Monday 19 September 2011

My love for Mirabel is driving me crazy Part (2)

This is the concluding part of Austin and Mirabel’s love story which started last week.

A day before Mirabel travelled to England, she visited me at home and we had a long talk. “Mirabel, so what is next for you after your Master’s programme?” I asked. “Well, I hope you would have been through with school and started working by the time I return so that we can get married. I really want to settle down with you,” she told me. I was so elated to hear her say that. “I hope so too. I want to be through with school and make enough money so that I can marry and take care of you”, I told her. We talked about our future plans and many more hoping that we would end up together.
She asked me to take good care of myself and be the good boy that I have always been. I also advised her to focus on her studies and stay away from trouble.

About one month after she travelled, ASUU called off its strike. And before I knew it, I had completed my studies. I went for my one-year compulsory National Youth Service Corps programme in Kano. It was while I was serving that I and Mirabel lost contact. But, I kept dreaming about Mirabel being my wife and hoping that I will hear from her very soon. I never lost hope. I never looked at any other woman all these years because of my intense love for Mirabel.

But about seven months ago, I decided to date Laura because I had the strong feeling that Mirabel must have been married. I and Laura work in the same company and we have been friends for some time now. I took the bold step because she reminds me a lot about Mirabel. Although, she looks like my dear Mirabel, she can never replace her. Because of pressure from my parents, we got married two weeks ago but that does not mean I have forgotten about Mirabel.

We went to Obudu Cattle Ranch for a week honeymoon, we just came back. Laura and I decided to get some provisions for the house in one of the big supermarkets around when I saw Mirabel again. My wife, Laura was in front of me when I saw my dear Mirabel also shopping in the same supermarket. I stood still and was staring at her just to make sure she was the one. When I was sure, I walked up to her and called out her name softly. She turned back and was surprised to see me. We embraced tightly and did not feel like leaving each other. You could see love sparkle in our eyes. Then she said, “Austin. Quite a long time, how is life with you?” I totally forgot about my wife who stood watching the whole drama until she cleared her throat.

I had to reluctantly introduce Laura to Mirabel. “Mirabel, meet my wife Laura. Laura meet Mirabel a good friend of mine”. They exchanged pleasantries and my wife left us to continue with the shopping. We exchanged phone numbers and agreed to meet the next day at an eatery. When we got home, all I could think of was my meeting with Mirabel the next day. My wife knew my expression changed since we left the supermarket. I have never been this happy in a very long time.

The next day, I met with Mirabel. She told me she did not know where or how to contact me when she returned years back and reminded me that age was not on her side. Luckily, she met and married a medical doctor. “I am happily married to a medical doctor and I run an event management company. We are blessed with two lovely children,” she told me. I told her I just got married about two weeks ago after waiting for her for so long. She told me she was happy for me. We ate and drank, then ended up in a hotel room. We continued seeing each other. We spend time together after work at least thrice a week. It was just like those good old days back at the university.
It got to a point I pleaded with her so that we could see everyday but she told me it was impossible.

Meantime, my wife noticed that I had completely lost interest in her and our young marriage. I hardly get home early and at weekends instead of spending time with her, I am either watching television or I go out with “the boys”. She complained bitterly but I never listened to her. All I think about is Mirabel and the quality time we spend together. One Saturday morning, Laura said to me, “Austin since the day you met that your friend at the supermarket you have totally changed. Are you having an affair?” “That is the woman I should have married and not you. I love her so much. If you say I am having an affair, you may be right,” I told her. Laura felt so bad I could see it written all over her.

About eight months later, at our usual meeting place, Mirabel told me she cannot continue with this unholy act. “Austin, I am sorry I cannot continue with this affair. My husband loves me so much and I don’t want to hurt him any further. Being unfaithful to him is haunting me. He is a good man and does not deserve what I am doing to him. Our unholy affair is beginning to affect my marriage. I don’t even spend quality time with my family anymore. I am sorry but we need to put an end to this madness,” she pleaded.
I told her we were destined to be together and so shall it be. She told me, it was over and advised me to love and cherish my wife, build my young marriage and forget about her. I cried and pleaded with her but she told me her mind was made up. I actually thought she was bluffing. I got home looking so depressed. I could not even sleep. Laura was just looking at me but she said nothing to me.

Mirabel does not even pick my calls anymore; she avoids me like a plague. She eventually changed all her phone numbers just to cut off every form of communication with me. The last time I visited her office, the securitymen did not allow me into the premises. I was openly disgraced but it meant nothing to me. I took all the insults for the sake of my love for Mirabel.

When I got home and thinking of the next step to take to make Mirabel come back to me, I saw the note Laura left on our bed. It reads “Baby, I married you because I truly loved you. I only enjoyed my marriage for two weeks. I am tired of being neglected. I have decided to leave so that you can enjoy your love affair with your Mirabel. I will always love you. But, please don’t bother looking for me -Laura.”
I hissed and threw the note into the waste bin. I am not bothered if Laura leaves me. The only person I want and desire is Mirabel. I can’t concentrate on anything anymore and it is beginning to affect my job and everyone around me.

Readers, I need your advice because my love for Mirabel is driving me crazy. Did she charm me or is this a true love? I know that I have hurt my wife so much, but the truth is that I don’t mind to kill Mirabel’s husband if I have to just to have her to myself. What do I do?

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