Sunday 27 October 2013

Someone stupidly offered $10,000 to have fun with me – Mina Horsfall

Mina Horsfall is a talented Nollywood actress. She was a onetime ‘Miss Value Nigeria 2008’ winner and a contestant in ‘The Next Movie Star 2012’ reality television show. In this interview with, the fair-complexioned English graduate of Lagos State University defines herself as naturally romantic and hence easily adapts to such roles.

How long have you been in the movie world?
 I have been in the industry for 10 years. I got registered in 2003 and featured in my first movie in 2004. I decided to get into the industry because acting is a passion I have had when I was a kid. I have been watching lots of movies and of course Genevieve Nnaji and Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde inspired me locally. But internationally, actresses like Jennifer Lopez and Merlyn Streep motivated me. They are my favourite icons and they inspired me to do movies.

Having just celebrated 10 years as a Nollywood actress, could you briefly share your experience?
 My experience has been pretty amazing, I must confess. 10 years is a decade, so I have seen a lot. It has been a long journey, quite turbulent as well but in all fulfilling to the glory of God.

In your opinion, what has changed about Nollywood in the past 10 years?
 Nollywood has changed a lot for the better and I’m super excited about it. It has changed for the better in terms of international recognition, awards, picture, sound, storyline and even acting skills as well. Also, there are brand endorsements and financial rewards for Nollywood actors so that we can boast of good lives.

Of all the movies you have featured in, which one brought you into the limelight?
 It is a movie titled ‘My House Help’. The movie is more of a comedy and it featured the likes of Klint Da Drunk, John Okafor and I played the major roles. It was quite an interesting movie. I couldn’t stop laughing all through and that gave me a lot of recognition even after the movie and since then the journey has been really beautiful.

As an actress, you are not supposed to turn down any role since you have to be versatile. So when it comes to romance, how daring are you?
 I am very daring because naturally I am a romantic person. In fact, it interests me more when I have to play romance movies because it is more like this is Mina Horsfall so I am always at my best. I don’t have to try too hard because it’s me.

Unfortunately, you play a lot of bad girl roles in movies, does that also define you?
 Never! I am not a bad person. But you know how it is, maybe because of my looks; a lot of people like to give flashy girls those kind of crazy and bad girl roles. It just makes it more interesting and eye-catching for people to watch but then you will be able to send your message across.

What would you say is your unique selling point as an actress?
 The fact that I am outstanding in the way I interpret my roles basically makes me outstanding because everyone is good but then someone has to be different. Your own style of interpreting your own role should make you different from others. So probably the way I interpret my own roles is a lot different because I think I am natural. It comes out naturally and it also has to do with the people I work with sometimes. I have fun doing what I love to do the most as it brings out the best in me. 

When it comes to romance roles, who would you love to be paired up with?
 I have worked with quite a couple of the Nigerian male stars already like Ramsey Nouah and Nonso Diobi but I am yet to work with Michael Ezuronye and he is a fantastic actor, I must confess. But I am also looking forward to working with the Ghanaian actors like Majid Michel, Van Vicker, David Osei and John Dumelo. They are all fantastic actors. I would love to act a romance scene with all of them because they are all great actors. They are all good-looking and they are very intelligent people as well. I think, to an extent, the male actors are quite more humble on set so it is very easy for you to work with them unlike the female ones. I want to work with all the good actors because it helps to boost your profile. It helps to make you a better actor as well. 

Which of your role in movies would you say has been the most challenging?
 I am yet to get my most challenging role. I am actually looking forward to it. I am looking forward to that role that I will act and say to myself ‘wow you nailed it. I never knew I could do this but I did it’. I mean something that will make people cry, really get to them and then they will say to me, ‘Mina, you really made me cry because you were able to send the message exactly the way it was’. Something really interesting, maybe something that has to do with the ills of the society. That is what I am looking for.

What scandalous rumour have you ever heard about yourself?
 So far, none to the glory of God. I am just being myself. Naturally, I am a scandal-free person. In as much as I would like to have fun, I have my boundaries and I don’t go above them. I have a reputation to protect and as a lady, especially in the African society, I know what to do and what not to do.

How do you relate with your male fans who admire you?
 I relate with them nicely even though it is not easy because some of them come strongly on you and when you try to turn them down politely, they get all saucy and arrogant. Then next, they will say she is arrogant and all of that. But at the same time, we can’t do without these people whether we like it or not. So, the more they come, the more I device polite ways of handling them. It has not been easy but it’s great.

What has been the naughtiest thing a fan has said or done to you?
 Someone actually offered to pay me so much money to have sex with me. He sent a message to me on my facebook and wrote, ‘an all-expense-paid trip to Europe’, offered to give me like $10,000 if I agree to have sex with him and all that. When I saw the message, I felt that was stupid. What do they take actors for? Acting is a career like every other career, so we should be treated with a whole lot of respect. This is what we love to do; we are making a living out of it so we deserve all the respect like every other corporate people.

Can you tell us a little about your love life?
 I am single, that is all I can say. I am not married but I am happy.

Can you date and marry a guy from the same industry? 
 If I fall in love with a man in the same industry, why not? 

What is your take on the rate of divorce among Nollywood celebrities?
Acting is very challenging. It takes you in and out of your home frequently and it is not easy, especially in Africa where a woman’s responsibility is major in marriage. It has to do with a whole lot of understanding and if the man is not able to understand, u n f o r t u – nately the marriage will not work out. But if he understands what your job entails as an actor and gives you all the support you need, your marriage will never crumble. That is why I don’t want to rush into marriage. I want to be happily married to a man who can be my friend, father, lover and everything I need.

Can you act nude when the pay is fantastic, and you are supposed to take up such role?
 My take on nudity in the industry depends on the storyline. The annoying part of it is that the storyline in most of the nude scenes we see in some movies, don’t really need that scene. That is the problem and I think they are abusing it. The likes of Sharon Stone and Jennifer Aniston are highly respected actors in Hollywood and in the world, but they always show their bodies in movies. They play nude roles but if you watch the movie, you will know that it has a story to tell; there is a reason for that nude scene.

Would you act nude if there is a reason for playing such role?
 It depends on the story and the lengths I have to go. Don’t forget we are Africans and we have our own morals. It is not the same with the western world so I really do not encourage nudity.

What has life taught you?
 Life has taught me to be strong and fearless. In all, trust nobody not even those who claim to love you. I only trust myself. Determination, passion plus sincerity always lead to success. Also, all that glitters is not gold.
 Can you define your style?
My style is simple and elegant but I am a combination of crazy, sexy and cool.

Which of your body part is your selling point?
 I love my legs, they are my selling point so I love to flaunt my long legs in short outfits. I think they are sexy so I love to flaunt them.

If you were not an actress, what else would you have done?
 I probably would have been a musician because I do sing so well.

Besides acting, what else do you do?
 I run my own company called Mish Concept, and we are into events, interior decoration and corporate gifts.

What advice do you have for upcoming actors and actresses?
 They should just believe in themselves. If you know you can act, then do it irrespective of what anybody thinks of you. But if you know you can’t act, then don’t come into Nollywood else you will just do the wrong thing and get messed up at the end of the day. Don’t take up acting as career because someone else is doing it, do it because it is your passion.

What are your plans for the future?
 I am praying for life and grace from God. I am hoping to gain fulfilment, satisfaction and also affect lives through humanitarian services and become an ambassador for my country through my act. Also, to be a role model for youths and women to emulate.


  1. Wow! Mesmerizing and breathe taking she's pretty,elegant and intelligent enjoyed her answers. Pretty girl Rock!
