Monday 7 March 2016

Ibinabo Fiberesima Stands Against Sexual Violence

With the rate of sexual violence becoming more rampant in our society, many NGO’s and individuals alike have increased their efforts in speaking out against this inhuman behaviour that is destroying the lives of young innocent girls.

Actress, ex-beauty queen and National President of Actors’ Guild of Nigeria (AGN), Ibinabo Fiberesima has also pledged to speak out against sexual violence. Furthermore, she promised to help raped victims.

In a series of tweet, she wrote:

"If you are going through sexual violence at home or work pls reach me. I will help you. Say NO to sexual violence.

Rape is forced and unwanted. It's about power not sex. Say NO to rape!!

If you have been raped and are ashamed to say it, pls call me privately. I will help you. 08062777777.

She is a child. Give her a pen not your Penis. Say NO to rape.

He is your friend, he trusts you. Don't break that trust by raping him. Say NO to rape.

Blame the perpetrator not the Victim. Say No to rape.

Say NO to rape.

Rape is never the Victims fault.

The punishment for rape in Nigeria is life imprisonment.

There is no excuse for rape; it can never be justified Say "NO" to Rape," she said.

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