Wednesday 8 August 2012

‘My husband filed for divorce because I carried him’

George is the most loving man I have ever met even though I am taller than him. Our height difference has never changed the way we feel about each other. He may be shorter than I am but I love him just the way he is. He is not a dwarf but short like the popular Nollywood actors, Aki and Pawpaw. Anyway, because of his stature, he does not like people looking down on him. He is proud and could be arrogant at times. He is quick-tempered but very caring, understanding and loving.

The day I introduced him to my family as the man I wanted to marry, my mother was so disappointed but my father gave his blessings. We have been married for seven years and we are blessed with three beautiful children.
His size has never affected his career and I thank God for that. I am proud to say he is the Chief Accountant in a company and his subordinates respect him despite his size. I would not fail to mention that sometimes he comes home lamenting how some top management staff talk to him like a child and look down on him because of his size. “Darling, can you imagine how my colleagues were talking to me at the management meeting today just because I made some suggestions that will help move the company forward? They think I don’t know what I was saying because they keep looking at me like a child. They that are taller than me, what contributions did they make?” he complained. “Sweetheart, don’t mind, they only want to frustrate you but please don’t allow them,” I said.
The first time I saw George in action was the day we all went to the supermarket to get some items for the house. After the shopping, George and a man were trying to make payments at the counter almost at the same time. Without looking at George properly he said to him, “Little boy move away, let me make my payment. I am in a hurry, my family is waiting for me in the car.” George felt so demeaned. “Didn’t you look at me well before calling me a little boy? What is your problem?” he screamed. Pointing at the children and me, George said, “Look at my family, they are waiting for me too.” The man quickly apologised and instructed the cashier to attend to George, seeing how angry and furious he was.
One evening, there was no light and unfortunately the generator packed up that day. We tried to get someone to fix it but he informed us that some parts needed to be bought. Since it was already too late to do anything, George gave him the money to buy the needed parts the next day so that the generating set will be ready for use.
We all sat in the sitting chatting but later decided to go to the balcony to receive some fresh breeze when the heat became too much. For about three hours, we enjoyed our stay there until the children said they wanted to sleep. I went to their room with them so that I could read bedtime stories to them as the tradition. When they finally fell asleep, I was already tired and sleepy too. However, before retiring to bed, I decided to check on George.
When I got there, he had fallen asleep on the chair. I tried to wake him up so that he could go inside and sleep, but he didn’t. I called his name and shook him. There was no response. I guessed he was too tired and fast asleep. “I cannot leave him to sleep here till morning. What do I do?” I murmured.
I decided to carry him inside and I guess that was the biggest mistake of my life. But the truth is that I could not just stay and allow my husband sleep outside until whenever he woke up or worse still, till the morning. I carried George like a baby since he was small and was taking him to the bedroom when he suddenly woke up and started shouting, “put me down, put me down. Did I ask you to carry me? Abomination, why must you carry me? Am I a baby?” he retorted. When I eventually put him down, I tried to explain why I had to carry him but he kept saying, “I will deal with you”. I kept apologising but he didn’t listen to me. The truth is that I have never seen him this angry since we got married. George slept in the sitting room. The next day, before leaving for the office, he refused to say a word to me. Three days later, precisely on Saturday, at about 10:00 a.m., some of his family members came to our house and I was very surprised. I later learnt that they came because of me. They actually came to ask me why I had to carry their brother like a child. Anyway, at the end of the day, George told everyone that he felt so humiliated that his wife, Victoria, had the nerves to carry him like a baby. “Victoria had no right to carry me no matter what the situation is. How can she lift up a titled man? It is an abomination and for this, I have decided that I will file for a divorce and nothing will change that. The children will stay with you but I will still fulfil my responsibilities to them as their father,” he screamed. I pleaded with him to think about his decision and the effect it would have on our children but all my plea fell on deaf ears.
He has actually filed for the divorce. My question now is was I wrong to carry him into the house rather than allow him sleep outside in the cold? Does it even worth his filing for a divorce or is there more to this that I don’t know? I am really confused because I don’t want to sign the divorce papers. What do I do?

1 comment:

  1. I am Janices wallocks from usa this is a testimony that i will tell every one to hear. i have been married four 6 years abandon the 7th year of my marriage, another woman had a spell to take my lover away from me and my husband left me and the kids and we have suffered for 3years until i met a post where this man Dr Dave have helped someone and i decided to give him a try to help me bring my lover back home and believe me i just send my picture to him and that of my husband and after 3 days as he have told me, i saw a car drove into the house and behold it was my husband and he have come to me and the kids and that is why i am happy to make every one of you in similar problems to met with this man and have your lover back to your self. His
