Monday 16 October 2017

Monday Update On Hello Pratibha Episode 43-45: Sunidhi Swaps Real Jewellery With Fake Ones

Read the interesting update on Hello Pratibha, episode 43-45 for Monday, October 16, showing on Zee World.
Pratibha wakes up on the couch the next morning. She sits up at once and looks around, worried. She exclaims if it is 7:30, she goes to her cupboard, opens the locker and is relieved to find the boxes there. She thinks how she can sleep in spite of drinking coffee.

She comes out and smiles looking at Mahen sleeping on the sofa. Kaashi and Sunidhi were already in kitchen. Pratibha apologizes for falling asleep instead of drinking coffee. Sunidhi says it was good that she slept and she must be fresh now. Pratibha takes the charge of tea from her and thinks what she should manage now in such a short time. Anmol announces the arrival of the guests; the family welcomes Rishi and his family. Every eye stays on Namrata as she comes to the hall. Sumitra brings some shagun for them and says she has tried to keep everything well at least on her side. Chacha (Mahen uncle) and Pushpa don’t understand what she is talking about. Sunidhi and Kaashi enjoy it when Pratibha goes to bring the jewellery. She is about to check all the sets in place then jerks the idea and takes them along. In the function, Pushpa hands over the jewellery to Sumitra (Rishi’s mother) saying that she would be happy if they accept this not knowing Sunidhi swapped the real jewels with fake ones. She gives a box to Sumitra and to other guests with them.

Sumitra opens her box to see what she has gifted her. Pratibha takes Rishi and Namrata to stage. Sumitra takes the necklace in her hand when it suddenly fell down and break. Sumitra looks at her husband while the guest ladies shout that the jewellery is fake. Mahen also looks at the set and tells Pratibha that this is artificial jewellery. Pratibha is shocked, so is Pushpa and everyone, except for Kaashi and Sunidhi who smiled. Sumitra also tells Pushpa that there was only eleven rupees of shagun in the envelope. Pratibha asks what, in disbelief. The guests taunt that if this is some kind of joke. Pushpa asks Pratibha if she wants to break the wedding, because both were her responsibility and that she had trusted Pratibha in the house, she didn’t think about anything. Mahen stops Pushpa and says she can’t accuse his wife in front of everyone and he adds that Pratibha is the only one taking care of all petty matters of wedding, he asks Pratibha to go inside and look for the jewellery. He sends Sanjeev as well. Sunidhi smiles at Kaashi that they won’t fine the jewellery this easy.

The Priest tells that the time for the engagement is running out, Sumitra says it will now take place only when all the confusion has been cleared. She calls Rishi to herself, Pushpa goes to console Namrata. Pratibha looks everywhere, she says how it is possible, and she doesn’t remember anything about replacing or keeping the jewellery elsewhere. She, Sanjeev and Anmol look for the jewellery. The guests accuse Sumitra, Sumitra says she also doesn’t accept that money and jewellery is the one that strengthens the relations; but it hurts when Pushpa relatives talk about shagun and money. Sunidhi winks at Kaashi and asks if Mahen will let this wedding take place. Kaashi says he is her son and he won’t let Pushpa win so easily. Pratibha is such a friend of Pushpa, now he will let Pratibha do what he wants to. Pushpa hears this all. Sanjeev and Anmol ask Pratibha to rethink; she shuts her eyes and remembers herself saving the jewellery in the locker. She opens a box, Anmol says she looked in it even before, they get the jewellery in it finally. Pratibha cries, and tells Sanjeev that may be she would have saved it here as Mahen had told her there was a secret place in his brief case. Pratibha announces that they have found the jewellery.

Just when Sunidhi and Kashi think they have won, Pratibha spoils there plans as she comes to the function running with the jewellery. Sanjeev says Pratibha was confused between the imitation jewellery and the real one, he tells Mahen the real one was in his briefcase. Kaashi curses Sunidhi. Sumitra smiles and says why doing so late when everything has gone fine. They all clap and head towards the stage where the engagement ceremony takes place. Sunidhi and Kaashi clap curtly. Mahen leaves the function, while Pushpa thinks she had said so much to Pratibha. Pratibha comes to Mahen and says she knows he is really disturbed. Mahen tells Pratibha to keep him and herself away from these household matters, he got this jewellery made only because she had said, and they had to face so much insult for that. Pushpa watches all the tension between Pratibha and Mahen. She is thoughtful about something and starts to realize that something is fishy.

At night, Anmol tells his mother, Pratibha that this is not possible as her sleep opens up with only a minute noise. Pratibha says she doesn’t understand it herself, though Sunidhi gave her coffee as well. Anmol says Sunidhi must be behind this. Pratibha says this isn’t possible; she blamed Sunidhi for garlic as well on the dinner day. She tells Anmol that she is making a lot of effort to keep his father’s promise. Sunidhi’s mother asks her to concentrate on breaking Pratibha and Chachi’s bond and it will benefit her. Sunidhi cheers. In the morning, Sunidhi brings coffee for chachi (Pushpa). She wishes her good morning and offers her coffee. Pushpa thank her. Sunidhi says she wants to make coffee for her daily, but she doesn’t like going to Pratibha’s kitchen. Pushpa says she is amazed to see her with coffee. Sunidhi says she was feeling bad for Namrata, Pratibha thinks all the work as kitchen’s chore, and she was so irresponsible about jewellery and what she did with Shagun’s money. She asks Pushpa doesn’t she think Pratibha doesn’t want this marriage to take place, as Mahen has always been against her. Pushpa says she may be right; it is visible that Pratibha wants to break this marriage; a wife will always be with her husband. She must be tested with one more responsibility, and asks Sunidhi to bring Pratibha.

