Tuesday, 27 December 2011

My father forced me to marry his friend’s daughter; now he wants me to quit

 “You may kiss the bride,” said the pastor. I just gave Mercy a peck on her lips reluctantly. Those who were in the know knew that the marriage between Mercy and I was all a charade.
I came back from the United States two years ago after my Master’s programme to work in my father’s company as we discussed before I travelled out. On my return, he insisted that I get married to his business partner’s daughter, Mercy.   Mercy too had just returned from the States where she bagged a Master’s degree in Business Administration.

Although, we were both in different relationships, however, we both obeyed our parents to get married. In less than five months, our parents had put everything in place for us to get married. Our wedding took place on December 25, 2009 and it held in her father’s compound. Although a pastor was called to join us in holy matrimony among a few families and close friends, the reception was a lavish one. Mercy and I understood perfectly well that our union was just to strengthen the business relationship between our parents and so we both pretended to be in love and this made our parents really excited.
In the first three months, we lived like the total strangers that we were. Since, we did not understand each other, we kept stepping on each other’s toes. We did not even sleep in the same room much less on the same bed. We hardly talked even though we both noticed that we were gradually getting attracted to each other. We had a house-help who did the house chores and who also acted like a mediator between us.
Just to frustrate her out of the marriage, I invited my girlfriend (Liz, the woman I was supposed to marry) to spend two, three or even a week sometimes in our home but I noticed that Mercy just looked away. She tried to please me in every way she could but I frustrated her every efforts. One night, my intention was to make her angry instead she handled the situation maturely. “Mercy, I want you to prepare dinner for Liz and me. We are hungry and be fast about it,” I ordered. “Joshua, what do you want me to prepare for you people?” she asked calmly. I just looked at her and said fried rice and chicken. Immediately, she entered the kitchen with the house-help and prepared the meal, served and cleared the table.
When I noticed that she was a nice and well brought up woman, I called her one night and we had a long talk and promised each other that we will forget that we were forced into this marriage and make it work. “Mercy, I want to say I am very sorry for all I have done to you. You are a good woman. I have tried in so many ways to make you angry and walk out of this marriage but you did not. How come? I have come to respect and love you. Please forgive me. I know that we can make our marriage work. Let us forget that we were forced into it,” I pleaded. “Joshua, my dear, today is the happiest day of my life. Yes, I know we were not meant to be together but I know God has a reason for bringing us together. I have always prayed for this day to come. I agree with you that we can make our marriage work and be happy together,” she said.
The next day, she sent the house-help away and took control of our home. She is very loving, mature and domesticated and our love grew stronger everyday. Even our parents were so happy that we getting along well and happy. The next time Liz visited as usual, I sent her away and made it clear to her that I was married and I love my wife dearly. Mercy was so happy with my action.
But recently, we both got phone calls from our parents separately that we must walk away from the marriage just because they cannot settle their differences. They claim now that they are sworn enemies. “Joshua, you have to walk out of that marriage because I just discovered that Mercy’s father is a fraud. He is not trustworthy,” my father ordered. He called her father all sorts of names. Her father too called her and called my father horrible names. Their claim is that they brought us together so they equally have every right to separate us. But, I guess they are wrong. As far as I am concerned, my father pushed me into my blessing. Since I made peace with Mercy, everything around me has been great.
We are so much in love and cannot live without each other as it is. They vowed to disown us if we don’t separate. According to my father he asked me to marry Mercy so he is now asking me to back out of the marriage. Do they think we are toys that they could throw about? Mercy and I have decided to obey our marital vows even though we saw it as a forced marriage from the beginning. We are both happy that we got married.
She is my life, my everything. We have decided to stick together no matter the odds. Before I forget, December 25 was our second year wedding anniversary and she is seven months pregnant with our first child. Our parents have concluded that we must separate despite the fact that she is carrying their grandchild.


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