Monday 24 September 2012

'My eyes are unique selling points'

Pretty Tolulope Adeyemi is a model. In this interview with, the Ogun State-born damsel takes a retrospective look at her early life where under the roof of dad and mum, she nearly became a recluse. But today that both parents are separated, she has gained some breather, living with her mum. She also reveals that she likes to dress sexy, in a mature way. Excerpts:

What inspired you into modelling?
At first, I didn’t know I could be a model. It was someone who saw me and I guess because of my height, she said to me, ‘you can be a model.’ She used to be a model agent back then. So, I started modeling and since then, it has been a whole lot of fun.
How long have you been modelling?
I started modeling in 2006. But that was the grooming stage, in preparation for professional modelling. So, professionally, I started modelling in 2008.
How was growing up for you?
I wouldn’t say growing up was fun; it was just okay because we were all girls and there were a lot of restrictions from my dad. But now, my parents are separated; I stay with my mum, so it’s not like we are so free now but it’s cool. It is quite better compared to back then when I didn’t even know the bus-stop to my house, even after secondary school.
What do you understand by style?
Style, to me, is any individual’s particular way of looking, dressing or appearing, basically.
So, define your style.
I will say I like to dress sexy in a matured way.
What do you mean by that?
I mean not exposing any part of my body but looking sexy in whatever outfit I wear.

What kind of clothes do you love to wear?
Basically, I dress for the occasion. But I love to wear fitted clothes. I am still a young lady; so basically, I go with the trend.
So that makes you a fashion freak?
I wouldn’t say I am a fashion freak. I just love to look good. I love to be on point. My friends always say they love the way I dress.
What is that fashion item you cannot do without as a woman?
That will be my makeup and that is because I know I have to look good all the time. Believe it or not, makeup adds beauty to the beauty of a woman.
If you are to flaunt any part of your body, where will that be?
The part I am already flaunting are my eyes. I like my eyes and everybody loves them as well. My eyes are my Unique Selling Point (USP). Since everyone can see them, I will flaunt my legs too, because they are long.
What kind of jewelries do you love?
I am not a jewelry person; I just wear something simple that will complement my outfit.
When it comes to fashion, who is your role model?
I don’t have a fashion role model but my role model is Oprah Winfrey. She is always looking good, so I could say she is my fashion role model. She is my role model because I love presenting as well. I really hope to have my own show someday.
In the past, people believed that most of the models are dropouts. Do you believe that?
No, I don’t. A lot of my model friends are all graduates while some are still in school. I don’t think I have any friend who is a model that is either not in the university or is already a graduate.

What kind of hairdo do you like to spot?
I love very long hairdos because they suit my face structure. How do you want your makeup? My makeup is usually simple. How do you relax? I hardly have time for relaxation.
What are your hobbies?
I love travelling, to explore, meet people and see new places. And I love taking pictures too.
You said you love travelling. What is that your onedream destination?
I have not been to Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirate. I will like to visit there.

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