Sunday 24 September 2017

Monday Update On Lies Of The Heart: Shaurya Is Happy To See His Own Photo On His Birthday Cake But ...

Here is what is expected on Lies of the Heart, tomorrow, Monday, September 25 on Episode 107 – 108.                                    
Shaurya’s birthday is being celebrated with the entire family. Everybody is waiting for the cake to be cut but Samrat is waiting for ‘Tauji’ to come. Samrat insults his own brother in front of everybody because he reached late to pick up ‘Tauji’ from the station. Suddenly a huge cake appears on the scene and to everybody’s surprise ‘Tauji’ appears from inside the cake. Urmi stands shocked as she recognizes ‘Tauji’ and she realises that he in fact is the very man who she had a heated argument with. She tries to hide herself under a veil out of fear.

At Samrat’s residence, Samrat calls them all to take Tauji’s blessings. Tauji says that they all should be scared of him as always, as he is as fearful. When Samrat’s father takes blessings, Tauji taunts him too, and then he along with Samrat, turns his attention towards the ladies, and enquires about Samrat’s wife. Samrat says that they have covered their head, for respect. But Tauji says that in the modern world, this isn’t needed, and Samrat’s Tauji asks all the ladies to remove their veil from their faces. Urmi is frightened. Samrat asks if he is serious. Tauji says the veil is hiding many wrongs. Kanchan and Shashi take it off, and instantly take Tauji’s blessings. Shashi then asks Urmi to go ahead. She keeps the veil, and touches his feet. Tauji says that she maybe new, but the signs are old, and asks her to remove the veil, so that they may see how Samrat’s wife looks. When she doesn’t respond much, Mandira comes and playfully takes the veil off, and Tauji meets Urmi. They both are shocked, as they remember the previous encounter. Tauji refers to her as an atom bomb. 
Samrat is shocked and asks if he knows her. Tauji says that he doesn’t but now would get to know her very well, and that her time is up. Tauji asks if she talks much. Urmi’s family is tensed for her. Samrat tells his uncle that she does, but he keeps her in control. He asks how does Tauji know. Tauji says that it was instinctive, and asks how his shoes are. Urmi is shocked. Samrat says these look good. Tauji gives a double statement, which only Urmi understands why he is talking so. Tauji then lets the matter go, and then asks about Samrat’s son. Urmi goes to get him, but Samrat stops her and says that he would get his son. He leaves. Tauji faces Urmi with consternation, as her eyes well up with tears. 
Samrat’s father introduces Tauji to Urmi’s family. Granny asks Tauji, how come he didn’t come to Samrat’s marriage. Tauji asks about Granny’s name, and then refers to her by her name and then adds ji ( Ma ), and says that after his wife’s death, he got on a world tour, as he got bored of this materialistic life but finally he was drawn back to this world, due to the propsect of meeting his grandchild. Samrat gets his son, Shaurya. Tauji greets him with love and affection, while Shaurya touches his feet to take his blessings. Mandira too comes in asking for being hugged and Tauji picks her in his lap, after Samrat introduces her as Diwaker’s daughter. Samrat leaves with Tauji to introduec him to his guests. After they leave, Shashi refuses to believe that this is the old Tauji. Her husband says that he is like that only, and that this is just a pretense. Samrat takes Tauji to the balcony, and introduces him to everyone as his life, the person who’s responsible for his existence, and that he may have been given birth by his parents, but he’s responsible for what he is today, and that he is his mdoel, and inspiration. Samrat’s father is hurt and disappointed. Urmi too watches tensely. Samrat asks for the cake to be brought. Urmi leaves and gets the cake along with Mukti.
 Saroj tells Granny that this is the reason due to which Samrat is so brash. Granny says that it’s quite visible.
