Wednesday 27 September 2017

Wednesday Update On Love Oh Love: Raj And Payal Continue To Play Mind Games With Arvni

Read the interesting update on Love Oh Love, episode 96-98 for Wednesday, September 27.

Payal says to Bhawna that she has seen her somewhere and recalls she saw her in her family album. She says her family must have known her. Bhawna denies saying she must be mistaken as she never went to Umad village. Bhawna says there can be more than one people of same faces. Bhawna comes to the room, closing the door she takes out an old photo of her and cries saying “Umad village- my village where I lived once”. She cries remembering it.
Raj tells Payal what Samarth talked to him about his proposal for Avni. Samarth comes there and goes to get fresh. Payal says Avni is confused taking you and we should make her realize what she wants. Avni comes there in western dress; Raj keeps on looking at her remarking how you wear such dress. Raj thinks he once remarked her about floral dress so she wears it. Samarth comes and appreciates her dress too thinking he once said to her that he likes such dresses on girls so she wear it for him.

Raj invites them to have a seat. Raj offers Payal a seat while Samarth goes and sits there. Avni recalls Arpita’s advice about the qualities of men. Raj tells Payal that he brought a gift for her, he asks her to allow her help wear the necklace. She agrees. Samarth notices Avni’s discomfort about it. Avni was uncomfortable with her western dress, so Raj offers her the stroller of Payal and says she will like it. Samarth dislikes it.

Raj and Payal put meal into each other’s mouth. Payal suggests that she loves this date and should go camping to spend more time together. Raj asks Avni, but she says why she should go there to see their love display. Payal says she thinks they will have to go alone; Avni says no I and Samarth will also join you people. Raj and Payal take a leave and Payal poses to kiss Raj. When they come back on the table, there was lipstick mark on Raj’s shirt. Avni points it to him but Payal takes a tissue paper from Avni’s hand and removes it. Avni says she is leaving. Samarth also takes the leave. Raj is saddened and says he can’t see Avni sad.
Samarth says to Avni that she doesn’t like all these little things. Avni is irritated saying every girl likes such little things and goes inside. Samarth recalls how Raj told him Avni doesn’t like gentleman.

Bhawna packs Avni’s things. Avni says she has already checked her things thrice but Bhavna says she will check it for three times again. Samarth and Raj also comes there and makes Bhawna relax. Raj holds Avni’s bag but Samarth takes it from him. He says he will have to do it after marriage too.

Payal tells Bhavna that she has got her pic in her cell phone but the display goes out. They all leave. Outside Payal asks Avni to comes with her inside as she has forgotten the camera inside. Samarth tells Raj that he believed in his false advice till now that Avni doesn’t like gentlemen, he says he doesn’t understand why he did this to him. He says he disliked it but he will have to tell him why he gave him the wrong advice. Raj says you really want to know, you will understand in one word only and that word is ‘Masti!’ and laughs aloud. Samarth stands serious and confused. Raj says if there is no fun in life there is nothing interesting. Samarth smiles at Raj’s cheeriness while the girls also come out. Raj and Payal sit in the car, Samarth asks for Avni’s hand to help her get on the jeep. Raj gets upset.

Avni tells everyone she brought snacks for everyone. Raj asks to keep some for him as well. Payal puts one in his mouth. Avni sees this and puts a snack in Samarth’s mouth. Raj sees this in the back-view mirror as Samarth appreciates it.
Payal appreciates Raj’s hair, Raj touches her hair. Avni asks Samarth can she sit with him. He says sure; Avni puts her arm around Samarth’s. Raj takes a deliberate brake, Avni slips on another seat. Raj says sorry, an animal came in the way. Samarth thinks there is no animal, then why is Raj doing this all. He thinks he has many questions in mind and wants their answers from Raj.

They reach the camping park. Samarth helps Avni come down the jeep. Raj asks if Payal liked the place. Payal says what will happen if she dislikes. Avni says that we will camp at this place; Samarth says if Avni likes this place they will camp here. Samarth goes for arranging food while Payal goes to rest. Raj asks Avni to help him place the tent. He ask her that he needs her help and ask her to be honest and tell her what she feels. He kneels down and asks her ‘will you marry me?’ Avni is confused, but Raj laughs saying this was for Payal. Avni shouts that he can’t propose Payal. He says that he loves her and doesn’t want to delay it. She says he should make this proposal interesting for her, and fight her. Raj says this is a good idea, as she will be angry he will propose her and goes away thinking whether you tell me or not I know why you gave me such idea. Avni cheers at the idea of Raj fighting Payal but then she thinks why she is getting so happy at a fight.

Avni sees Raj and Payal arguing about shaving kit. Avni appreciates him but he notices she is lost.
Bhavna searches a number from her old diary and calls Reema. She asks did she recognize her as she is calling after a long time. Bhawna tells her she met her daughter, she is a good girl. Bhavna says her daughter saw her photo in your sister’s wedding album, she asks her to remove all her photos from her album as she is afraid that she must not get to face her past again.

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