Monday 16 October 2017

Monday Update On Lies of The Heart Episode 138-139: Shashi Keeps Trying To Create Problems For Urmi

Here is what is expected on Lies of the Heart, on Monday, October 16, on Episode 138– 139 showing on Zee World.
At Samrat's residence, Samrat gets interested and asks if this is Urmi's for sure. Shashi says yes vehemently. He starts checking it. Urmi comes and is tensed and surprised to find the suit in his hands. Shashi smiles evilly. He asks Urmi where she wore the suit to. Urmi wonders what to answer.
Urmi is shocked as Samrat confronts her. Urmi fumbles and Shashi stands up for her, saying that this suit is Anushka’s and Urmi too plays along the same excuse and manages to hide the truth about the suit that Samrat had found in her cupboard saying that she had wanted to return it, but didn't get the time. Samrat asks why she took so long to answer. Shashi stands up for Urmi, saying that he asked so suddenly hence she got flustered. He asks Urmi to send it to Anu tomorrow. Samrat leaves for the bathroom, while Shashi asks Urmi why she laid it all out on the bed, as she too had to lie to Samrat. Urmi is confused as she had kept them on the bed. Shashi says that it did happen and both of them were in grave danger due to this. She asks Urmi to be careful and comes down. Shashi is furious that Urmi came at the last minute, and destroyed her plan. Tauji is talking to Shaurya and sees Shashi speaking to herself, and asks her what the matter is. She thinks that she can't tell him, and hence stays mum and Mandira makes fun of her.

The next morning, Urmi is happily humming, when Shashi comes in asking why she is so happy. Urmi thanks her mother-in-law, Shashi for supporting her and encouraging her to go for the dance workshop and praises her galore for this. Shashi asks her to finish up the work as she has to go later to her classes. Urmi gets Shaurya to finish up her work, while she herself goes to get ready. Shashi later asks Shaurya to invite his father to his swimming classes and lures him in the name of chocolate, and then advises him to show his swimming skills to his father, so that he gets a nice gift from him. Samrat comes in and Shashi reminds Shaurya about it. Samrat sits at the table, while Shashi serves him breakfast.

Shaurya gets Samrat to chat with him, and plays along the same tune that Shashi taught him to sing along. Samrat is happy and proud of him. Shaurya asks his father to come for his swimming classes today. Samrat agrees to go to the classes saying that he would definitely come but not today and after a few days, as he is busy. Aditi sits down too for breakfast. Shaurya tells him to come today only, as he wants his gift. Shashi clarifies it all. Aditi compliments his smartness. Samrat says that he would come in a couple of days, while Shashi and Shaurya insist. He shuts her up. But, Shashi wants Samrat to go to the swimming classes today itself as she wants Samrat to know about Urmi's dance class and is determined that he would have to go today, at any cost.

At Anu’s residence, Anu meanwhile is against getting married as she feels that nobody around her is happy after their marriage. She clarifies her point to her mother that no one is happy in marriage, citing Urmi’s and Gaurav’s marriage. Saroj tells her that marriages are a game of destiny, and they have to do it. Anu tells her that the house is at it is under debt, and she doesn't want to become a burden on Gaurav anymore, and hence wants to relieve him by taking up a job. Saroj says that can't happen. Anu is still adamant that she won't get married, and even if she does, she would do so with a person, who marries her simply, without any lavish preparations. Asha comes in saying that marriages are destined, citing her own stroke of luck. anu tells her that gaurav’s luck is doomed. As asha continues on her nonsense, anu is frustrated at granny for having selected a wife like asha. Anu leaves in disgust. Saroj is tensed too.

While Saroj tries to clarify Anu’s point of view to Granny,t Gayatri and Devi. Meanwhile, Anu's family is thinking of getting her married somehow and they still ask her to invite the guests. Saroj asks what if Anu denies meeting them and doesn't come out of the room. Granny says that they won't tell her. Devi says that it isn't possible. Granny says that he should call and meet somewhere outside, and take Anu along too, and she would have no option but to meet them. Once they like her, then they should get her to agree too, or else force her into this. They ask saroj about her opinion. Saroj has no option but to resignedly agree.

At Samrat’s residence, Shashi finds Urmi and Shaurya coming down with their bags. She tells them that she has made glucose water for Shaurya, for his strength. She asks Urmi to go and get the water from the kitchen, and takes her bags. Urmi blindly trusts Shashi once again and leaves. She then sends Shaurya to check if the driver has got the cars out. Once Shaurya leaves Shashi surfs through the bag and then takes something, just in time as Shaurya and Urmi come back to him. They leave wishing her goodbye. She makes a plan to hide them and get Shaurya the glasses. Kanchan and Aditi hear all this and ask what the matter is. Shashi intentionally breaks Shaurya’s swimming goggles, and then thinks that now his father would have to buy new ones for him and take them to Shaurya in his swimming classes where he would find out Urmi’s secret. Aditi and Kanchan ask what the matter is, and Shashi shows them the broken goggles. Shashi asks Kanchan to call Samrat to ask him to get Shaurya the goggles. Kanchan plainly denies. Shashi then gets Aditi to call. Aditi calls Samrat to tell him about the same and asks him to get new goggles and give them to Shaurya, as Urmi would be tensed then. Samrat vents out his frustration at them, but Aditi requests him that Shaurya would be happy too, and his day would be saved. Samrat complies. After she disconnects the call, Shashi asks Aditi what happened. Aditi tells her mother that he is going. Shashi smiles and they wonder why she is so happy. She replies that Shaurya’s day would be saved, and hence she is happy. Shashi smiles evilly, after Kanchan and Aditi leave, thinking that now Samrat would make her dance first class, and she would learn again to stay in her limits.

