Thursday 26 October 2017

Thursday Update On Lies Of The Heart Episode 153 – 154: Samrat Is Forced To Apologise To Urmi Publicly

Here is what is expected on Lies of the Heart, on Thursday, October 26, on Episode 152 – 153 showing on Zee World.

The whole family puts pressure on Urmi to get Samrat released. Samrat’s dad interrupts and says they won’t pressurize her and whatever she wants to do, they will be with her. Samrat’s mum tells him he’s enemy of his son. 

 Devi and Shashi emotionally blackmail Urmi just to get Samrat released. She looks at Urmi, but she’s still quiet. Shashi then goes to the extent of touching her feet and requests her to free Samrat from the prison. Urmi asks her what she’s doing. She tells Urmi that she is also a mother and asks if she don't feel mother’s pain? She accept that he made mistake, but she is apologizing on his behalf and to please get him back. She asks how would she feel if someone takes away Shaurya from her? And that today a mother is requesting her and not her mother-in-law to please get her son released. Urmi’s dad tells her what’s left now? She made her mother-in-law fall in her feet and asks what did she wants? Urmi stays quiet. Her dad then says if she doesn’t bring Samrat back today, then his and her relationship will be over. He will understand that she’s dead for him. Urmi thinks.

Urmi’s sister in-law is not at home. She comes back. Daadi Gayatri asks her where she went. She says she went to a baba to get solution for Urmi’s problem. She has gone before too with her mum and baba has solution for everyone. Urmi’s sister asks her whether she didn’t get a solution to fix her brain. Daadi asks her what did baba said. She says he gave a solution, but it’s difficult. She will have to be mute for one whole day. Daadi says good they will at least won’t have to hear her talking for one day. She asks Daadi if her talking bores her? Daadi tells her to do whatever she wants, but for now she just hope that Urmi goes to the police station and take her complaint back.

Women are protesting outside police station for women’s justice and Urmi’s justice. Urmi arrives there with her family. The media and various social groups collect outside the police station to show their support to Urmi and ask her what she intends to do, but she doesn’t answer and goes inside.

Urmi decides to take back the complaint. The inspector tells Urmi so she got pressurized by others in the end to have this monster released from jail. Urmi says she wants to take her complaint back. Samrat’s mum is happy and relieved hearing this. Urmi says it’s house matter and it will be solve. The inspector says if house matters were solved in house, then police and court work would have gone down by half. He further says it was expected anyway, so he has got the papers ready. The inspector adds that this is the problem in this country, women come and file a complaint and then take it back by getting pressurized by family. Samrat’s mum says fights happen in every house, and that doesn’t mean husband and wife become enemies.

Samrat comes out. His mum and Urmi’s dad ask him if he’s okay. He makes faces. The inspector tells Urmi to sign the papers. She’s in thoughts. Her dad and Samrat’s mum tell her to sign. She looks at Samrat and thinks. In end, she signs the papers. The inspector tells Samrat that he got lucky and got saved this time, but his eyes will be on him. If he repeats this mistake again, then he will be jailed for long. Samrat is ready to leave. The inspector stops him and says he has to sign some mafinama (forgiveness papers) and promise he won’t do this mistake again. Samrat’s mum asks what’s the need for this, he made mistake once and that doesn’t mean he’s that type of guy. Amrit also says he won’t do that again. The inspector says he must sign unless he wants to stay in jail. Before leaving the police station, the police asks Urmi to slap Samrat a few times if she wishes to. All get surprised.

The inspector tells her she can do whatever she wants before leaving and nothing will happen. A constable laughs and tells her to slap him bindass. Samrat gets afraid/shocked as Urmi stands up. Urmi says she won’t do anything like that. The inspector says he got saved from his wife’s beating, but he can't go without signing the papers and he will have to apologize to her as well in front of everyone. Samrat is getting angry and stares at Urmi.