When Urmi comes with the cake, the guests compliment the cake and Kanchan tells them that Urmi made this. Aditi shows it to Shaurya too. Shaurya is happy to see his own photo on the cake and says that she loves mummy for having made such a beautiful cake. Samrat gets angry as Urmi starts placing candles on it, and is unhappy with Shaurya’s love for Urmi. He eyes the knife and then the cake, and gets tensed and in a rage. Samrat gets furious when the cake for Shaurya appears in front of everybody which has Shaurya’s picture on it, and this cake was brought by Urmi specially for her son. Samrat asks it to be taken away and candles in the middle. He says that he won’t stand a cake that cuts the face of his son. He throws off the candles, which shocks and hurts Urmi. Urmi asks why is he thinking like this. He asks what should he think as he says what he sees. He asks it to be taken away. Urmi asks not to do this please. Kanchan asks Samrat not to scold Urmi, as this is the latest trend. Tauji comes in saying that idiots are those people, and they don’t love their son, who make cakes like these, and only see the self in it. Urmi is hurt and shocked.
Samrat and his ‘Tauji’ get furious. Tauji turns the entire blame on Urmi. Samrat too says same thing asking Urmi what kind of a mother is she. Shashi too says same thing, and instigates him. Saroj is tensed. Tauji tells Samrat not to get angry as those who aren’t on the right path, he knows very well to set them straight. Urmi is shocked to hear this. Amrit pretednds to be nice and take the responsibility on himself. Tauji asks Samrat not to be tensed. Shaurya tells everyone that he wants to cut this cake only. But Samrat gets angry while Tauji tells him that he would get a new, wonderful cake. Samrat hollers at Mukti to take and throw this cake. He complies. Urmi is very hurt and tensed. Tauji orders for a new cake to be brought and tells Amrit to go and get a new cake done right away. Everybody is surprised to see a new and changed ‘Tauji’. Granny tells Tauji that he is very different from what people have portrayed him to be. Tauji says that they would get to see so many different colours of him, as time passes, as his layers are exposed. Tauji meanwhile decides to dance with Shaurya and asks for music to be arranged, so that he can dance with Shaurya, till the cake comes. All are surprised, while Samrat and Shashi ask how come he wants to dance when he hate music. Tauji says that he is in love with music now, and understood it’s power. Samrat is surprised to hear this.
 Samrat complies to Tauji’s request. The music begins and Tauji initiates the function with his dance, after he chooses his own song, to dance with, and asks for a peppy number instead of the oldies that start playing. Samrat is amused. As festivities begin, Taauji gets everyone to dance, while Urmi watches resignedly with her family. She is hurt to see that the entire family enjoys, but no one notices her absence from the merry. Saroj gives a comforting hand on her shoulder. Two giant sized inflated cartoon characters come much to everyone’s amusement, but Shaurya gets scared seeing certain huge cartoon figures in front of him. Urmi tries to get him to mix in with them, saying that they came here to wish him a happy birthday. As they begin to dance around, Shaurya is scared and continues to hug Urmi tightly. Samrat asks him to come so that he can meet them. Urmi asks him to let be as he might be scared. Samrat insistently tries to take him, but he refuses and clings to his mother. Samrat is unable to see this, and tries to forcefully make him shake hands with the figures but he refuses. Urmi asks him to let go, but Samrat doesn’t budge. Tauji comes and says that boys shouldn’t be scared and he would get rid of the fear. Shaurya tries to break free, but he forcibly keeps him till he shakes his hand. Urmi and her family is apalled to see this, while all guests watch tensely. Unable to take it any longer and seeing her son crying and getting scared Urmi rushes and brings Shaurya back in her arms and consoles him. Samrat gets angry with Urmi for not making his son brave enough and reprimands her that due to her, Shaurya has become fearful. Tauji asks him to let be, while Shaurya continues crying. Tauji comes to them and asks Urmi to go and get him to stop crying. After she leaves, Samrat expresses his frustration, while Tauji asks him to calm down. Tauji asks him not to irritate Shaurya as it’s his birthday, and asks him to get rid of these cartoons.

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