Monday 2 September 2013

I have nothing to say about Ademinokan and Damasus issue- Doris Simeon

Media reports earlier this year alleging steaming hot romance between Nollywood stars, Daniel Ademinokan and Stella Damasus, and the supposed eventual secret wedding of the duo notwithstanding, his Edo State-born estranged wife, Doris Simeon, has refused to pass any comment on the matter. Also, she sneered at those speculating that her husband dumped her because of her poor performance in bed. In this interview with, the award-winning actress and mother of one reiterated that nothing would make her buckle to dignify questions on the Ademinokan-Damasus saga with a response. She simply quipped, “I have moved on.” Excerpts:

Can you dwell a bit on your background?
My name is Doris Simeon. I am from Edo State, Okpella to be precise; and I am from a family of five, although I am an orphan now. I am the second born of my mum and the third for my dad. I went to St. Agnes Primary School, Maryland, Lagos, Maryland Comprehensive Secondary School in Lagos and PEFTI Film Institute, Lagos, where I had training in Production and Management.

Can you reminisce on your growing up days?
It was really fun for me because when I look back, I see it as pure. But back then, I used to see it as punishment when my mother beats us when we don’t deliver messages properly or misbehave. Sometimes I use to ask myself, ‘is she really my mother?’ But now, I think back, especially when I see my son and scold him when he does some things. I come to understand what my mother was doing for us; it was for us to get better in life. It was really fun for me because I grew up where it was like a face-me-I-face-you kind of house, where you see different dramas every day. When I think back, I laugh and tell myself, ‘that was a life.’ It was really fun.

When did you get into Nollywood?
That started like 12 years ago, if not more than that. Acting is what I love doing right from when I was young, not really Nollywood per se but entertainment generally. The journey has been beautiful ever since then. Can you still recall your first time in front of a camera and for which movie? My first time in front of a camera was actually in the comic series, Papa Ajasco and Company. I reluctantly went for the audition and fortunately for me, I was given a role. My first time on camera was in also in Papa Ajasco and Company. I was so excited to work with the people I watch on television working together on the same set, people like Papa Ajsco, Pa James and others. I was excited and nervous at the same time. Then later, I got my first role in a Yoruba movie.

It is common knowledge that some up-and-coming actresses usually sleep with producers and directors to get a role. Did you also… (Cuts in)
It is about choice, they didn’t force them to sleep with them. It is their choice. They wanted it, that was why they did it or probably because they are desperate. The truth is that, when God says it is your time, no man can stop you.

Have you been sexually harassed by producers and directors?
What I will say is that I have the experience of people or producers toasting me, that is a normal thing. However, if you want to do, you agree and if you don’t want to do, you don’t. It is only the grace of God that sustains one. 

These days, some actresses live flamboyant lifestyles which they cannot maintain and as such, they get married to any rich man who comes to them without getting to know him well. Don’t you think that is part of the reason celebrities’ marriages crash?
It all depends on how you were brought up and your choices in life. Some ladies prefer to suffer with the guy while some will not, except the man can provide whatever she wants. After you had been trained, you have to train yourself too. It all depends on how you decide to live your life and the kind of man you want. We are not equals; we are brought up from different homes, decide to discipline ourselves differently and want all the things we want differently. We all cannot have the same thing or everything that we always wanted; so it all depends on their choice and not that all celebrities want rich men. It depends on how you package yourself and present yourself. They say you will be addressed the way you are dressed.

What do you have to say about the increase in the number of divorces among celebrities?
One thing I will say about this is that, it is because we are public figures, that is why people say that it is only celebrities’ marriages that crash. There are a million and one people who are not celebrities and whose marriages too have crashed; but people don’t know about it.
Like I said, ours is always talked about because we are public figures but it is what we have chosen in our career and life; we don’t have a choice than to accept and embrace it that way and then live with it. So, it is not only about the celebrity thing. If everything is perfect, then it is not a life.

You have been silent about the touted affair and supposed secret wedding between your ex-husband, Daniel Ademinokan and Stella Damasus and your rumoured divorce. Don’t you think it is time to speak?

Well, I have nothing to say about that, absolutely nothing.

But your fans would want to know the true state of things. At least you owe them that.
Like I said, I have nothing to say.

So are you and Daniel officially divorced now?
No comment. I like it when my lawyer answers such questions.

There was an article written by someone who claimed to be an insider, that Daniel left you because of your lacklustre performance in the bedroom. Is there any truth behind that?
Is the person always in our bedroom when we are doing it? Does the person enter into my bedroom whenever we are doing it and as such do analysis of how we are doing it? If the person is bold enough, let the person come outside, show his or her face and tell me how they analysed it and in the public too. Since the person has started the story, he or she should end it so that we can turn it into a film.

If you happen to meet a man now who sweeps you off your feet, won’t you get married considering the fact that you are still young?

I am still young, I know, but I am not about men right now. I want to focus on my life, career and how I can touch the lives of people. I want to put smiles on the faces of people, especially kids. I love kids a lot.

If you happen to give marriage a second chance, what are the things you would avoid so that your marriage will not hit the rocks again?
Can that one work? Except I am married to Jesus.

Are you saying that you have given up totally on men and marriage?
I have not given up on men; I am just saying that there is no marriage that is perfect even if you try to do other things aside from what you have experienced in the last marriage. One thing or the other will still happen, that is why I said except you are married to Jesus. He is the only perfect person who will accept your faults.

What in your opinion should be an ideal marriage?
(Laughs) Everybody wants a perfect home and a perfect marriage; it is only God who can make that come through. Me, I have moved on. I am after putting smiles on the faces of people.

How are you coping as a single mother right now?
I give God the praise and adoration. It is not easy; it is just the grace of God.

Would you say fame has robbed you of anything?
No, fame has really favoured me in so many ways and I thank God for that.

What would you say was the highpoint of your career?
I would say it is the Yoruba television talk show called Faaji Extra which I anchor on MITV. It is my first time anchoring a TV talk show. So when I started, I was a bit nervous. I think it was a dream come through for me because I always wanted to be a TV presenter as well. When the producer came to me and talked about it with me, I embraced the idea because it was just like a prayer that was answered for me. It was the highpoint for me.

What is the worst rumour that you have heard about yourself that almost brought tears to your eyes?
The rumour I heard about myself never brought tears to my eyes but instead, it made me laugh. The rumour was that I was at a fuji show and I don’t go to fuji shows. It was a full page and they wrote the story as if they were there, that I was dancing my heart out at the show. Also, there was another story that about 10 or 11 years ago, I was dating Saheed Osupa. It was so funny because I have never gone to a fuji show nor have I ever dated Saheed Osupa.

If you have to change anything about yourself or life generally, what will that be?
I don’t think I would want to change anything, I just thank God for everything. If I have to come back to this world, I would want to come back the way I am.

What is the greatest asset you have as a woman that works for you? Also, can you define your style?
I have never thought of that but I think it is my eyes. My style is simple, comfortable and maybe elegant, sometimes.

What advice do you have for up-and-coming actors and actresses?
Don’t be desperate; just be yourself. Learn from the professionals if you have to and in due time, God will distinguish you.

Where do you see yourself in five years?

It is only God who can say where one will be in the next minute. So I always say ‘I want to be one of those women who will affect the lives of people positively’ but I like doing that in a very secretive way; I don’t like noise. There are street kids out there suffering that need help. I like the courage of Iyabo Ojo and Halima Abubakar and what they do with their NGO (Non-governmental Organisation). They are putting smiles on people’s faces and that is what I am aspiring to do too.

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