Samrat’s mum tells him to sign the papers. He’s angry. Tauji then tells him to sign. He signs but still angry as he is forced to sign an apology letter. The inspector asks Samrat to apologize to Urmi now to put an end to his arrogance. Samrat’s mum again interrupts and asks what’s need for it? He already signed. The inspector says, so what? He likes to hear sorry from egoistic people. Samrat stares at the inspector. The inspector tells him to get started and to apologise to Urmi publically. Tauji tells him to say it. After hesitation, he finally says “he is sorry”. The inspector doesn’t like it and asks what is this? He don’t understand English. They live in India, so to apologize in Hindi, and that too folding his hands. Samrat his folds hands at Urmi and quickly says to forgive him in Hindi. The inspector says he couldn’t hear it and look at the person whom he’s apologizing. Samrat finally apologizes to Urmi decently. The inspector tells him to say he won’t do such thing again. Samrat says it. The inspector tells him that he can leave now, and reminds him not to forget it’s the same person whom he beat saved him today. Tauji is smiling hearing this.

Women are protesting outside police station. They say they will punish Samrat and give justice to Urmi. Samrat and co come out. The women tell Urmi to fight that they are with her. They ask why she released Samrat, he deserves punishment. They tell Urmi to hand him over to them and see what they do. Other men will think twice before beating their wives. A woman comes forward with ink, but Urmi stops her. She says he’s her husband and it’s her right to punish him. She thanks the women for supporting her, but ask them to let them go. He apologized to her and realized his mistake that he won’t do this again. She takes his hand and they leave from there.

At Anu's residence, Asha is working in the kitchen and her stupidity causes a huge fire. In the hall, Daadi Gayatri is worried whether Urmi take her complaint back or not. Urmi’s parents arrive. They inform her everything is fine now. Urmi’s brother says she take this decision because of their pressure and if it was upto him, then he would let Samrat stay in jail his whole life. Asha comes out and tries to tell Anu about the fire with signal as she’s having a maun vrat (mute) today but no one gets what she’s trying to say. She then brings blanket and throw it on Daadi Gayatri. No one gets it still. Urmi’s mum smells fire and they rush to the kitchen.

At Samrat’s residence, Samrat and Urmi reach their house and there he continue to behave rudely with Urmi. His mum is feeding him. His dad tells her to serve food to others too. Urmi’s sister in-law says Urmi hasn’t ate anything since 2 days. Samrat’s mum says there is no lock in kitchen, she can go and take it herself. Samrat’s sister brings juice to him. Tauji says whatever happened in last few days wasn’t right. He says both were at faults, one little more than the other, and asks them to move on now by correcting their mistakes. That’s how there will be happiness in this house. Samrat tells him to explain it to Urmi, he’s giving her chance despite so much happening lately. If it was someone else on his place, then he would have thrown her out of the house. Samrat’s mum agrees with him. His dad tells him not to forget mistake is his as well and it was started by him only. Had he thought about the outcome, then he wouldn’t have to see this day. Samrat asks him to shouts up and to stay quiet and he won’t say anything. He adds that his father have lost right to say in between and shouts at his father for not coming to the police station to release him and he’ve put a stain on father-son relationship and now not to interfere in the matters. He continues, that definitely made 1 mistake as he didn’t beat Urmi enough. He gets up and goes to her. He screams at Urmi and says that he should have broken her limbs and had he made her paralyzed, she wouldn’t have the guts nor condition to go to the police station. He stares at her. Most of all family members are shocked seeing his behaviour towards his wife.

At Anu's residence, Daadi Gayatri scolds Asha and asks why didn’t she tell. She breaks her maun vrat and says that is what she was trying to say, but no one has brain to understand it. She even tried to show it with blanket. All ask why she wasn’t speaking and what if something had happened. She says she is doing all this only so nothing like this happens. Daadi tells her not to keep any vrat or anything after today. Anu says they will surely have to do something about her. All leave.

