets better by me staying away, then I will stay away." Shashank says, "There is only two days then everythng will be better." Amar says, "I was thinking about doing Divya's operation before, and I even called a doctor from London." Shashank says, "A doctor from London? Are you Mr. Amar Singh?" Amar says, "Are you Dr. Shashank Malhotra?" Shashank says, "I don't believe in coincidences, but I think this has to be a coincidence, and it is for good." Amar says, "This coincidence has been very good." Shashank says, "If you told Divya to get an operation she might have never said yes, but God found a way to get her operation." Amar says, "God has sent you as an angel." Shashank says, "I am Ok as a doctor because I only know how to do surgeries. I will do some test for Divya, and her operation will be in 2 days." Amar says, "No one will go near Divya, whatever you want will happen." Shashank gives Amar the picture of Divya back and Amar kisses it and Shashank leaves.

Bharat is in a room with Bhargav. Bharat calls, Mr. Gupta. Bharat says, "Mr. Gupta I am Bharat Singh." Mr. Gupta says, "Congratulations Mr. Bharat Singh the loan that your company applied for has been approved." Bharat says, "It's been approved? Thank you so much Mr. Gupta can I come and get the check?" Mr. Gupta says, "Yes, you will get the check, but you have to bring Mr. Amar Singh along, because you have a big loan amount so we need his signature. Then you will get your check." Bharat says, "Mr. Gupta Thank You." Then Bharat hangs up the phone and says to Bhargav, "What will we do?" Bhargav says, "You should tell the whole truth." Bharat says, "Should I say that Amar wasn't the one to apply for the loan I was?" Bhargav says, "I never said that. Sir drink this cold water, and calm down and listen. I am saying that..." We don't get to hear what Bhargav says.

Bharat is holding onto his phone, and he is in the loan person's office and he remembers what Bhargav says, "You have to say that Amar can't come, but you have to do some acting too." Mr. Gupta walks in and he says, "Oh sorry Mr. Singh you had to wait a long time. You were about to bring Mr. Amar Singh to sign the papers Where is he? Don't take this in a bad way, but your loan amount is big so we have to complete some formalities." Bharat has another flashback to what Bhargav said, he told Bharat to act like Amar was in a lot of stress so that is why he couldn't be there, and then the man will give Bharat the papers. Bharat says, "Actually, there is a big problem at home. Amar Bhaiya's wife, my Bhabhi, isn't feeling well she has lost her memory. And she can't remember anyone even Amar Bhaiya. Amar Bhaiya is really stressed and in that condition Amar Bhaiya can't be away from Bhabhi it's impossible. Why can't you give the papers to me to get signed by Amar Bhaiya, and if you want I can get him to talk to you on the phone." Mr. Gupta says, "Ok, you can take the papers home. Here." Mr. Gupta give Bharat the papers. Bharat leaves.

Aniket is on the phone with the commissioner, and he hangs up. Sagar's Mom says, "Did you get any information on Divya?" Aniket says, "No Ma, there is no news." Sagar's Mom says, "Who knows where she is or how she feels. She doesn't even remember anything, who knows what kind of trouble she is in." Aniket says, "Ma, please..." Amar comes in and rushes to Aniket. Aniket says, "Amar did you find anything out?" Amar says, "I found Divya." Aniket says, "Really?" Amar says, "Really." They both hug. Sindoora is watching them. Amar says, "I found my Divya." Sagar's Mom says, "Why didn't you bring my Dulhann?" Amar says, "I will tell you everything, Divya got into an accident there is no reason to be worried. Divya is fine. God works in some weird ways, the doctor that I called from London to treat Divya is the doctor that admitted Divya into the hospital. Ma Divya is fine she is in the hospital and she will get an operation." Aniket says, "That means Divya will get an operation and she will remember everything." Amar says, "Yes, and then our Divya can come home." Aniket says, "Let's go and see her in the hospital." Aditi says, "Yes, Bhaiya take us to see her." Amar says, "No, not now, doctor told me that no one can meet her before the operation, no one from this house. Look, Divya's mental condition isn't well. She doesn't know what's good or what's bad she looks at everyone with doubt."

