Monday 6 February 2012

How my friend initiated me into prostitution (2)

We conclude this story of intrigue and betrayal that started last week.

Later I met Kenneth, a young businessman one night while I was looking for potential customers. He walked up to me and whispered into my ears, “Hello sugar, what is your name? Can you make me feel good tonight?” “Hello handsome, my name is Onome. If you are capable of paying my fee, why not?” I whispered too.  However, I noticed that he was drunk.
When we got to Kenneth’s apartment, he asked me to make myself happy.
We drove to his house and he entertained me with all manner of drinks. When I was preparing myself to make him feel good throughout the night to earn my hard-earned money, Kenneth starred at me for about 45 seconds and then said, “Onome, I did not bring you here to sleep with me. I only needed your company but that does not mean I will not settle you as agreed.”
Kenneth revealed that he was heartbroken. Narrating his ordeal, he told me the woman he loved so much and wanted to marry ran away with another man just a month to their wedding. This has affected him, and his business. We talked into the early hours of the morning, and then slept off. At about 6:30 a.m., he woke me up, paid my fee and promised to see me in the evening. Just before I left his apartment, he said to me, “Onome you are a nice person. I don’t know why and how you got into prostitution but I know deep within me, you don’t like what you are doing.” I hissed and asked him, “Who told you that? I love my job.” I banged the door and left.
Later that evening, Kenneth came to see me at the brothel. I was very surprised. “Kenneth, what are you doing here,” I asked. “But I told you I will be here to see you, so why are you surprised?” he asked. He told me he wanted us to talk about me. I refused and asked him to leave as I had an important customer to attend to.
Kenneth opened up: he wants to be my one and only man. “I want you for myself alone so I want you to stop prostitution. And if you must know, I have never slept with a prostitute in my life. That night we met, as I told you, I only wanted a female company,” he said. “Liar, get out of here. Please, I am busy inside,” I retorted. Before leaving, he promised to keep disturbing me until I give him a listening ear.
About a week later, he came back and took me to his apartment where we had a heart-to-heart talk. He asked me questions and I gave him all the sincere answers he wanted. He was very pleased, however. He asked me if I was ready to leave prostitution and I said yes. “Thank you Onome, I promise to change your life and make you happy,” he pledged. He asked me to move into his apartment with him but I refused.
Although, I still stayed at the brothel, I was determined to stop sleeping with men. I must confess it was not easy for me. Kenneth visits me every day to encourage me. About two months later, he got me a two-bedroom apartment. When I told Cynthia I was moving out of the brothel to start a new life, Cynthia, my best friend told me, “Onome I won’t be surprised if you come back here in six months. Let me tell you, once a prostitute, always a prostitute. How are you sure that man will not disappoint you or you will not meet his friend, family member, business associate or colleague who will not recognise you as a prostitute? Do you know how many men you have slept with or the number of places you have visited just to sleep with a man or men? I am here waiting for you should anything happen.” I was shocked to my bone marrow. “Cynthia I thought you will be happy with me. I am so disappointed,” I said.  “I am not saying, don’t leave but please before you leave make sure you are not owing us a single kobo,” she demanded
Two weeks later, I had to go back to my sewing training courtesy of Kenneth. He made the arrangements and even paid the fees. I was so excited and he was happy for me too. A year later, he surprised me with a shop with all the necessary sewing machines and other items needed to start my own business. The day he handed over the key to the shop to me, all I did was cry. I cried not because I did not appreciate all Kenneth had done for me but because I knew someone deceived and hindered me years ago from achieving my dream. I thanked him profusely for allowing God use him to make me leave prostitution and start living a normal life.
I started my sewing business and thanked God right now I even need a new shop because the place is quite small for me. I have customers from different social class. I have six tailors working for me and work is going on well. When Kenneth felt it was time to introduce me to his family, we made all the arrangements and travelled to his home town. He told me there was this special uncle of his we must see first because he has been like a father to him since his father died. Aside from that he also introduced him into business.
Well, I was extremely happy that I was finally going to meet Kenneth’s family. When we got there, who did I see? Chief Ibe. I was so shocked. At first we pretended not to know each other, however not for long. When Kenneth stepped out, he looked at me sternly, shook his head and told me he will never let his nephew marry a common prostitute. “You this prostitute what are you doing with my nephew?” he asked. I tried to explain that I was a changed person but he told me a prostitute will always be a prostitute.
Chief Ibe surprised me when he told me the only condition for me to marry Kenneth is that I must sleep with him one more time. Right there I told him over my dead body. And he declared, “Then forget about Kenneth. But if you really want him, then, you know what to do.” Just then Kenneth walked in and asked Chief Ibe, “So uncle what do you have to say about my fiancĂ©e?” “I think she is beautiful. But tomorrow afternoon, she has to meet the other members of the family,” he emphasised.
My heart was racing so fast because of Chief’s proposal. “How can Chief ask to sleep with me? I am no longer what he thinks I am.” I murmured. Meanwhile, Kenneth was so excited but I was terrified. I thought Chief Ibe has had a change of mind but I didn’t know the worse was coming.
It was at the family meeting the next day Chief Ibe exposed me just because I refused to go to bed with him as he demanded. “Kenneth, you cannot marry her, she is a prostitute,” Chief said. All eyes were focused on me. There were whispers from every corner of the room while I buried my head in shame just starring at the floor. “How did you know uncle?” Kenneth asked. He lied that he had seen me a couple of times in the company of his business associates in Lagos. “Uncle, that is not true, “Kenneth defended me. “Shout up and sit down, what do you know?” Chief Ibe ordered. An elder in the family then asked me, “Our daughter, please tell us the truth, are you a prostitute or not?” I gently stood up with tears in my eyes and said, “My elders, I used to be a prostitute but I am no longer one.” They all chorused, “Once a prostitute always a prostitute.” I was so ashamed that I ran out of the meeting.
Right now, Kenneth’s family has concluded that he cannot marry me, thanks to Chief Ibe. But should I also tell them that Chief Ibe was my lover? Should I reveal to Kenneth and his family that Chief Ibe exposed me because I refused to sleep with him one more time? Kenneth loves me dearly but he too is so confused right now because of his family’s stand. I don’t want to go back to prostitution even though my business is doing well. However, the truth is that without Kenneth by my side, the probability of going back to prostitution is very high. What do I do?

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