At swimming classes, Anu tries to convince Shaurya to spend time doing something else as he does not have his swimming glasses now and that he can't swim today but Shaurya is adamant on swimming and gets angry with Anu. Anu explains why he can't swim without glasses, and when he doesn't want to stay back, she wonders how she can take him home, without Urmi, who still has one hour class left. But Shaurya insists that he wants to go home right now, despite Anu trying to distract him and later agrees with Anu. Meanwhile, Urmi is practising in the dance classes, with much fervour and enthusiasm, oblivious to the trap set for her.

Samrat gets Aditi’s call and tells her that he has taken the glasses and is going to the swimming classes. Meanwhile, Shashi wonders where Samrat is right now, and if she should call him, but decides that she won't make any mistake this time around. After some time, as Samrat reaches the club, Samrat tells Shashi on the phone that he would reach in another couple of minutes at the pool. Shashi pretends to be very scared, and insists him not to go at all, and pleads with him. Samrat asks if all have gone mad, as Aditi is asking him to go, but she is telling him not to. He asks her to put down the phone, so that he can go. Shashi tells him that he shouldn’t go, and continues to plead. Samrat asks her to be clear. She pretends to be scared and hesitatingly tells him that Urmi won't be there right now. Samrat is confused. She says that Urmi must be in her dance classes right now, and if he asks so much, then she would have to say everything, and she doesn't want that. Samrat is furious. He asks her to speak clearly. Shashi says that Urmi had made her  promise that she won't tell anyone, that she is in her dance class as she has joined the dance class by lying to everyone, giving the excuse of Shaurya’s swimming class. She says that Urmi had come, and she has agreed in fear of being thrown out of the house again.

She pretends to be very sympathising and does her best to instigate Samrat against Urmi. Samrat is in a rage hearing this. She asks him not to go, as if he got to know this truth, Urmi would hold her responsible, and then she would have to face punishment. Samrat refuses to believe her, that Urmi can't do it. She asks him to test himself, that Shaurya would be with Anu, and Urmi goes for dance classes. She says that both the sisters are in this. She begs him falsely not to do any drama. Samrat enters the swimming club with the new pair of swimming glasses for Shaurya but is unable to find Anu, and also notices that Urmi isn't there. He later sees Anu with Shaurya in the swimming classes, he isn't able to believe.

At Anu’s residence, Granny apologises to Gaurav for keeping him in darkness, and tries to make him see Asha’s innocence, while she continues to irritate Gaurav with her nonsense. Gaurav resignedly agrees, as Granny asks him to give her a chance and time. She asks him to compromise and start his life and married relationship with her, with a renewed hope. Asha again opens her mouth, but Granny shuts her up. Granny gives them marital advise, and Asha again takes the meaning literally, instead of abstract. Gaurav asks his Granny if she wants him to adjust with this sample. He brands her as a complete idiot. He leaves. Granny says that she had got her to be able to sire a son, and if she isn't able to do so, then the first wife had run away, the second one would be made to run away i.e his Granny leaves in a huff.

At Samrat’s residence, Tauji sees Urmi playing with Mandira and Shaurya and is happy to see her laughing. He observes them smiling and having fun. While it's Urmi’s turn to get them to laugh, and she manages to do so, Tauji is amused. He is happy to see Urmi happy. Urmi finds Tauji and composes herself. Tauji comes and says that he is very happy to see her like that, and when she is happy, the whole house would be happy. Urmi smiles. The kids want to play with Tauji too, when he says that it's impossible for them to make him laugh. Mandira says that they would definitely beat him. They coax him to sit down, while they attempt to make him laugh. Urmi is amused. Shaurya makes the first attempt, and then Mandira, but Tauji is unfazed. Tauji smiles with them, and hearing them from downstairs, Shashi is furious that Samrat hasn't come yet, to spoil the fun. Samrat arrives home and hollers for Urmi. Shashi asks him not to be too angry, but she made him furious all the more, saying that Urmi would be angry at her later then. Urmi rushes down smilingly and Samrat is surprised to see Urmi lying to him about her whereabouts during Shaurya's swimming classes. Urmi then tells him that she would just go and get coffee for him. Shashi smiles evilly knowing what to expect next. Urmi is about to go, when Samrat stops her. She is tensed, while Shashi is excited. As he comes to confront her, Shashi is happy. He asks her to go up and get his clothes, as they have to go out for dinner. Shashi is shocked to see this u-turn. He asks his mother to go and get coffee. Shashi is surprised but resignedly agrees. Urmi leaves to get his clothes. Shashi’s surprised.

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