Sindoora is listening and she thinks, "I have to do something fast." Amar says, "She might run away if we see her now, but if we go after the operation then we can all see her." Bharat comes in and says, "Did you find out about Bhabhi?" Amar says, "Bharat. We found Divya." Amar and Bharat hug, and they both smile. Amar says, "I found Divya that is why am going to the Mandir to ask a mannat." Bharat says, "Amar Bhaiya I have some papers for you to sign. Sorry for talking about tenders now. I need your signature now, or I would have waited." Amar says, "One of us has to handle this bussiness, give me a pen." Bharat gives Amar a pen. Amar signs the papers. Amar says, "You have read it right?" Bharat says, "Yes, I have read it."

At the hospital Divya is sitting and she is staring at a chair and she is thinking, she has a flahsback to when Sindoora said, "He tried to kill you, to get you out of the way, and he married Gauri." Shashank comes in and he clears his throat to get Divya's attention. Then he says her name because at first she didn't listen because she was deep in thought. He gives her some water, and he says, "Divya ji don't take this the wrong way, but the brain is really small and it is really sensitive if you put that much strain on it then it will get tired. There are just 2 days, then in 2 days your memory will come back. Your future will bring you memories of your past, and now you relax and wait for, and dream about your future. I will go in the lab and make your dream a reality, before the operation I have to do some test and after that everything will get better. See you later." Shashank leaves. Divya starts to think again, and she says, "What do I want in the future? What is there that I have to dream about?" Divya closes her eyes and she sees Amar. Divya says, "Amar."

Sindoora is sitting on her rocking chair and she is rocking back and forth and she has two dolls in her hand that represent Amar and Divya she thinks, "After you remember everything you will expose me and you and Amar will be back together again. I can't let that happen, that is why it is time that I have to leave from your sight and think of a plan which will cause you two to separate forever." Sindoora throws the dolls and she gets up off her rocking chair.

Amar is walking down the stairs and Bharat has his phone in his hand and he is talking to the bank manager and Bharat says to Amar, "Amar Bhaiya it's the bank manager and he wants to know if you signed the papers." Amar takes the phone and says, "Yes Gupta Ji this is Amar. I will give Bharat the papers and you can send them for processing. Ok thank you bye." Amar gives the phone to Bharat, and Bharat says, "Thank You Bhaiya." Amar says, "I am going, you have to handle everything when I'm gone. Take care all the best." Amar is about to leave and Sagar's Mom comes and says, "Are you ready Amar?" Amar says, "I was just about to leave." Sagar's mom gives Amar something and says, "Here tie this on the durguh." Amar takes the cloth that Sagar's mom gave him and says, "I will tie it." Aniket says "Don't forget. We all have asked a mannat for Divya, and all our love is in there." Amar says, "I will remember to tie it. Divya will get better with blessings. I will be back in 2 or three days. Just take care of Diya." Aditi says, "Don't worry, Diya is our responsibility." Amar hugs Aniket, Aniket says, "Have a nice and safe trip." Amar says, "I will call you when I get there." Amar goes to Bharat and hugs him, and Amar leaves.

Bharat goes to his laptop and he opens his breifcase and he takes a paper out of one of the folders. The paper is a letter from Sindoora which says, "You may be shocked to read this at first, but stay strong because in your strength is my strength there is a big danger in my life because of Divya and Amar. Their plan is that they will make me look bad by saying things against me and they can go to any length to make me look bad. After that they will take me away forever. Beta, I don't want that since you are my son you get harmed, that is why I am leaving from here." Bharat stands up from his chair. Bharat continues to the read the letter, "If you love me even a little bit just do as I told you to do, so that they can't ruin you. If you get ruined that will be my biggest loss. If I get a chance I will talk to you. From Your mother."