Sunidhi tells Pratibha that Chachi is calling her. Pratibha says she is really nervous, she wonders what would Chachi want to say to her and she doesn’t even want to confront her after tomorrow. Sunidhi says what she will do to the most, she had even return the jewellery. Sunidhi smiles saying she will surely fail this test. Pratibha comes to Pushpa’s room, Pushpa asks her to shut the door. Sunidhi peeks through, while Anmol asks what she is doing. Sunidhi is upset that he had to come just now. Pratibha comes out of Chachi’s room with a huge bundle of money, after more than an hour. Anmol asks what this is. Pratibha tells Anmol that Chachi asked her to keep this case in her room’s locker. Anmol asks Pratibha to be careful this way. Sunidhi thinks this is a golden opportunity, as the test is so easy.

In her room, Sunidhi tries to remove the red colour off her hand. Pratibha calls from behind that it will take her another half an hour to remove it. Sunidhi is shocked to hear her; Pratibha enters the room and shows her the bottle. She tells Sunidhi that Pushpa had said all this is being done by Kaashi and Sunidhi. Pratibha didn’t agree, Pushpa says they all have a responsibility towards relations but they also have a responsibility towards themselves else they lose their respect in the eyes of their own selves. Pushpa asks if she wants to prove herself innocent, she gave Pratibha a bundle of money and Pratibha brought red ink. Pratibha put the red ink under the bundle; as soon as Sunidhi took it her hands were ruined. Pratibha asks Sunidhi if she was the one behind all this. She asks Sunidhi when she removed the money of Shagun from there; she remembers that it was when she was doing Aarti. She says she should have got it when she brought the coffee, that she couldn’t be as fair. Kaashi angrily calls Pratibha and comes in confessing she was the one behind it all. Kaashi asks what she will do now, will she send them to jail or hang them.

Pratibha is speechless for a while. Kaashi asks what game she is playing. Pratibha asks if she is playing, they are actually playing; does she know how tensed Mahen is for her and wants to stand for his promise with Pushpa. Kaashi says she doesn’t bother about his promise, maybe he is speaking her language. Pratibha says Mahen’s respect is at stake with this wedding. Kaashi says she is more concerned about her own respect, she had thrown Pushpa out of here and she can’t see her live here respectfully. She will keep her son in-law here and will stay here. Pratibha says she doesn’t want all this. Kaashi stops her saying she will do what she thinks is right. Sunidhi admires Kaashi. Pushpa’s words about respect echo in her mind, she tells Kaashi that this wedding will take place, from this house and very well organized. Kaashi and Sunidhi share looks of astonishment. Pratibha says she will pour her soul of fulfilling Mahen’s promise, she might not help him as his mother but she will be with him in every step of his. She affirms that she won’t let them succeed in their plans anymore; she won’t bear anything wrong from now on. Sunidhi steals looks, Kaashi is also worried.

At night, Pratibha comes to Pushpa. Pushpa asks her what happened. Pratibha is lost; she says the money is still where she kept them. Pushpa smiles, and asks if her family didn’t do anything wrong. Pratibha says yes. Pushpa asks if she the one who is careless and irresponsible. Pushpa looks at Pratibha who says that this wedding will take place just the way she wants it and she won’t get any complaints. Pushpa nods. Sunidhi and Kaashi overhears, Sunidhi says Pratibha is such an idiot; she should have taken their names. Kaashi says she isn’t an idiot; she will bite them like a snake when she gets a chance to. Pratibha passes them. Mahen then enters the house, Sunidhi is worried what will happen now; she is worried what he will do to her. Kaashi says they should stop Pratibha before she says something. Pratibha moves to Mahen with a glass of water, she tells him to change then she has something important to say to him. He asks what, she says it is something about wedding. Kaashi stops her, and says she has to say something to him. He asks what is it, Kaashi goes inside and brings some jewellery and tells him to keep it to him as he is the elder son. She just wants this wedding to take place well; she won’t bear it if something wrong happen. Sunidhi asks if Kaashi is worried, not to give Mahen this jewellery. Sunidhi says Mahen already has the money. Kaashi cries that his father’s soul will be badly hurt if something bad happens at this wedding, he has a single daughter in the family. She winks at Sunidhi, Mahen promises his mother that this wedding will take place well.

Pratibha asks that she will bring the tea, Mahen asks what she had to say. Pratibha looks at Kaashi and Sunidhi from the corner of her eye, she tells him she is there with him to make arrangements of the wedding; she wanted to ask if she can keep Shalu for her help at home. Mahen agrees and goes inside. Kaashi asks if she wants to fuel a fire in between mother and son. Pratibha says she won’t tell Mahen her reality, but she will fulfil her responsibilities as a wife.

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