Shaurya seems to be waiting for Samrat. He comes and Shaurya is happy to see his dad at home. He asks him if the police released him. Samrat gets shocked and looks back at Urmi. He fills Shaurya’s ears against Urmi. Mandira tells him that he also beat her aunt so badly and that is why this happened to him. He tells her there is no need to speak extra and asks her to go to her room and not eat his brain. Shaurya asks him why he’s scolding Mandira, and when his mother ( Urmi ) got injured, Mandira was crying so much. Samrat asks him to stay quiet and that girl is mad. Mandira then leaves. Shaurya says, but she’s right. He beat his mum, so he got the punishment. He shows him his finger and later warns him against hurting his mother again. Samrat looks at him surprisingly and asks him to play outside as well. He turns to Urmi and says she’s provoking his only son against him? She says she didn’t need to and whatever he heard in the house, he learned it from that only. She’s going away. Samrat tries to threaten Urmi, he
grabs her hand and holds her arms tightly to hurt her and says she’s speaking too much. She reached to police station to punish him. He tells her not to think she will get forgiveness for what she’s done. He will never forget the embarrassment that he had to go through. She will get punishment for that for her entire life. But Urmi does not keep quiet as she puts up a brave stand in front of an arrogant Samrat. She looks into his eyes and tells him not to misunderstand that she forgive him by taking the complaint back. There is no forgiveness for what he has done. He looks at her angrily.

He grabs her again and says she’s speaking big ‘revolutionary’ words. They argue. She asks him to leave her hands else the whole nation will be gossiping about his strength and manliness and she won’t be pressurized everytime and take her complaint back. And this time if he goes inside, then he’ll become capable of writing a book on women-power, and his face won’t be recognizable when he comes out. He releases her and moves his hands back hearing this. She stares at him and leaves. He shouts at her to listen to him, but she does not stop and he wear an angry face.

In night time, Tauji comes to to speak to Urmi and tells her that Samrat has not yet learned his lesson saying he’s shocked with Samrat’s behavior and the amount of ego he has. He is not even regretted for what he has done, and until one doesn’t realize his mistake, it’s not possible to change him. Samrat is getting impossible, he has made himself complicated with his ego. Tauji further says he doesn’t know what they possibly can do. Urmi tells him not to do anything. Sometimes, certain things say a lot without saying anything which their mind hear and understand too. Whatever happened lately has hurt her from inside, she feels like everything is stopped. She went through so much and did so much to save her relationship, but now her inner voice says, enough now. May be this relationship is not worth of giving emotions and efforts.

Tauji asks her what’s she saying and asks if she also gives up, then how will they keep this house happy. She says everything looks so broken now, and she doesn’t feel like bringing everything together again. Now she will just do her duty, that’s all. Tauji puts his hand on her head. She gets a call from Anu and goes on other side. Tauji now realises that, he has to try and rekindle the love Urmi once had for Samrat. He feels if she also gives up, then this relationship will die. This relationship needs to stay alive to keep happiness in this house.

Anu apologizes to Urmi for not coming, but had she come, then she wouldn’t have been able to control herself. Urmi tells her it's okay and she will handle everything there herself. Anu’s auto stops on a signal and someone sits beside her. It turns out to be the guy whom she refused. He asks her why she refused him, but she says she has already said there was no reason. He keeps asking her. She tells him to leave else she will get off the auto. He gets off.

The next morning, Samrat is on dining table with his family. His mum tells him to go to the temple. He asks Urmi to give him sauce, but Urmi tells a servant to give it to him. Divakar comes and gives the good news about his new job to the entire family. All are happy for him. Kanchan asks him to bring sweets when he returns. He says he will go now and get it. Samrat asks Urmi where his juice is. Urmi again tells the servant to bring it which Samrat doesn’t like it. Just then, the phone rings. Urmi picks up and it’s for Samrat. Urmi tells Aditi to tell him. Samrat loses his patience and gets furious when he sees Urmi ignoring him completely. He gets mad at her asking her if she can’t see him there and can’t she say it to him directly. She stares at him. He asks what she’s staring at. Urmi leaves from there. Samrat talks on the phone and it’s from his office. He gets mad on the phone saying he’s coming. Amrit tries to stop him saying to rest after so much has happened lately, but he says it’s his office and why wouldn’t he go. He asks Amrit to come along if he wants, else to stay at home. Samrat leaves for his office and Amrit also leaves with him.

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