Amar is in Dr. Shashank's office and he is signing papers. He gives Shashank a paper and Amar says, "Everything is Ok. Right Doctor?" Dr. Shashank says, "Everything is under control, but I would like to remind you that..." Amar interupts Shashank and says, "There is a 50-50 chance. I know, I remember, but doctor I know Divya will get better, that's what my heart says. I am going to dargah to ask mannat for Divya. God won't dissapoint me because I will ask for his blessings with a pure heart. Divya will have to get better for me. I have a request, can you please wait for me to come back to do the operation."

Dr. Shashank and Amar are outside of Divya's room and Amar looks in the window of her room and he touches the window. Divya is sitting on her bed thinking. Amar starts dreaming that he is behind Divya and he is blowing on her hair. (The song Chura Lo Na Mera dil from the movie Kareeb starts to play) Then Amar stares at Divya and Divya touches Amar's face. Amar takes out a rose and he gives it to Divya, and then he pulls a little on the rose and the stem comes off, they both laugh and Divya takes the flower from Amar's hand. Amar starts to smells the rose and he gets closer to it and Divya also get closer to it and her lips touch the rose and Amar's lips are touching the rose from the other side. Amar snaps out of his dream and he has a tear coming out of his eye. Amar wipes the tears and he goes to doctor Shashank and says, "You are like God to me. Please save my Divya. I can't live without her, I will die without her." Amar turns away from the doctor and he starts crying. Dr. Shashank says, "Now you will make me cry." Amar says, "Sorry." Amar hugs Shashank.

Bharat has a cheque in his hand. Bhargav comes behind Bharat and says, "Congratulations Sir." Bharat says, "Thank You Bhargav Ji." Bhargav says, "This is only the beginning there is so much more to do." Bharat says, "We will do a lot, and now I have more strength too."
Amar is at dargah, he goes and he ties the cloth that Sagar's mom gave him.

Shashank is looking at x-rays of Divya's skull.
(Khwaja Mere Khwaja from Jodha Akar starts to play.) Amar is praying at Dargah, Amar says, "Please make my Divya better." Amar's cell phone starts to ring and Shashank is on the other line. Amar says, "Yes, Doctor." Shashank says, "I have just gotten Divya's reports everything is Ok, but we don't have a lot of time left." Amar says, "What do you mean?" Shashank says, "We will have to do the operation immediatly. We can't wait longer; if we do wait she might lose her memory forever." Shashank and Amar both hang-up. Amar thinks of what Shashank said.

Someone is coming into the window of Amar's room and the person is looking around and he goes into Amar's closet and checks all the drawers, and he looks through all the files and he finds a file for City Hospital. He takes out his phone and he calls Sindoora and says, "I found out about the hospital." Then he leaves and he goes into his car, he has a flashback of Sindoora saying, "I need Divya alive."  Amar is in his car driving. The man that was sent by Sindoora gets stuck in traffic.

Dr. Shashank is looking at his files and he is looking at x-rays of Divya.
Amar's car stops and he tries to get it to run, but it doesn't and Amar has a flashback to when Dr. Shashank told him that they would have to operate on Divya fast or she might lose her memory completely. Amar gets out of his car and he looks around. The man that is sent by Sindoora reaches City Hospital.

Amar is standing in the middle of the road trying to get a lift, some people just drive right by without giving him a lift. Then a truck driver comes and Amar gets infront of the truck to make the driver stop. The Driver says, "Why are you standing in the middle of the road?" Amar goes over to the truck says, "There is no petrol in my car and my wife is getting operated on. Please get me to the hospital." The truck driver says, "Come on sit." Amar sits in the car and says, "Thank You." the truck driver says, "Jo bole so nihal sat sri akal." They start to drive and Amar says, "Thank You you helped me I will never forget what you did for me." The truck driver says, "I am not the one that helped you god is the one that helped you. Say satnam shri waheguru." Amar says, "satnam shri waheguru" Amar looks at the picture of Waheguru ji in the truck.


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